Soz honey, I keep forgetting you are not the ****wit you make yourself out to be with every post on here speccy four-eyes My bad. LMAO, LOLZY etc....................etc................
I'm fairly familiar with The Cotswolds and they do indeed spread over county boundaries ... but not as far as Devon
It was probably socioeconomic reasons . The 2 swarthy gentlemen were probably so disgusted with how white & safe the area was they had no choice but to throw drain cleaner in someone's face. They even knocked on the door of an old racist saying they broke down & needed to charge their phones. So the evil old Nazi made them a cup of tea whilst they waited to charge their phones before giving them a lift to the train station. High trust society = white supremacy
Is that violent **** of a Government MP caught thumping **** out of a general member of the public in broad daylight still drawing his monthly wage from behind bars in a not so overcrowded prison as they're releasing violent criminals and *****philes early? The message - If you don't vote Lefty Loony we'll kick your **** in.
Shut up woman & cover your face or Mindy will have no choice other than to beat & rape you . Jihad kink
At the first meeting of the Trump 2.0 Cabinet in the White House, the religious nutter prayed for the Father to give the President and the Vice President wisdom. No chance with that one. He does not exist. The President wants a real estate development in Gaza and I cannot see Hamas queuing up to get involved in a casino or a hotel that will end up going bust and losing money like Atlantic City. He will appoint Daniel Libeskind as the architect of Mar-a-Gaza.