Your eyes are failing. Look at the pic OLM posted, the backs of the chairs in the west stand(at the bottom of the stripe) are clearly amber, and the right hand side of of the Hull seats in the south are still noticeably lighter than rest of the word, which used to be Amber but looks kinda grey now
I think there is a reasonable point at the core of what you're saying - the seats are effectively all black and white now. But I don't think it's true at all that any seats have been changed for this season. There were only ever a small number of amber ones and they've faded to the point they look almost white from a distance. Maybe the club should do something about those, and maybe there should be more amber seats than the few there originally were. I would agree with that.
This is reminiscent of the time i played pool in the Hull league, and some guy in an away pub (can't remember which) was insistent that his council tax was going towards subsidising City to play at the stadium, whilst Hull FC had to pay.
Gelhardt Puerta Kamara Honourables for most of them. Palmer made a big difference. Crooks and Alzate did not have their best games. Hughes had the odd brain fart again but overall did OK.
Its not the backs of the seats that are important, how many grounds do you know have the clubs colours on the backs of the seats? The facts are 24,500 seats are black and white, set out in Fc colours, not randomly either, they are in sequence. If the stadium had 24,500 black and amber seats set out in sequence there would be an uproar from the RL lot, maybe you thinks its unimportant, fair enough, I think it is because if the boot was on the other foot something would be done to even it up. Anyhow MOTM thread. 1.Geldharte 2.Coyle 3.Hughes ( and I've already posted this)
Sorry, are you somehow suggesting that the front of the seats have been painted white in some kind of Rugby league conspiracy? You know the front of the seats point towards the pitch? Well, above the pitch there's a huge hole where the sun shines through and bleaches plastic to make it lighter coloured.
Of course its not a RL conspiracy but it is a deliberate move to make the stadium more RL/Fc friendly and it you were there last night early doors you would have seen exactly what I mean. It looks as though we are borrowing another clubs stadium for the night. Also how do the seats in West Upper which gets no sun manage to fade then? Also doesn't the sun fade black seats? Not that any of that changes the facts which are all 24,500 seats are now black and white and set out in sequence. Sure I've said that previously?
I have no idea what you mean when you say they're set out in sequence, but aside from that... Yes, the black seats will have also faded, but it will be less noticeable due to how dark black is. Ideally, it'd be nice to have more amber in the stadium, but ideally every seat would have a backside on it every game, so we couldn't be able to see what colour they are.
We are black and amber, I'm fine with black seats, I don't see a clash with the egg chasers over the colour of the seating, not so happy with seeing their pitch markings etc but the seats are fine, I'd like safe standing and a bit more capacity but that's another issue, the black seats can stay.
Five points for first choice, three for second, one for third. Geldhart 202 Puerta 126 Hughes 33 Kamara 19 Coyle 16 McLoughin 9 Palmer 6 Jones 1 Not a good performance but a vital three points. Geldhart and Puerta look class and several others are starting to look the business at times too. If we can keep the bulk of this squad together and add in the returning injured / banned players then next season should see us really progress. If we can avoid the drop that is...