Morning all 2 birdies in the Whitty household today well Mrs W is away but has sent her result. Obviously feeling a lot better now. Me OOOGO GGOGO GGGGG MRS W OGYOG GGOGG GGGGG
The end of 1 week of using my system to proviide all the possible answers after each guess Not going too well. My first guess has left me with 84 possible answers. So here goes with guess 2 ****. I still have 8 greys and just the 1 yellow and 19 possible answers. Oh dear. Guess 3 goes in ................. and it's a GOAAAAAAAAAAL. Phew, that was lucky. Could have been in trouble there New word next week
A decent birdie today. Had at least three options after two goes but thankfully went for the right one.
One juicy, converted, one of each before a cool finish for a par to end my week . . . . disappointing, looking at a few birdies above
Birdie on a very wet day in Cumbria. 2 juiceys, 1 of each, lots of head scratching got me home with a birdie putt.
Morning all 2 pars this fine morning in the whitty household. Me OOOYG GOOYG GOGYG GGGGG MRS W OYYOO GGOYG GGOOY GGGGG
A disappointing 5. Couldn’t see it at all. Complete contrast to yesterday. OOYOO OOOYG OOOOG OGOGG GGGGG