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Off Topic Politics Thread

Discussion in 'Southampton' started by ChilcoSaint, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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    Yeah I get that, it was a hypothetical scenario mentioned by somebody. I was just saying if that scenario were to happen I'd expect there to be at least one person on the bus to be confident enough to call them out on it.

    And yeah I'd be wary about getting between kids scrapping these days tbh with the amount of them who carry blades. Probably couldn't stand by in good conscience if somebody was being jumped though.

    Agree that loud and annoying is almost normal for that age and better off leaving them to it. Think the only time I've ever said anything in that situation was when a few lads were playing a very sexualised song loudly. I politely pointed out that they should have some respect as I had my 7 year old with me and there were other young children on the bus.

    I know this is likely the same for every generation but I feel like teenagers are much worse than they were for my generation 20 years ago. Probably just turning into a grumpy old man :biggrin:
  2. Schrodinger's Cat

    Schrodinger's Cat Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    I've been a horrible teenager and had to deal with other people's horrible teenagers myself. Teenagers are just horrible half formed humans and I don't think that's changed much.

    They attack in numbers now though, so best to treat them as if they may be dangerous. Like wasps
  3. ChilcoSaint

    ChilcoSaint What a disgrace
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 8, 2011
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  4. Puck

    Puck Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Sadly it wasn't a hypothetical. Those examples have all happened. I saw the thing with the old woman on the top deck of a bus in London years ago. Probably the 253 because I used to get that to work for a while. I think I was sat near the front of the bus and they were all much further back. There was a guy sitting quite close to them who I think said something along the lines of "You shouldn't talk to her like that. She deserves more respect." but the group of girls basically told him to shut up and said it was none of his business. But I don't remember that bit so well. I only remember what happened with the old woman so clearly because I'd never seen or heard anything like it before.

    I used to commute on the train every day and still have to use them for work sometimes so I've seen one or two similar situations where people have asked for music to be turned down and the person with the phone has refused. It's most likely to happen later in the evening. But these days if someone's playing loud music on a train most people don't ask them to turn it down or off. They normally just move or put their own headphones in.
  5. Lemons and Oranges

    Lemons and Oranges Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    I was having a shower in a shower block at a campsite (in Devon, for context) when someone came in and decided to play his music very loudly. So I sang 'Jerusalem' at the top of my (very loud) voice. The music stopped, so I stopped. When the music went on again, I started singing again, and whoever was playing their music realised that I was only going to stop when they did. I had a quiet shower after that.
    ChilcoSaint and manxsaint like this.
  6. Saints_Alive

    Saints_Alive Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2011
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    For those that question that the Mandarine Mussolini is not going to pose a threat to democracy if he wins in November, here is him saying that there will be no more elections next time...****ing treasonous SOB...:mad:

    It just simply has to be the Democrats to ensure World safety.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2024
  7. Gregm1988

    Gregm1988 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    I’m no Trump apologist but there is every chance this is just word salad / nonsense due to his mental decline and not what he actually means. Of course his obvious mental decline has been stubbornly ignored by the media. Maybe it won’t be now Biden is out

    I’ve seen it said that he is basically asking the Christian voters turn up to vote because they don’t usually - I think he means in person. I expect lots of red states have put in harsh anti mail-in vote laws that actually impact their own voters

    and the “you won’t need to again” is because “I will have fixed everything / most of your main issues” so it won’t matter

    the problem is he has talked about being a dictator, talked about trying to change it so he can have a third term and shown admiration for authoritarians. And of course - already tried to steal an election he lost to stay in power. So it’s very easy to draw the line that many have to “he wants to get rid of elections”. And he might but I’m not sure

    equally it’s very easy for his shills and apologists to basically say what I have done and call anyone who interpreted it another way as hysterical and having “TDS”. I’m not sure the optics are great though
  8. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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    Full video out from Manc airport.

    Matey 100% deserved a kicking as far as I'm concerned, knock 3 armed police to the floor and all bets are off.
  9. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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  10. LincolnSaint

    LincolnSaint Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Almost like an immediate ability to release the footage would have been helpful to counter absolute ****ing lies from people on twitter.
    Glad the BBC were quick to update. Absolute joke

    Oh well
    Schrodinger's Cat and Libby like this.

  11. Gregm1988

    Gregm1988 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    Twitter has always contained the entire range of takes on a particular issue. And I’m not even sure a video would change that
  12. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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    That lawyer claiming it was an assassination attempt too the dozy **** <doh>

    I assume you're being sarcastic with the beeb as I can't see anything on it. They should absolutely be showing that video as not doing so plays into hands of bellends like Tommy Robinson.
    LincolnSaint likes this.
  13. ......loading......

    ......loading...... 25 undefeated

    Aug 31, 2012
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    It doesn’t matter what the guy had done. The police have to be above that. You cannot kick and stamp on people whether they deserve it or not.
    StJabbo1 likes this.
  14. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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    I think the first kick is justified in the circumstances if a bit ill judged. You're dealing with people who are assaulting armed police, where the assumption must be made they're trying to get your weapons, and he was still struggling and not complying with demands.

    The stomp afterwards much less so and that's where he'll get ****ed for it I reckon.
    OddRiverOakWizards likes this.
  15. ......loading......

    ......loading...... 25 undefeated

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Exactly. This is not about showing what the guy on the floor did to deserve it. It is about what we expect from police.
  16. Libby

    Libby 9-0

    Feb 9, 2011
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    I think context is important. Being attacked from behind as an armed officer must be terrifying in terms of what the assailants intentions are.

    This is going to be controversial but I wonder if partly the guy lost it so much was due to the female colleague getting attacked. No decent blokes likes to see a woman knocked about and I wonder if that's part of what triggered the emotional response.

    Either way there's no chance they don't go to prison for this and hopefully for a long time. Could argue they got off lightly too as if you did that in an airport in many other countries you'd have left in a body bag rather than a meat wagon.
  17. AberdeenSaint

    AberdeenSaint Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Agree - live by the sword, die by the sword.
  18. ......loading......

    ......loading...... 25 undefeated

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Again, whether he deserved a kicking or not, it is his job to keep his cool enough not to stamp on the head of someone incapacitated on the floor.
  19. LincolnSaint

    LincolnSaint Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    And what do "we" expect from the police? An officer which has been punched several times to the back of the head, fighting multiple assailants who've already caused ABH level injuries to his colleagues in front of an angry crowd who may/may not turn on him at any time. The officer has no idea what is going on other than what is in front of him. He's no idea the taser that the other officer fired has been effective or not. But he knows these men are intent on seriously assaulting him whilst he's in possession of a firearm. What do "we" expect in those circumstances? What would you do?

    Have a read of R v Palmer
    Schrodinger's Cat likes this.
  20. LincolnSaint

    LincolnSaint Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    What, never? You think the police cannot kick and stamp on people?

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