Yo, As gamers know, there's been a huge fuss over GTA V's recently released trailer, which hints to a return to Los Santos. So as a result, there's this guy on YouTube who's playing San Andreas again in anticipation, here's the 1st episode: [video=youtube;Va4H29JO4p4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va4H29JO4p4&list=UUhAF7zmeg97ZFLZh-h5qGYw&index=14&feature=plcp[/video] Coincidentally, I'm also playing GTA SA at the moment, but this is my first time on it; the 3rd GTA I've ever played after III and Vice City. Didn't like it at first, but slowly warmed to it. Soundtrack is horrible though (apart from K-DST) but then again, I'm not a fan of West Coast hiphop and gangsta rap... Any GTA fans around? When I eventually get my hands on a console, GTA IV will be my first buy, no chance it'll run on my laptop
R*'s "biggest and most ambitious GTA yet" apparently. What is it with those people? Why are their games sooo good?? Give GTA a try, you can drive about you know...
Played Championship Manager on my mobile years ago... does that count? I've played a Madden demo (can't remember which one), enjoyed it... Played NBA Live 2003 for ages (slightly embarrassing) and I've gone through a few FIFAs. 12 is rather good, mainly because they've fixed the manager mode PC bug and Andy Gray isn't on it Makes you wonder, why was 11 so half-arsed???
Manager mode i used to like but im really bored of it since they made it realistic...you cant sign messi for dunfirmline ect.... 2k11 NBA is the best game i have ever played and im still playing it now but the madden games promise so much but are really quite hollow games in my experiance
Haven't tried the 2k series but they do look tempting. RE Manager Mode: at least on 12 players don't turn you down because you "don't have enough experience", really used to frustrate me! I'm afraid my life will just fly by though, currently doing 12 hrs straight on GTA SA, imagine if I got FM... Yes it does Syd. As long as it involves you swearing at the screen and wiping your sweaty palms on your jeans. I never swear, but when I'm gaming my language surprises me at times...
GTA 1 and 2 were the best, running over hare Krishnas, the Bus mission that was like the film Speed, map split into territories, done missions for one as soon as you stepped into another territory, they would shoot at you, as soon as it went from top down to the way it is now it was meh. I am playing Dark Souls (if you like a challenge its for you, if not dont bother), Skyrim, Final fantasy XIII-2 atm. Got Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning and Cannon Fodder 3 (Original on the Amiga was great) to start after those as well. PS: I thought we had an Entertainment thread, why not just post this in there?
I was completely addicted to Skyrim for about a month and a half, I'm managing to wan myself off now, before that I wasn't really a big gamer. Anyone know when Rocksmith is out in the UK? I can't wait for it!
http://kotaku.com/5850738/should-you-buy-rocksmith-no Sounds very niche, I have an Electric Guitar but cant play it for crap, so might be worth it if I ever want to learn, but it doesnt sound like its an actual game per say, its more of a tutorial aid to learn Guitar.
San Andreas was awesome, i'll be delighted to revisit that. I would love them to do another Vice City one as well, that was class. I'm currently replaying GTA4, funnily enough, i'm expecting a lot more graphics wise with the new platform in place.
I was considering buying that, and on your word, I will do so! That's the proper sim one ain't it? 5 v 5, proper seasons etc?
It is real basketball if thats what your asking [video=youtube;gAIhWEmn79M]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAIhWEmn79M[/video]
no its really realistic i whould say you should get nba 2k12 if you can though... i will answer any questions on it if you want but im not sure what else to tell you about the game outher then i love it