that's the problem Tash its just you are far to thick to see it. A lot quietly left, some came back, some use both forums, one, you, had to make the big dramatic exit, problem is you keep coming back.
Too bad. it's an internet forum, treat it like one and don't take things so seriously you miserable piles of ****e!
Nomination's for best fall down (divers) at the red carpet oscars, half of the titty player's what a f***ing disgrace to to our beloved national game . PROUD OF OUR LAD'S . (What the hell's going on, what is the english fa going to do) eemmmmmmmmmmmmm. I' that's reet now't. ffs..
Tash and co. - Thanks for reminding me why I don't waste my time with this forum anymore Not sure why I wasted time typing this comment now actually, but what's done is done.
Never have, never will, wouldn't lower myself. The only thing that interests me about Newcastle is the exit roads.
Jonnyaiston so you have a few tile's missing on your roof as well. ffs man see a psychiatric (mental illness)
Some of the Geordies that come on here are sound and the banter is good. Unfortunatly you get people like Chavvy tash coming on here that get a thrill out of pi$$ing people off!