The Abrahamic religions were all mechanisms of state control. Christianity is an amalgamation of paganism & Judaism, Islam takes a bit of the paganism out, but keeps heaven and hell which are the Roman and Greek pagan beliefs of Elysium and Hades. After reading the rules I'm very doubtful anyone gets to heaven, maybe the Dalai Lama. The overall idea of God probably comes from Akhanaten.
God doesn’t give us everything we want so he can’t be true people applying the same logic they have probably applied to their parents when they were dumb teenagers only to realise as they grow older that they were probably just being cared for “My parents don’t let me do what my emotions want me to do, they stop me from blah blah blah, I hate them, they don’t love me, it’s a shame I can see you or I would denounce your existence”
I think people who just have faith and don't overthink what is impossible to even imagine are just happier and more relaxed.
On an earlier post I mentioned 'creation myths' that exist all around the world that have existed for thousands of years before Christianity and Islam - none of them feature an old man on a fluffy cloud, to my knowledge... Native North Americans often refer to this creator as the 'great mystery' or 'spirit' - sex isn't defined - religions that do define God as male tend to have a whole male dominated hierarchy as 'intermediaries' with a job for life - surprise, surprise... The plains tribes believed that the great spirit gave them the buffalo ... the scousers, the benefits cheque ... is one more valid than the other? - both underpin a whole existence ... Oh come on - I was never going to keep it completely serious
I was using Fry more as an example ... as I said, I'm open minded on 'how we came to be' ... but if there is a God, I will have a lot of questions - and will likely get banned even more than brb has done it
I want to point out Stephen Fry is heavily biased on this subject, being a homosexual man he has always had a chip on his shoulder regarding religion. So, he looks at the worst the world has to offer and uses it as evidence of no God. But the matter is one of faith. I am agnostic but I don't think Fry is a good source at all when it comes to discussion of religion.
If you want to create a god thread, by all means do, then I will close the one I created, it's not a problem bro. Plus you'll create more debate than me.
I don't think like that personally - don't think I'm owed anything - but that's also about parenting and family - 'you get nowt for nowt in this life' was one of my Grandmother's sayings.