A jobcentre whistleblower has revealed targets to stop claiments benefits http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/video/2011/apr/01/jobcentre-whistleblower-target-culture-welfare Whatever your views, right or left, surely this is despicable?
Couldn't be ****ed to watch more than a few seconds worth but it is despicable and I've been there myself many moons ago. We need to deny benefits to foreigners, sterilise those who breed irresponsibly BEFORE THEY BREED, deport trouble makers (extremist muslims, irish) and force layabouts into work then there would be plenty to go round for the honest English people who have fallen on hard times.
Yeah well... that was the kind of considered response I was expecting from this forum TBH. Honest English people? I want names!
They need to reintroduce the drowning cell for these work-shy, idle layabouts. This was used to good effect in 17th century Amsterdam. The loafer would be locked in a room and the sluice gates opened. The room would slowly fill with water. The only way he could save himself from drowning was to work like crazy on a pump positioned in the centre of the room. In this way, the patient was cured of his laziness and became a useful member of society. Vote for me. Sensible policies for a happier Britain.
Are you saying "all English people are not to be trusted"? I believe this is taught in the schools in North Britain?
I was going to read/watch the link, but I saw it was from the Guardian, so I thought better of it. Have the Tories ever sold half of Britain's gold reserve at $275 an ounce?
The railways, telecommunications, water, energy etc. all sold off for a pittance to their rich friends. PS Tell Sid (that there's a fortune to be made ripping of customers!)
I've got a great idea, lets just put all the tax money into subsidising **** industries, so the economy doesn't move at all i.e. Labour
Rebelbhoy, I'm glad to see that you are so concerned about our handling of benefit claimants, not thinking of coming over here to take advantage are you? I gather that your benefits are quite generous. Not sure that that will continue for too long.
Thank **** it isn't, because that is what Labour were doing, but then Maggie comes in and does the right thing, but gets slagged for it. Don't get me wrong all political parties make a **** of things, but none more than Labour. Anyway, any answers about the gold reserves that Gordon Brown sold?