Clearly you were in the remedial English class at some sink estate school where you managed to come up with a post that did not feature any easily understood English argument. You posted: “Hull City is the only club in the football league to have no bits to colour in in their name, either in upper or lower case.” The word “in” twice; not “colouring in”. Easy to think the word “in” appearing twice was some dumb tw*t on their mobile phone and the phrase “no bits of colour in their name” in understandable. No wonder the country is going to pot with cretins like you at large. I guess you mean that their name does not contain any of the letters ‘abdegopqABDOPQR’ that contain loops you can fill in with colour like a five year old might do. That is a pretty sad reason to post on a political thread. Could you not find the Tigers’ part of the football forum to lighten up their relegation battle discussions?
So you did not bother to read me pointing out that you are a totally deluded Leftie moron. Fine – you proved the point. Is something as short as a text message okay for your single brain cell? You have reverted back to your remedial c-word and f-word commenting as expected. You need to start learning your Arabic swear words for when Jockshire is flooded with refugees from Gaza invited over by Humza Yousaf. I note you got likes from the similarly brain dead.
Oh dear. Someone is upset. Poor lamb. You ****ed up and that's okay. Let it roll over you. Yes, I did attend a council estate school. There's no shame in that, is there? And I'll always be far wealthier than you. Hurrah!
Humza Yousaf is a busted flush you imbecile. You keep harping on about Jockshire and Islam when we don't have half the problems England does. Stop worrying about Scotland, we're doing ok. We will be even better when we become the Socialist Republic of Scotland and bin you lot. You on the other hand will be fùcked. Tbh, cùnts like you deserve it.
I'm guessing the media just didn't show the relevant communities in Telford, Rochdale, Rotherham etc sending the same message? Oh, hang on, Channel $ dropped their documentary on it years ago for fears of the community backlash.