10 years it will have taken us to get back into the CL <dive> still, would still bite your hand off for Europa league football. Just european exposure once more would be fantastic
No .. but I do enjoy putting fools in their place when they get bright as you know eh Drogs Nah .. you're cool Drogs
I guess asking an ignorant child for an an apology was a bit too much! please log in to view this image
What a useless pile of stinky **** of a thread. Starts out with a mournful and defeatist resignation . . and ends with HotHead spouting off like Mr T . . . FOOL !
Well after the week we've had nobody is expecting you to feel happy. But if we finish 4th then this week will be a distant memory. The champions league is a seriously hard trophy to win and with one bad game you can be out, as we have experienced, same with the fa cup. We need to be in contention for champions league football next year if we are to attract top quality players in the summer. A top player like gotze isn't going to want to come to us because we won the fa cup, he wants to play on europe's biggest stage, same with most top quality footballers. For me its been one of the worst weeks of the season, the defeat in mid-week hurt more than yesterday's because we were torn to shreds and everyone could see the class difference. And in order to improve our fairly average team we need to bring in a few new faces in the summer we need to think about next season. And after the week we have had we will now be forced to do that.
This whole season is a bit bonkers. We (Newcastle) are up near the CL spots, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool are not performing as well as they usually do in recent seasons, and Spurs is right up there with genuine (albeit slim) title hopes. It's all been a bit mixed up this season. I do hope that some of the players share the demotivation some of you guys have, as every Newcastle fan and player would ****ing love that 4th CL spot and see it as a dream, so if we fight for it harder, then that's all the better.
It takes a fan of another team to point out to Gooners what I've been saying We need to be up for this fight - like it or not, 4th is all we have got left to fight for, having a defeatist attitude about it means you might as well give it up now.
PISKIE you talk more **** than "a little bit" As for your bollox about what it takes to be a real fan, you wouldn't know because you are spineless. You already proved you are not a real fan to real fans like me who ARE Arsenal. And for all of your big talk nobody has advocated not supporting the team, so as usual your arguments are arguments of ignorance and hot air.
the day it takes a failing water bottle kicking frenchmen to tell me to get behind the team is the day wenger should walk for his breathtaking incomptence and lack of humilty towards the hands that feed him. lets get this clear .. we all snipe at each other here in one way or the other .. but lets assume we all support arsenal and have arsenals best interests at heart ... i supported arsenal before wenger came to us, i supported them during his reign, i will support them long long long after hes gone .... i assume from some comments here that some will go and support whoever wenger goes to and some will remain and support the club whoever comes in if a player does not like wenger leaving ... no issues, theres the door, same for the fans really. If he stays .. well we all support arsenal as i said. success has been in cycles in our history, we went donkies years not winning much from 1950 to 1970 .. even not winning the league for 17yrs .. we have all seen good times and bad times. this is more about ignoring the facts, shout down the next man and never accept wenger gets it wrong from time to time, or slag off the wenger defenders (whoo do a better job defending then his back four to be honest) getting behind the team is a natural thing for true supporters to do .. they have done for years, its in their blood ... but some of our mid 80s teams got great support but the players were rubbish and not managed well (i assume the 50's and 60s team did to) ... it made no odds untill better players came in post 87 and a new mgr came in ... then those better players got the same support as the guys before, just they won things as they were simply better. wenger tells us to support these guys and they will win .... no they wont, we will support them (we dont need wenger to tell us) but they simple are not good enough or well managed enough to improve .. they are what they are a good set of players at the core, a mediocre squad at the heart of it all .. oh and poorly managed as well. wenger is turning into the marmite manager (and doing it well with his actions), its not right for me or anyone to belittle him for he has done great things and his place in our history is cemented. But the club is bigger then one man, one supporter and one director, to be able to air a critical view of him or supportive view is called democracy and something we all hold dear to our debating hearts .. to be told by someone that unless you have managed in the champs league you cannot offer a view is tantemount to restricting free speech .. because that free speech is something you dont like to hear does not make it right. the more wenger holds press conferences the more he polarises views lays on more marmite and for me makes himself out to be a joker with no class and no future, its my view and someone is entitled to disagree or agree ... but not one especially wenger can tell me i'm not allowed it or it damages the club .. making squalliaci captain or playing denilson so much has damaged arsenal more then any decenting fan. we all support arsenal here mr wenger .. the fact you "ask us to show it" shows your lack understanding of the real "Arsenal fan"
I think it's very telling that we don't hear anything from some of the 'Real fans' when we are winning.