Hmmmm! I'm not sure that a Top 10 is possible, but...there's some BIG gaps. Wednesday Week - has to be there. When Saturday Comes - just can't be left out. It's Going To Happen - Genius. Girls Don't Like It - Brilliant That's just off the top of my thinning bonce...and without consulting Mrs B, who is a an Undertones afficionado.
It was great seeing GG's 10cc in Cork last year, but it would have been even better to have caught this one. And on the subject of GG, there's a brilliant interview with him on the 'Rockonteurs' podcast. Amazing history and a true legend of popular music!
Jump Boys is a must for me I would struggle to get it down to 10, You've got my number, Emergency Cases, Julie Ocean, The Love Parade, Family Entertainment, add these to Brians for an alternative 10 !
They switch up their live set on a regular basis with no loss of quality. Always great live. If you haven't seen them for a while, I strongly recommend that you do. High up on Mrs B's bucket list is seeing them in Derry. We're seeing them at least 3 times this year already and there will possibly a couple more.
I remember searching all over for a pair of the same square sun glasses that Rick wore , found a pair in a junk shop and wore them to a Jam gig for the first time and they got nicked off my head by the 3rd number
Iggy Pop just played Chinese Rocks on his 6 music show , this took me back to the night of summer 77 when Jonny Thunder and the Heartbreakers played at St Albans Civic Hall , the town was shut down ,pubs closed or those that weren't had security, shops boarded up and there were more police outside the gig than punters going in My only memory of the gig was jonny thunder pulling a knife on this punk who thought it was a good idea to spit at the band After the gig we had to first run the gauntlet of some pretty worked up cops with riot gear and dogs and then the local knuckle draggers looking for trouble Ahh the good old days
Happy days, indeed. The UK changed when Punk turned up. It changed things. My father was incensed by my lifestyle, attitudes and dress sense, but looking back, were we really that different? However, Thunders was from a different planet to pretty much anyone from the UK. Members of other bands on the 'Anarchy Tour' talk about him as if he was a visitor to earth, like Joe Brown talks about Gene Vincent. The Pistols and Clash could just about roll a joint, while Thunders was shooting up for breakfast. Unfortunately, a couple of years later, heroin was killing half of The Pretenders, Malcolm Owen and others. Don't take drugs, kids! They're gonna **** you up!
Wasn't just the punks...'77 Lynyrd Skynyrd gigs at the Rainbow, they had heroin and a crate of JD on their back stage nightly order! Mind you, it was a very different demise. Don't take planes, kids!
In the UK, most bands were 'pussies' by comparison to the US. I can't remember which band it was, but I'm going with The Clash, who went out on a night in NY with some of the Ramones and couldn't believe what they got up to. Joey carrying out a conversation with them and others, without turning a hair, whilst receiving a blow job in a night club (Studio 54?)was just one of many eye openers.
Al few years back i decided to find out who was the female voice on the record. I assumed it would be a well known session singer who had appeared on many singles. Turns out it was the secretary of the recording studios (Strawberry Studios Stockport).