Am I wrong into thinking that if another European war starts then the European countries of NATO could effectively handle a now depleted military of Russia. Not that I want another war I just think that looking at what they have does not match what European NATO countries have.
Depends who gets behind Russia. Europe alone should wipe the floor with Russia providing there's no nukes involved.
Reminded me of my old bosses who wanted to have a go at an employee. Pre plan to sit apart so victim can’t have both in eyeline, one has a go, when victim is answering , the other jumps in and talks over , adds another element , victim ends up half way between two answers , has to try to look both ways , and so it goes on . Really threw them when I would move my chair to end of table and ignore interruptions until I finished my say. ( it was usually ( ironically) “ trumped” up accusations anyway)
Trump and as such the US can't be trusted. All European countries should demand they abandon their bases within European boundaries
We could partner up with Europe, could call it something like a customs union, nope they want total control just like the utter clown Trump
I hope Jeremy Hunt is right about this. Former Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt told the BBC there remains a "sliver of hope". "Trump wants a sustainable peace in Ukraine because he sees this as a very big part in his legacy and he wants that to last for many years, "He doesn't want to withdraw from Ukraine and abandon it to the Russians in the way that the United States abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban, he knows that would be very bad for his reputation, for America's reputation, so in the end he needs a ceasefire that both Zelensky and Putin are part of."
He's certainly not going the right way about it. antagonising Zelensky and calling him a dictator when it's his pal Putin that is the clear dictator in this war and Trumps's coming up closely on Putin's heels with his antics! He's definitely making things worse than better atm and if it's his plan to do this and force Zelensky into accepting less than what is reasonable then I think he's got his tactics all wrong. Trump is the man who could (help) push us closer to some form of WWIII than anyone and also the US to civil war!
Well for any of that to happen, Trump needs to stop acting like a ****ing child and reign in that planet sized ego of his. He believes the US are single handedly the reason Ukraine hasn't lost control to Russia, totally ignoring the fact that the EU has given more in aid than they have and repeatedly lying about the figures by at least 3 times as much. These are the figures upto December according to the Kiel Institute in Germany.
Was watching a video the other day saying the US had contributed slightly more than the EU nations, was around €115bn compared to €107bn. Don’t really think the numbers are that relevant because different countries have contributed in different ways ie Military aid, humanitarian etc but the US have contributed a lot that’s undeniable, and the most of a single country by far but against their GDP it’s relatively “low” compared to the likes of the UK and Denmark. I’m not sure what people want anymore to be honest because it seems to me everyone’s whinging about how worried they are about WW3 but they want to continue sending billions of our countries GDP to Ukraine to keep sending missiles into Russia. What’s the end goal?
Just catching up on the shenanigans of yesterday. Folk saying it was a setup. I doubt Vance has the brains to be honest. He seems an idiot who asks idiot questions. Trump, the opportunist, saw the angle and went in hard. What surprised me is Rubio didnt steer it away. He has now come out claiming Zelensky behaved badly before the cameras were rolling. I hope this geta sorted now behind closed doors. Rubio needs to work out of the limelight with Ukranian counterparts to bring back a sense of reality. Trump doesnt live in an intelligent reality, I just hope some of those around him do. Remember Zelensky isnt a career diplomat or politician. He didnt have the training to deal with what went on yesterday. He needs some of his heavyweight politicians in the room with him. He has given a good message this morning, but even in their are digs at the current US govt which might well gee up Trump. What a mess. I am going to get grief for this. But this is a time Boris might well have been the leader we needed. He was a terrible politician in many ways, but I would bet my house he would have had Trump and Zelensky back round a table quickly. He was the sort Trump would have taken the advice from imo. Hoping Keir is the same, but you have to wonder. We seem to not need politicians as world leaders anymore, but those who can bounce egos around. Worrying times.
Total setup. Planted questions in so called press pool too. A world where Putin doesn't have USA to keep him in check is troubling to say the least. Moldova, Poland and Lithuania next if Ukraine falls?