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Favourable article from The Telegraph

Discussion in 'Stoke City' started by sgtpotterslonelyheartsclubband, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. steve_scfc

    steve_scfc Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I'm sure many fans would be amazed by how many stoke fans have a reasonable educative background

    Most think our knuckles drag on the ground as we walk.
  2. The Welsh Mourinho

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Management Studies for me.

    Maybe it helps me manage my temper when I see some of Tony Pulis' team selections? <whistle>
  3. nickyb

    nickyb Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    There are 3L's in intellectual!! Do keep up <whistle>

    Gericalo - at least I had a grandfather, rather than a large rock in Seven Sisters Road.

    And no, that is not trying to be witty, just telling you how it is.

    I do not go onto other boards and have a go and it irritates me when people come here and do so. Why on earth should I patronise YOU, it is ridicule, nothing more and nothing less.

    Anyway, it is the season of goodwill to all men, tis just a pity you are not one, so buzz off
  4. yossarian

    yossarian Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Your fellow fan tried to defend you but you're making him look like a liar and yourself like a baby. 3 things, NB:

    1. I posted a link to an article. You started the playground behaviour
    2. I've not had a go at Stoke City just the officials for Sunday's game
    3. If you don't like other people coming on this board and expressing a different opinion to your own then maybe this is the wrong kind of forum for you. We get supporters from lots of different clubs on our board. I don't always agree with what they say but that's their prerogative, as long they're not downright nasty. Some seem to spend more time on our boards than their own. I don't try and chase them away like some demented farmer who has come across some trespassers.
  5. Smithers

    Smithers Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Mate, waht the fuks your problem! Everyone on here as acknowledged that we were fortunate and on another day with different decessions we MAY have lost! The article simply points to the fcat that when we get it right we are not a bad team, unlike Spus who are an excellent team!

    I think the ref was a joke, and we happened to get the rub of the green, but that just makes up for the joke of a ref who cost us big time against QPR a few weeks back - what goes around comes around! As Stoke fans we have struggled as of late and SOME have questioned the way we have been platying. For your information, the game aginst you was a game that reflected the strengths in out team - the passion, willingness to fight for every ball, never give up, high tempo...etc... - and hence I think more of us are esstaic over that than the actual result!

    These traits were something that Spurs did not show on the day, even though they demonstrated and immense amount of skill and flare that made us look ordinary at times, but guess what? We fought hard, made our own luck and got the points, regardless of whether you feklt the ref cost you 3 points, it would be hard for any neutral to argue that we didnt deserve something from the game!
  6. nickyb

    nickyb Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    This is too easy mateypops, yes you gericalo.

    Happy Christmas
  7. yossarian

    yossarian Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I didn't start with the sarcasm and vitriol. I suggest you read the thread from start to finish and you'll then see why I posted what I did. Most of your supporters, yourself included, have been very welcoming on your board and there has been some decent banter. NickyB however has asked for and received what he deserved. No more, no less.
  8. nickyb

    nickyb Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Jose n' Potts,

    Shall we call ourselves The 3 Degrees?????
  9. yossarian

    yossarian Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    When will I see you again?
  10. nickyb

    nickyb Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Nice one gericalo - quits - <peacedove> ?

  11. yossarian

    yossarian Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Nothing would give me greater pleasure. Good luck to your boys and don't be a stranger
  12. Pottermouth 328

    Pottermouth 328 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Sorry mate I was always terrible with spelling.. maybe I need a few English lessons!
    Only just logged on since this morning and seen the other comments..
    NO offence taken by me, I'm too thick skinned, too old and I'm not brilliant on those Karriokkiki nights!

    Just thinking that maybe Jose is a decent singer( The Welsh M ) how about a Tom Jones classic.." Dliillah" or "The green green grass of home"


    How about another hit by the three Degrees " Take good care of yourself" and good luck, I think I will leave it at that.
  13. The Welsh Mourinho

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I'm warming the vocal chords as I type, Potts! <cheers>

    And to gericalo, all the best mate <ok>
  14. John_Pull_Goati_eh

    May 26, 2011
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    You can never legislate for a poor refereeing performance. What it has done is justify your style and tactics. We shouldn&#8217;t have to bemoan the fact that we are not a team of bruisers. A strong ref would have penalised you properly and left you with no points and 10 men. Unfortunately it has left you feeling that you got it right on the day, three points said you did, the rest of the football world think differently.

