I asked my Mrs if I'm the only one she has been with? She said "Yes. All the others have been nines or tens".
I think there is a special place in Dante’s circles of hell reserved for people who drop dog poo bags in the street for the fairies to remove
Never mind the dogs. it is the cat owners I am gunning for. I have a gravel path and every night a neighbours cat ****s in the gravel so that when I got to the bins or collect the paper etc I get cat **** on my slippers. When I catch the little bastard he's going to have a few ****ing bruises and there will be an interesting altercation with the awful creatures owner. (cat lovers need not worry given my dodgy legs if I were to attempt to kick a cat I would end up on my arse so rest assured no violence will be inflicted on a cat or any other animal by me) please log in to view this image
Dog **** forms a regular part of my urbanisation’s Facebook pages because there are some dog owners who don’t even clean up behind their dogs. I don’t get involved, although I did christen a couple of roads, that haven’t yet been built on, dog **** alley. Being on the outskirts of the Urb only the serious walkers, trying to keep our steps up, and lazy, bad dog owners use the roads. Might take a dump there myself, one day. That would get them wondering about the size of dog that left it. On a lighter note, I saw a guy out walking his cat, on a lead today.
Get your own cat. Mine kept every other cat away and used to pop out to **** on the gravel path of an annoying old boy a few doors down
I love that TIOON7 has ‘liked’ this. I’ve seen the size of his dogs, and they’d be unlikely to scare a newborn kitten!