L.U.S.T. / FSF Policing and Stewarding Meeting Summary Weâd like to say thank you to all the fans that came to our joint Football Supportersâ Federation and Leeds United Supportersâ Trust Stewarding and Policing Event on Saturday at The Magic Sponge. We were really pleased to see so many fans turn up and take part in a successful evening. L.U.S.T. chairman Gary Cooper, who was joined on the panel by Rick Duniec for the FSF; Bryn Stokes, Football Intelligence and Liaison Officer for West Yorkshire Police; and Shaun Harvey, Chief Executive of Leeds United, chaired the meeting. Weâd like to thank them all for coming and taking part in the discussions. Shaun Harvey was the focus of most of the eveningâs comments. The joint survey we conducted with the FSF over the summer confirmed that stewarding is a major issue for a lot of Leeds fans, and as Shaun said at the meeting, this is ultimately his responsibility. A number of fans spoke about problems and experiences involving the âResponse Team,â of uneven standards and attitudes of stewards in different areas of the ground, about instances of heavy-handed treatment, and the difficulties of putting their side across after a dispute. The different treatment Leeds fans get at away grounds as compared to within their own stadium was also raised by several people. Shaun Harvey responded that on a number of points he was bound by ground safety legislation, but that the FSF/L.U.S.T. survey and the views he listened to at the event would be taken forward and used as part of a review of stewarding at Elland Road. He recognised that stewarding is a definite problem for a lot of fans, and that work needed to be done to improve in several areas. We would not expect change to happen overnight, but we hope this event can be the start of a move towards a better experience for fans at Leeds games, and L.U.S.T. will continue to work hard to represent fansâ views on stewarding and policing. We feel that the direct dialogue between fans and the clubâs chief executive at this meeting was a big step forward both in terms of the specific issues raised and the relationship between fans and the club in general. One of the main aims of L.U.S.T.âs Vision Statement is to improve the communication between supporters and the people in charge at Elland Road, so that we can work together to achieve a more ambitious and successful Leeds United, and a positive and more enjoyable atmosphere. We hope that Shaun Harveyâs attendance on Saturday evening is the beginning of a more open and regular dialogue between the supporters and their club. That came through as a LUST email. Excellent. The Trust and the Club actually working togetehr in a contructive manner. This shows there has been a softening from the club's part, there is a maturity on both parts to discuss things openly that impact on both sides, and a recognition that LUST might just offer some value. I really dfon't like Shaun Harvey but....applause to him and the club, and applause to Gary Cooper and LUST for staging such a collaborative communicative meeting.
Chance for Shaun Harvey to strengthen his claim that supporters are there to support by actually allowing it to happen and not have them verbally threatened by stewards and physically assaulted/kidknapped by the Police if they don't comply with the ground regulations which are so vague on standing and singing that no decent man would enforce them. I fully expect the same smug and draconian attitude to persist into next season, not that I'll be wasting my money at Elland Road anyway.
Harvey went against Bates at the FA/FL debate about ownership and football creditor rules. He told a judge he was sometimes embarrased by Bates and some of his comments, in a recent court case. He's now starting to distance himself from Bates openly, even going to Monaco last week to get the T/O deal back on track. Me thinks he knows Bates's days are numbered and wants to carry on with the new owners. Any sane businessman knows you don't carry on ripping off your customer base, selling your best players, calling your customers morons and expect to fill the ground. Harvey, just like Grayson should have opened their mouths before, instead of suck-holing to the old bastard. Would have gained more respect by doing so, and Grayson would have been able to keep the fans on side if he'd told us what he was up against. He lost his job anyway and opening his gob to the YEP after the event was always a risk. Harvey/Bates/Lorimer/Taylor are all ****s
http://www.app.leedsunited.com/news#2885723 Info for Saturday Fans arriving at Elland Road on Saturday will notice the club have re-defined the role played by stewards who operate outside of the stadium. The new role will be fulfiled by stewards wearing high-vis jackets with a brief to assist fans gettinginto the stadium and answering general questions about what they can expectfrom the matchday experience. In addition to the above on Saturday, search stewards will also be utilised at the visiting fans turnstiles. This follows an incident at the Shrewsbury game last weekend when a smoke bomb was let off inside the visiting concourse during the half-time interval causing discomfort to a number of visiting fans. As ever, those fans who haven't yet purchased tickets for Saturday's game but wish to attend are advised to buy in advance. Fans visiting Elland Road for the first time or those who want to know more about what's on offer at Elland Road on a matchday can download our Matchday Information pack here.
