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Off Topic 10 Notorious Hull Nightspots

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Chazz Rheinhold, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. The B&S Fanclub

    The B&S Fanclub Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Good post TT......RE: Monte Carlo mob....A couple of years ago I used to go to Woodford gym and got chatting to a geezer called Steve, ex City psycho, always chatted to me about the 'good'ole days in the MC and following City 'like throwing a bog out of train window going through Leeds station' etc....Strange thing to do, however, there you go..Funny story was going to Lester or someplace and nicking a baker's van to get back home...With 'the lads in the back getting covered in flour dust and looking like ghosts.' This chap always referred to someone called Simba..said he was a kind of leader and everyone took their orders from him or Ray Harvey. When he said he last saw Mr Harvey he was been wheeled around in a wheelchair. But thinking on he might have been referring to Gordon Morton. Who I believe has passed away.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2024
  2. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    It’s a good read this thread
    But did we ever find out who the bird was? Remember asking a few times
    Newlandcasual2 likes this.
  3. Tickton Tiger.

    Tickton Tiger. Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2012
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    Sinbad was the elder of the Sivewright boys. He was one of the earliest skinheads in Hull but he was never a City fan as far I can remember. He did frequent Monte Carlo but he was always a bit distant to me anyhow, simply because he was at least couple of years older. He gained notieriety by appearing on the front page of the HDM after a fight down Whitefriargate with a gang of greasers and an ice pick was allegedly used. He was arrested when he jumped the Humber Ferry at New Holland before it properly docked. I attended his funeral about five years ago expecting to see some of the old faces there but only saw a couple I barely recognised. The City Psychos were a good ten years later. Ray Harvey, also now no longer with us was never a City fan either. Gordon Moreton however was, a hugh giant of a bloke in his prime, totally fearless, and I've been on coach trips, and by train when weve chipped in to pay his fare because you always felt safer if he was with you. Following City in the 70's when you were a teenager was totally different to what the experience is now. He too is no longer with us. The last time I saw him he was in a wheelchair on a North Sea Ferry to Brugge. Which allowed him to be pushed to the front of the boarding queue, and when he got on the ferry he got out of his wheelchair and walked to the bar, like Matt Lucas in Little Britain. I recall a football excursion following City when our train pulled into Leeds station, en route to huddersfield I think, and a chap call Ginner, also now no longer with us, from East Hull, let off a flurry of rockets off which sizzled down the platform. I also saw Gordon Moreton demolish a train carriage with a firemans axe and no-one dare stop him, guards and the police included.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2024
  4. The B&S Fanclub

    The B&S Fanclub Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The Moreton family lived off the Quadrant...His sister Wendy with the ginger hair was in the same class as me at Hall Road juniors. Gordon had a rival called Ted Silby and they were frequently settling their differences behind the toilet block...Hall Road/Welton school was a rough tough school. The Taylor's and the O'Loughlin's were just two of the families who lived in the area. Gordon I believe suffered with seizures. I guess he spent a lot of his earlier years locked up. Recall a trip to Norwich for a 3rd round FA Cup game in about 73 and Gordon organising and leading about 200 City boys through the city centre prior to the game. That was at the height of football bother, which I'm pleased to say has largely died away, though never gone completely.
  5. spesupersydera

    spesupersydera Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    I knew Gordon from Albemarle - he was fearless once too often with an E. Hull skinhead named Billy A. Billy was from same era as Sinbad, he gave Gordon a pasting and knocked him clean down the stairs at Albemarle; I used to bump into Ray Harvey too, me and my brother would sometimes natter with him and his dad in Silhoutte, i think it was safer in there if you were seen to know him - years later I was walking my dog down Hessle Road to have a run round the Jewish Cemetery, the dog ran into bushes right at the far end of the cemetery and was chased out by Mr Harvey, he was in the bushes sleeping off a bender in the Earl de Grey before the dog woke him!
    Tickton Tiger. and TwoWrights like this.
  6. The B&S Fanclub

    The B&S Fanclub Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Story I heard about Mr. H from some locals who frequented Gypsyville Tavern, was the one in which he locked someone in his flat and told him to fix his jeans which required the cuffs sowing up. The hostage had little choice but to do the job. He got out and vowed to hunt him down and apparently got his hands on a sawnoff shotgun. Over the next couple of weeks, he searched high and low for Mr H. Luckily for the both of them he never located Mr H. and the whole thing blew over.
    TwoWrights likes this.
  7. Charon

