Think we all need to realise, that this is probably the poorest, weakest team we have had for a very very long time. I’ve been watching Southampton for 45 years, and in all honesty I cannot recall a worse team in that time. This lot are full of weak minded Diva’s who want out as soon as things don’t go there way, who have thrown their toys out of their prams, and do not want to fight for this club and the fans. The club probably has the biggest decisions / rebuild of the team, for a long long time. And Juric being the manager to take this forward will be the first decision the new sporting director and team will have to decide on, and probably need to know what they plan on doing before this season ends. All this will lead to being promoted next year, being a very difficult task, but Sheffield Utd have had to do a similar re build this season. I really don’t care if every single player leaves this summer with possibly a few exceptions like Fernandez, Wellington etc. One thing is for sure though, and that it’s always entertaining being a Saints fan.
Saviour? God no, he needed to be sacked long before he was. But the fact is, he did at least win games like this. Aside from the silly passing mistakes at the back, Juric hasn't improved us at all.
But playing a back 5 against a championship side… playing full backs at centre back and leaving actual centre backs on the bench…no striker on the pitch I agree that this is very odd, but the manager obviously thinks that this is the least worse option. Saints are a basket case of a club, but then we are a basket case of supporters for supporting this team. Nothing new there.
Our entire future completely depends on how much SR are willing to spend in the summer. I've got a nagging feeling that the cupboard is bare....
Not really. There's the core of a team that could take us up. Our future depends on what they spend the summer after that.
The new DOF must have been in discussions re spending during his recruitment. Not likely to have accepted the job with empty coffers.
Agree with almost everything stated here apart from Aribo. Maybe it's just me but I can't see what he brings to the table? It's all very tidy and neat but mostly backwards and sideways. There's no plundering marauding runs into attacking areas, there's no fizzing passes just a bit of splutter here, a short pass back there and the only time he looked to take on a defender he lost the ball that led to their goal. Maybe it wasn't just him, yesterday our whole midfield was ineffectual and looked like they'd just met one another in the carpark ten minutes beforehand! Really thought Juric was going to be a decent appointment but unfortunately he's not much of an improvement tactically on RM. What boiled my piss yesterday was that with about 2 minutes left on the clock we were still fart arsing around with ball at the back playing neat little triangle going nowhere, all very reminiscent of play under RM. Anyway let's just concentrate on not being the worst Premiership side ever and have a massive clear out / reset in the summer where the vast majority of the team disappear to pastures new and we start afresh without the hangover of this season.
No doubt if they panicked, spent £40m and we still went down people would have (rightly) said they didn't learn from their mistakes with Sulemana and Onuachu.
The problem with a mass clear out in the summer is who is going to buy most of this ****? Will definitely get money for Ramsdale, Dibling. Tall Paul and Sulemana will go, but for a lot less than we paid. KWP end of contract, and Aribo allegedly off in the summer. I think Bednarek will be allowed to leave and we obviously need to get rid of Downes. Archer will also have suitors with the likes of Leeds etc. ABK again will probably get his move this time, and I don’t think Armstrong wants to stick around. That’s around £100 - £120 million. I think THB will push for a move also, and who knows what Charles thinks of all this at the moment? Lots of gaps to fill, but we should be in a stronger financial position than last time relegated?
Too be honest with you when we had that long unbeaten run last season and we had a positive Lincoln it wasn't right in fact it was bloody horrible.
Me neither Just my imagination.
I think one of the biggest challenges Juric has faced is that he inherited what seemed to be a group of players that were working in what seemed like a holiday camp. Martin, imo, was far too close to the players and seemed to want to be a friend first and a manager second, which is probably why one or two of the squad may not be too receptive to a new manager telling them a few home truths. If Downes is behaving in an unprofessional manner simply because Martin has gone and because we might have blocked him from moving to Ipswich, then I hope the club ****s him off in a way that causes his career as much harm as possible. I know it won’t happen, because money talks, but just once I would like a very wealthy, billionaire club owner sit down with such a player and tell him “ You have X number of years left on your contract and you will spend every single day of those years training with the U21s”.