2 birdies in the Whitty household today. Mrs W feeling a lot better and more like herself. Anyway I digress Me YOYOO GOOYY GGGGG MRS W OYYOY GGGOO GGGGG
A decent eagle from Spain two juicies and a hughie worked out the middle three letters (and by default the last one).Two choices and in it went
Day 6 and it isn't going too well. The first word left me with 69 options. After guess 2 I was left with 6 and it took another stab to get down to just the one left. No matter how useless I am I couldn't fail on guess 4. Now on 19 so under 20 is out the window
First Eagle of the week on a wet day in Cumbria. 2 juiceys, took a while to secure my eagle putt but happy to see it drop into the cup.
Two in a row for me . . . . Les Dawson, one of each before inspiration for another pretty one (or two)