SCORE PREDICTION LEAGUE: Correct prediction 3 points Correct result: (Win/Loss/Draw): 1 point (if score predicted is wrong) First City scorer: 2 points (if your player scores after the first goal, 1 point) Correct prediction of no City scorer: 1 point 1 (J)OKER AVAILABLE EVERY GAME to double the points for either the score/result or the first City scorer - your choice. Deadline: Changes can be made any time up to kick-off. CURRENT CHAMPION: Resurgam Prediction Results: Five top scorers this time as Resurgam, JediCanary, NorthCityCanary, Farked19 and myself scored 5 points for the correct result and Sargent as a scorer with the joker on that. Four others were close behind with 4 points for the same but with the joker on the result. That leaves the table like this: Prediction League Table: (Total Points - Points this match) Resurgam 92 (5) TopScorer JediCanary 90 (5) TopScorer NorthCityCanary 89 (5) Top Scorer RiverEndRick 80 (5) Top Scorer mike555 72 (2) chinacanary 70 (4) Essex Yellow 66 (1) Golden Eadie 66 (4) s-l-h_canary 65 (0) Canary Spring 65 (4) tricky1664 63 (2) Bure budgie 63 (2) Farked19 61 (5) TopScorer oc Terry 56 (4) CanaryChris 55 (2) ncgandy 53 (2) HairyMaryQuiteCanary 52 (0) zogean_King 49 (1)
Congratulations to Resurgam, JediCanary, NorthCityCanary, Farked19 and myself for the top prediction this time.
I think you have given me a point too many Rick. I let you know if you give me too few so it is only right I do so for the reverse.