Do think Balotelli should of been sent off for the stamp on Parkers face if you compare that incident with Henry of Wolves who got sent off for a stamp yesterday. Then he scores a penalty lol Why always me? Balotelli make me laugh.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt seeing it live but it looked bad on the replay. Howard Webb didn't see it as he was following the ball
The bloke is 'Gutter' and a complete thug. That's the way life is though, he does **** all and walks off a hero. Only three months ago he thought he should be in the running for 'World footballer'.
The giveaway is he bends his leg to push his foot out,whereas when trying to balance there is no need for this.Just try it yourself?
If that's the case, Balotelli would've put his right leg in front of his left leg, not behind. It's called physics. Try not to regurgitate the same bollocks the Talksport mob were about Rooney's stomp on Carvalho's knackers.
What rubbish. Anyone can see that as Modric pushed (fouled) him he suffered a muscle spasm in his right leg. Physics's all about the physiology.
Please, now you're talking complete and utter garbage. Muscle spasm? What are you, Balotelli's remarkably busy defence attorney?
Nope, just playing with you - it's so obvious that I wouldn't dream that anyone with an IQ over 25 would take it seriously lol (people with proven mental issues, schizophrenia etc are exempt from the 25 IQ benchmark)
Hence I brought up the Talksport mob (and wouldn't be surprised to see Johnny Come Lately City fans trying the same line) - seriously, how do Talksport callers know how to operate a phone, let alone a computer?
Talksport set the benchmark for WUMing, as they're really blatant about it, yet rarely get called on it.
Normally I'm a fan of Balotelli but definitely not today! The first time he makes contact (with the back of his leg) is clearly accidental but the second 'stamp' looks far more deliberate - the leg moves down straight and hard, and don't tell me that a top level professional footballer wouldn't be aware of where the opponent was on the floor especially having just made contact with Parker a split second earlier. He'd have put his right leg in front on him if he truly was trying to balance himself anyway, as previous posters have pointed out.
The problem with Webb's utter incompetence is that there is now some defensive midfielder or defender out there going to get a good stamping and quite possibly a serious injury, since Baloteli will believe he is immune. Why are our refs so intent on ruining the game?
From one angle it looked intentional, the other it looked like he was just trying to keep his footing. If you're falling over and can't move your left foot then naturally you're going to put your right foot behind you pretty quick...