    Charon Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Remember going to second reply at Leicester with Gordon, four of us went in a car, unfortunately the pillock who was driving didn't put enough petrol in the car so we had to syphon some on the way back - who the he'll carries rubber hose in their car nowadays , - went to a few away with Gordon - reminds me of some of the lads who used to hang around at the time, Carl Simcox, who I believe has passed away Gavin and Gary H - and many others who I can remember if it was yesterday but names have gone sad to say
  8. springtiger

    springtiger Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Me and Gord had an altercation outside of Centre Bar on a f*****Sunday night ! He’d just come out of prison and decided he didn t like me - possibly understandable LOL
  9. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    sounds like the place I went into one night
    I got talking to this girl and she said she wanted to talk to her mates but she waas going to Vicky's later. I didnt know it but she said just tell the taxi driver and he'll take you.
    Me and my mate sat down and this guy started talking to me so I chatted back. My friend said something and this guy said: "Who's talking to you?" really aggressively. A few minutes later my mate went to the toilet. I thought it was best to follow him. this guy came in the toilets so we both ran into a stall. The guy was bang on the door and we were saying "go away". I wanted to stay until this girl arrived. My friend was sweating like a pig. I said: "We go out the toilet and stick together". My mate agreed.
    We left the toilet and staight away this guy came up to us! My mate rushed for the exit. I followed him. As we got outside a taxi pulled up with the girl. She got out and my mate dived in and the taxi drove off. The girl took me back inside and I never saw the guy again.
    I used to go to Vicky's quite regularly: "Pubs to 11 pm", "Club to 1 or 2 pm" and then Vicky's.
    I didnt know it sold alcohol until a woman gave me a cup. I said I didnt want anything but she said "try it". I did and realised it was whisky. I'm sure that there were prostitutes there but I was young, cute and poor so no women wanted money but they would take me home with them.

    One time I saw a woman who looked as if she was drunk. I went up to her and asked if she was alright? She took my hand and led me to the toilets. She took me into a cubicle. I thought she was wanting to be sick but instead she started taking her clothes off! After a while of me standing there and her undressing there was a banging on the door. I opened the door slightly and told the bouncer the cubicle was full! He screamed and charged in. I fell to the floor and crawled out and ran out of the club.
  10. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    And then you woke up…

  11. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I used to go to Centre Bar when it first opened. There was never any trouble then.
  12. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Is that Bransholme?
  13. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    When Manchester started having gigs in the back room it was really busy. The bar staff were slow, The beer was watered down and really expensive. We'd buy a load of beer from a supermarket and sneak in via the bar and toilets to avoid the bouncers and pick up glasses and drink them while standing round our stash.
    Eventually the bouncers used to patrol the toilets too!
  14. The B&S Fanclub

    The B&S Fanclub Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Isn't Ronnie from the Garths side of B/holme? Noddle Hill..More Sutton. Sold the vehicle he was driving when he had that tete-a-tete with the bloke on the moped, then gave some some of the dough to charity...A true gentleman and scholar. Perhaps he should challenge Hull's own Bare knuckle Boxing champ Tony Shields to a ding-dong. He'd get a bloody good hiding.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2024
  15. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    The B&S Fanclub likes this.
  16. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I saw Sinbad at City a few times
    Ray Harvey wasnt a City fan but he went v Man Utd in the Watney Cup
    Tickton Tiger. likes this.
  17. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I just recognised Bransholme from the video
    I didnt know the guy
    My parents lived on the Sutton side of Leads Road
    The B&S Fanclub likes this.
  18. Carmine Galante.

    Carmine Galante. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Who’d get a good hiding? Shields or Picko?
  19. Carmine Galante.

    Carmine Galante. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I don’t know if Picko is a genuine hard man but I have seen Tony Shields in action ( not in the ring) and he’s what I’d describe as a proper handful.
    The B&S Fanclub likes this.
  20. petersaxton

    petersaxton Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I went to the concert place at Bridlington and we'd taken LSD and were desperate for water
    we asked a group of guys if they had water
    they said they didnt and we should ask at the bar
    they were very well spoken although they had long hair
    when the gig started the Edgar Broughton Band took the stage
    it was the same guys we were speaking to

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