I did a reverse image search, and I've never heard of either player. I'm surprised that there isn't more coverage of them having what must be the first female physios though. For anyone else that wants to cheat. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnUV32DWQAAzmMi?format=jpg&name=900x900
I had heard of the spurs player but not the Man U one Edit Googled him and quite sad he died quite young
As Mr Creosote didn't say when asked if he'd like a wafer thin mint, 'put one in front of me and I might'. The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
Oh bugger. In that case the bloke in the crowd about six rows down and four above the head of the Spurs player is Freddie Garrity from 'Freddie and the Dreamers'.
We generally don’t bother with the jokes too much, whatever their topic, only when people think it gives them an excuse to start discussing politics/religion, do we have to act.
I didn't say I was going to or wanted to. Just that you seem to have left yourself wide open to it being tested. And fwiw, I don't believe you .... pal.