    That aside, my thoughts on Stoke are that I envisage Pulis in the dressing room laying out his &#8216;anti tactics&#8217;. The encouragement of getting the upper hand behind the refs back at every opportunity. The towelling, the brutish pushing and barging. Do other teams do it? Of course, but you have made it an art and it&#8217;s how you have survived.

  15. Pottermouth 328

    Pottermouth 328 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Originally Posted by Inda

    The problem is human error. increasing the number of humans on the pitch only adds to the chances of error.

    The only solution is a technology one and thats twenty years away
    What we need to do is breed players that call themselves up on fouls, a bit like snooker. Shawcross should have just stopped, pointed to the spot and shown himself a red.

    John Paul
    I've just copied this comment from the Spurs board... the one where Arry mentions TWO REF'S..

    This guy is surly the biggest ****wit on God's earth.
    And YOU ain't far behind pft <doh>

    Cast YOUR mind back to the fixture last season and TELL US... Should Spurs defenders have OWNED UP and told the ref that the F****** BALL had indeed crossed the line.
    WHICH denied STOKE a perfectly GOOD goal and ROBBED us of a POINT. That last minute GOAL that wasn't given??

    Just WHEN you think you have read anything and every excuse in the book, laugh I almost WET myself. Re the comment above yours about Shawcross..
    <laugh><laugh> GET LOST and keep whinging on the Spurs board.. just in case I'm wrong I didn't CHECK whom you support.
  16. John_Pull_Goati_eh

    May 26, 2011
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    1) If i remember rightly the goal was disallowed for a push on the GK by Huth (as usual) and not because it hadn;t crossed the line.

    2) If you've almost wet yourself i would get to the doctors pal cos you have an illness.

    3) You need to 'man up' and be big about the team you support and stop posting silly emoticons that make it look like your funny. You're not!
  17. Pottermouth 328

    Pottermouth 328 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    John Paul
    1. If I rember rightly there was nothing wrong with the goal. It was actually Crouch who cleared the ball, how ironic.. Maybe, just maybe Mr Foy thought he might owe us.. Now that is worth thinking about. IF HE did repay us on Sunday..That,is NOT our fault is it? we DIDN'T ref the game, sadly for SPURS Mr Foy did.
    2. The only illness I have is like the rest of the Stoke fans we're sick too the back teeth of the same old, same old garbbage. Stoke are cloggers and any other sheeite..comments fans can think of. we've heard it all before.
    3. YOU posted the comment above mine so JOG OFF!
    4. My intention was to wind you up.
    4. It worked.
    5. We've played well and beaten Bigger and better teams than spurs BEFORE Sunday. WITHOUT getting ANY help from ref's.. and YES we did(get lucky) on Sunday. NOT ONE Stoke has said we didn't
    6. I nearly WET myslef because the guy(Spurs fan who wrote that comment) must be high on something or plain stupid. It will NEVER happen re Shawcross or any other player. Owning UP to something, that's LIFE GET used to IT!
    7. We've made our peace with the other Spurs fan... see above on this thread.
    8. I'm guessing I'm older than you, and I DO remember that Spurs side of 61 and BEFORE then. So, don't remind us AGAIN.
    9. Take you own advice and GrOW UP, you posted comments that I and no doubt OTHER Stoke fans don't take kindly too. You bite and we're going to bite back.
    10. I'm not your PAL and if you feel the need to post comments about Stoke on OUR board. That are soley intended to WUM Don't expect anything other than see 1. to 9. above. Also, cast your mind back to Mr Jol/Stoke v Spurs.. your keeper took TWO Of his own player's out and we are accused of pushing.. pot/kettle. YOU also had two player's sent off. ONE for a tackle which, almost took Mama Sidibe's LEG OFF.

    And YOU have the nerve to call us cloggers etc pft.

    Feck off or TRY harder
  18. nickyb

    nickyb Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Now now Potts, think about about your BP!!
    Think about the difference twixt you and the spud:

    He's incompetent

    Your incontinent

    Is he Balckcatstumper in disguise??

    This one is an angry chappie isn't he, he will never be a flower in God's little garden!
  19. John_Pull_Goati_eh

    May 26, 2011
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    1) You've got far too much time on your hands

    2) Don't think that the word PAL means mate, being a moderator i would have thought you might have understood the context.

    3) If you think that i posted in order to 'wind up' then you have mistakenly judged me by your standards.

  20. Pottermouth 328

    Pottermouth 328 Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    John Paul
    It's taken you how long to reply.. nothing has changed so here's just
    Two words I'm busy..


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