This 'righty' actually agrees. it isn't a tax on any thing essential. All it means is that if it is more expensive, you don't go and maybe stay in the UK to holiday. If it was on food, heating, clothes etc then I would be annoyed.
Bertrand Russell had all the advantages his privileged upbringing (and yes, his considerable talents) could afford him. The Liberal governments of 1906-1914, and the Labour government of 1945-1951, put some of the opportunities Russell took for granted, within the reach of ordinary people for the first time in history. The Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all those positive reforms, both Liberal and Labour. Don't ever let anybody tell you that all political parties are the same; that's how the enemies of democracy defend their hereditary privilege.
Yes of course Let’s tax everyone even more. Especially when they ran on a campaign of making life cheaper for working people. You guys on here are so gullible. These people are stealing from you and spending it on utter **** and you just smile, clap and say “please steal more”
Have to appreciate the ability of that account to troll both sides of the political spectrum when you read through the comments. Lots of Reformies acting as if the posts are fact. Also lots of people from the left disparaging the account as if it is genuine and not satire.
Since you consider all taxation to be theft, can you tell us which public services you would allow to deteriorate further, in order to support lower taxes?
If you think that you're going to get an answer that in anyway addresses your question you're pissing in the wind.
He’d probably let the NHS be privatised rather than pay a penny or two more to reform and save it for our children and grandchildren. I took a look at the average annual cost of private healthcare in the USA, a couple of days ago, and it was the equivalent of £7000 for a single person or £20,000 for a family. PER YEAR. I don’t know what level of care that gets you, how much contribution the user would need to make towards the treatment or how likely the insurance company is to duck responsibility and renege on support because of a perceived breach of T&C, but I would think that millions of people in the UK would find themselves without any healthcare, just as they are without dentistry, if the Tories get back into power to finish what they started. Farage has already stated that he wants a US type health system here, so people who support him should know what they are backing. Unless they are too gullible to know that.
Try having a life-long condition like Type 1 Diabetes in the USA. Anyone who wants to have anything other than an NHS funded by public taxation is a fool, a simpleton, a moron, and a complete and utter ****.
This is why I get so frustrated with having Tory voters for siblings. My oldest brother has been Type 1 diabetic for about 40 years. He once had a diabetic episode on a visit to the states, that caused him to have a seizure that damaged his spine, leading to several weeks in hospital and being airlifted home. Despite seeing how much his holiday insurance had to pay for his treatment and having to battle for them to fully cover the costs, he still supports the only major political party that wants to destroy the NHS. I very much doubt he has ever considered the cost of insulin in the USA or the people who die because they can’t afford it. Likewise my oldest sister. Four major heart operations, now has a pacemaker fitted but staunch Tory. I often wonder if her children and grandchildren would even get healthcare insurance based on her health history. Similarly I worry if my sons would get healthcare insurance based on my wife and both her parents having died from cancer.
Hard to imagine most public services being any worse than they already are. The issue is extremely nuanced and I have already said that I think some tax is unavoidable if we want to live in a decent country. However the pendulum has swung WAY too far now. Our money is being stolen and pissed away. Given away to non-taxpayers at an INSANE rate. We could easily lower taxes and increase the output of public services, just by running them more efficiently. Things are really that bad. The fact people are happy to accept this is a testament to how strong the media still is. Bread and circuses worked for the Romans and it still works now on most of the country.
My mother in law, 93 years old, with macular degenaration rendering her blind has lived alone in her own home for several years despite complicated disabiities. 2 days ago her health declined rapidly. After several requests primary care responded, took blood and Ieft. She was/is very ill with all the complications and basic care needs her age and symptoms demand. At 3am, this morning a contracted out primary care service rang us to say her blood tests suggested Sepsis was a likely outcome unless she was treated asap. An ambluance collected her at 5.30am. Blood was taken and tests proved she was indeed very ill but not as ill as yesterday, suggesting the cocktail of drugs she had been prescribed were working. Fingers crossed her health will improve.... My point being that despite all the **** thrown at and asborbed by the nhs, we still provide a service to the most needy.. Many thanks to all those who provide life saving services.
Two hip replacements, performed after Dr visit. Cost me $2000 per hip. Playing golf 6 weeks after surgery.
You are fortunate to have a good job that pays into a good health insurance plan. The average cost of a single hip replacement in the US is $22k.