Rueters breaking news that Zekensky offering to sign mineral deal and reiterate his commitment to peace and willing to work under Trump strong leadership
We currently finance a huge number of young immigrants. This is a huge unused asset. Utilise the 5000 plus leisure centres to host six months of basic training, supervised by retired military personnel. At, say 100 immigrants per leisure centre that is 500000 available at the end of six months. Dispatch them to Ukraine for peacekeeping duties. Replicate this for a couple of years, extend the idea to other European countries with large immigrant populations. Problem solved.
Good idea , but it’ll take about 2 minutes for the lawyers and charities to stop it - human rights , forced labour , putting these vulnerable people into danger and all manner of made up reasons
When Trump gets into it with China where is he going to run to for support. Can’t be the UK as we are just another country. I wonder who Russia will side with? There leading him down the garden path. Madness….
Trump is now telling the UK that we can not share any intelligence information with Ukraine, if they have been involved in gathering the intelligence. So does that mean if we know of a military build up or we have intel on an imminent attack on civilians we will not warn Ukraine? If so are we not complicit in the deaths which occur because we withheld the intelligence?
We have Xi, Putin, the lad from North Korea and now Trump. Don’t know who is the maddest of them. Divide and conquer yet Trump has done this with his allies..
The time honoured solution has always been 'the follow up squad' dealing with reluctant participants. Terrible things happen in the fog of war. Terrible but necessary.
Macron TV address saying must support Ukraine and the path to peace cannot be dictated by Russia. We need support for Ukraine and Europe force to guarantee the peace. We must be ready incase peace it is not supported by US
Easy solution. Abolish Legal Aid { which will speed up the legal system ] and coscript all the Lawyers, put them on the front line. Follow up with withdrawing from the European Court of Human Rights, reintroduce the death penalty. Stop spending vast sums of money keeping dangerous criminals in prison, execute them. As the prisons begin to free up space stop releasing prisoners early, keep them in jail for their full term. Save money by getting rid of the Probationery System.
You forgot to mention making outsiders wear stars on their clothes to identify them, banning any music that isn't British and executing intellectuals such as yourself.
Think you missed out sending the prisoners to the front line. Maybe the anti social teenagers, tax men and parking wardens as well. Oh, what about the unemployed .