ill have you know they were washed and ironed anarl this is before washing please log in to view this image
A man is pulled over by the police for drink driving, and the copper asks him to blow into the breathaliser. The man pulls a card out of his wallet which read "This man is an asthmatic - do not allow him to blow into a breathaliser. Signed Dr. Smith" The copper then starts to take him down to the police station for a blood test, but again the man pulls a card out of his wallet which read "This man is a haemopheliac - please do not draw blood from him" By this time the copper was really pissed off, "Right, you funny bastard, I'll take you down the station for a urine sample" he said, but the man pulls another card out of his pocket which read "This man is a Skunk supporter who thinks that the Saudis have just won the World Cup - please do not take the piss out of him"