Very happy with 10 today. Should have been 11 but didn't read the American Football question properly.
I've a G&T in hand with food cooking, so going to leave this until tomorrow Subconscious plan is, if this one goes tits up tomorrow, I've only one day to wait for the 50% quiz
7 Phew, a slow start (question 2 and 3 correct out of the first 6) recovered slightly with a few I knew.
Just watching a history Fleetwood Mac, tremendous Felt sorry for Peter Green, sad story about the evil of lsd 14, not a good score, fell over on the beers Enjoy
21. Should have been 22 but pressed the wrong option on one of the beers. I knew it, just pressed the wrong one. I've got a new method on going this, and it seems to have helped. I try and answer the question before I scroll to the answers, then if that answer is there, I pick that one. Cheers @Blond Bombshell, always enjoyable.
20/25 messed up on one but couple of guesses on others so overall I'm a happy chappy. Kicking myself on the song lyrics Cheers @Blond Bombshell
I got 14 of 25 right Poor. Can't believe that beer let me down so much. Never mind, its Sat night so off down to Tesco to get some homework to do Cheers Blond
5/7 Getting ready for blast-off 7: Shining star 4-6: Getting ready for blast-off 0-3: What planet are you on? Must admit, most were educated guesses
23!! My new PB. Must say 2 very lucky guesses on the lyrics. And 2 I had to sing in my head for a few mins.