Thanks Bucks. Sounds like they may have learnt something from the "gamesmakers" role of the Olympics. It would be a pipe dream to expect that at some point we could actually be treated like adult human beings (and maybe those same adult human beings could respect the wishes of people stuck behind them by - in general - sitting down while watching the match, during those rather dull periods when there is no goalmouth action)
In the West and Family Stands, yes. Rest of the ground should be able to stand and sing. How can you create an atmosphere when sitting down, even if it is during 'dull periods'?
Because, Jerel, if you are 5'5" tall and a bunch of average size ****ers stand the whole time in front of you, you are prevented from seeing the match. And why should someone who just happens to be short in stature (or what if they have a hip problem?) be forced to endure paying more in the West or East Stands, when what they want to do is watch the game in the cheap seats in the Kop. I agree there should be a standing area - like in Germany - but there isn't yet
Why the hell do you care? You're not at Elland Road this season, remember? And frankly, I think I can live without your season ticket money for the time being.
As with moosy humour it is based in truth. If you don't go why do you care? and you have no actual clue about what it means on the ground. For instance last week there were more police inside the ground that I have seen for many a year. The forecourt by the east stand had dozens of coppers stood about generally doing fook all before a meaningless 1st round cup game against the mighty shrews. I guess this is so they are on LUFC propert and WYPD can get a payout from LUFC after Bates's court win. The plods who now have to get wet/cold in winter instead of getting overtime for sitting in the backs of vans on Lowfields Road are not going to be happy.
Chippie - it was a response to something on another thread. No problem that you don't understand it Why do I care? I have already proven my credentials as a long time season ticket holder who has finally decided to make a stand. You? Your only claim is that you went to the Shrewsbury game. Not seen any proof of that, and if true as far as I know, it was your first ever game. Numbers does not equate to attitude. The police attitude at ER since the late 80s has been one of the best. They know what to do and when. Unlike the police in Birmingham and Leicester and other places. But you wouldn't know, you probably never been. And I thought you and the others had a pact not to bother deating with me. Why are you on a thread I started? Why don't you just go and chat with your arse-licking buddies?
You only claim to have been a season ticket holder for many years. As with most things you post, just cos you type it doesn't make it true. I never made any pact with anyone. as for arse licking I would not be suprised if you were partial to a bit of rimming in the toillets in the Valley Gardens.
There's rimming available at toilets in the Valley Gardens? On my way. You there regular? Btw I posted proof of my season tickets. You posted nowt.
Is there an ignore facility on this forum? Simple question, - no need to be a ****ing smart arse Emo.
Can you prove your proof is proof. BTW my first couple of posts here explained my history and affiliation, and no I have not still got the stubs to prove it but it does not make it untrue. Perhaps you could go on saturday. we could meet up in Billys or in the south stand. Me and the Mrs will be in row k, aisle seat just to the right of the goal as you look at it from the pitch.
**** me, you're easily displeased. Or pleased, whichever way you look at it. But as the most hated man in Yorkshire I'm surprised you give a **** about irrelevant me
Because they can get equally cheap seats in the Family Area where people won't want them to stand up and sing if they're not that way inclined. If people are disabled, they can go in the LUDO section or at the front of one of the stands. The Kop is and has for half a century been Elland Road's singing stand. No short-arse whiner will change that, and it's that sort of person who has sadly diluted the passion in that stand over the last couple of decades, doing the stewards' and corporates' job for them by cajoling their fellow fans to sit down and be servile, and thereby killing the buzz of the Gelderd.
The North is for standing, Stewards have a job to do and should be respected (if ignored). Jerel is spot on in saying don't buy a ticket in the North if you want to sit. The only irony is that the North seats have the most leg room...
you can''t go in the family stand if you are not with a child. And someone with arthritic hips is not classed as disabled. You are so uncaring and disrespectful to others - short arse whiner? WTF? I hope you get a bad slipped disc soon, and this affects the time you can stand to about 10 minutes max, and then let's hear you being pro-standing when you are totally unable to watch the game unless you switch to the highly expensive West or East Stand seats. Dick.