Warnock is on record as saying the Rosco might leave us in a player swop deal. it's a kinda odd comment, if you think about it. Wonder if Warnock was referring to this rumour on Twitter ... Liam Embleplum ‏@liamembleton Hear it here first. Straight swap Craig Mackail-Smith for Ross McCormack, done deal. Source: Brighton scout
My theory- NW wont let him leave before signing a replacement. But without a sale there is no money for said replacement. Therefore swap deal is only option...
I know what you're saying, but that's been the case for all of our signings - sell, get money, buy. But only once has this player swop phrase been used. It's most unusual, and only used for Rosco. Most odd, unless you've already got an option on the table, of course!
Well make sure you draw it in the right place then, because most dictionaries accept 'swop' as a commonly-used variant.
I have actually just looked it up and realised that I am wrong. I wasn't aware that 'swop' could also be used in that sense
Haha! I was aware that both mean the same. I intentionally use the 'swop' version as 'swap' is most common in America, and I despise 'US English' (a misnomer if ever there was one!). When I was a kid, it was always 'swop' at school. I only encountered 'swap' in the seventies when I was a computer operator, referring to memory swapping, and that's the only context I used the 'swap' word in. It's a little defiant stand of mine against the US. I particularly despise the 'cool' word. So un-British.
if you swap/or swop Ross for C.M.S. youll need to call the men in white coats in to strap up Warnock and lock him up
Totally agree, a player who's scored 46 in 139 in the Championship, roughly 1 in 3, (many of those appearances on the wing) for one who's scored 19 in 88, under 1 in 4. It would be the last confirmation I need that Warnock's lost the plot, especially if he signs George "overrated" Boyd along with him.
Well oddly, this is the first ever time I have heard of 'swop' as being an actual word. Maybe its more of a northerner thing because I'm sure they don't use it in London or I didn't anyway