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Discussion in 'Ipswich Town' started by Spanish, May 5, 2024.

  1. Southcoastoldgaffer

    Southcoastoldgaffer Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Well played Suffolk!

    First time since 1868 that Tories failed to win Chichester! We gave Keegan a right old thumping and overturned a 20,000 majority!
    Evesham and Nuggets like this.
  2. Southcoastoldgaffer

    Southcoastoldgaffer Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    May I suggest you head back to your own forum. We are in a different league and tired of your eccentric views, and total bo...lcks politics.
    Spanish likes this.
  3. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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    You’ve really surprised me Gaffer by your comments and not in a good way. Rishi was very gracious and magnanimous in defeat just a shame you can’t be the same in victory. We live in a free democracy where all views should be respected.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
    ristac likes this.
  4. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    It was certainly the strangest election that I remember for some time. Starmer getting in with a lesser percentage of the share than Jeremy did. Reform more popular than Lib Dem’s yet LDs have by far the most seats. This was the country rebelling, it looks on paper that the country loves Labour, they don’t, they dislike them but hate Conservative.

    Farage will realise he helped this huge seat margin and he’ll attack Starmer from the benches at every opportunity's. Where I live, it swung to Labour by 110 votes, Reform taking 5,800. On a local Facebook group, tons of people had thanked the local MP as he’d been good for the area and got things done but they were saying they can’t vote for Rishi so they’re going Reform.

    They just didn’t get it, that we needed to vote for the local guy who’d been good as Rishi wasn’t getting in no matter what. I’ve never met so many unhappy voters as reform right now, realising that the country has swung left because of them.

    I hope Lib Dem’s gather more momentum now, I’m not a fan but this country needs more choice. As for our new government, two years ago the country wanted to save the environment and planet, we need to be greener and think of our kids and grandkids. Russia invaded Ukraine, energy bills soared, they soared again and again, suddenly the country didn’t give a toss about being green, just get the bills down.

    The same will happen with Labour. “We don’t mind tax going up if it improves things”. Tax going up is measurable, we’ll feel it, improving things is subjective and none of us will notice that improvement. Hospital waiting lists might go down from 6 months to 5 months (it’s still a wait) Potholes will be fixed but another will appear. Council tax will increase and we know how they love to waste money.

    I just feel the economy was getting back on track, I don’t like Rishi but he had warned Truss, he’s good when it comes to money matters.

    I hope Labour proves the doubters wrong, they’re going to fix the country, what’s everyone’s thoughts on what wants fixing, the bottom line will be more money in the pocket and that won’t happen for anyone not on benefits
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
    Nuggets likes this.
  5. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    That’s a very grown up post

    Last you’ll hear from me, I thought you were a bit different to this post, so it surprises me to be honest. Good luck next season, hope your new signings work out well and hope we can chat again the following season if we manage promotion.

    If ever you want to chat politics or football feel free to pop over to our forum, always welcome <ok>
    Johnnywarkstache likes this.
  6. Nuggets

    Nuggets Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2011
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    It was a strange election, but essentially I think it boiled down to “get the Tories out” than what Labour offered. Overall, parties of the left or centre-left won more than 500 seats in this election. One explanation for the low Labour vote share was the increase in tactical voting. Labour voters more willing to lend Lib Dem votes in south and south west and I know several people in the Waveney constituency voted for Green - who ultimately won - rather than their first choice, Labour, because of the Greens' chances. Another reason was the Tory/Reform split vote - no doubt some fed up Tories stayed at home rather than vote and the party isn't used to a mainstream right wing challenger splitting their vote.

    Talking of Reform, they did well (as populist right wing parties tend to do during poor economic times) but I think many of their voters will privately be a little disappointed. A lot of hype about 'a people movement' and upsetting the establishment. The exit poll of 13 seats was really noticeable, but they ended up with five. Their vote share actually only increased 1.5% on their 2015 General Election result (last time Farage led party and stood candidates in all seats, unlike the 2019 pact) and that's after nine further years of Tory ineptitude. This implies they're kind of hitting a roof and need to appeal to a wider base if they're serious about power. I think Farage being an MP is also the worst thing that can happen to him. He's no longer 'an outsider'. He's going to have to serve the people of Clacton - reckon he'll bother to do that for four/five years rather than jet off to America or host TV/radio shows? I doubt it.

    What happens next for Labour? Starmer seems to be more of a centrist politician and his frontbench does appear more impressive than the Tory's constant chopping/changing and rewarding the Brexiters. I like how he's approaching his frontbench too. A former government chief scientific adviser as science minister? A businessman with years of experience in rehabilitation as prisons minister? A barrister with years of experience as attorney general? Actual experts in their fields with expertise and knowledge - it'll never catch on. They need to deliver, or be seen to deliver, to win a second term. Considering they've been left the worst legacy and the most difficult challenge of rebuilding since 1945 or 1979 - it's going to be tough.

    As for the Tories - they'll do a bit of soul searching and work out what to do next. I don't envy them their choice though. Voters will remember and a period in the wilderness may follow (as what happened to the Tories between 1997 and 2010 and Labour in 2010 to 2024). Do they choose someone moderate and take their bitter medicine over the next couple of years and target a wider appeal to their deserted voters? A risky approach that very much depends on how Labour do. Do they go to the right wing and be more populist? Say what you like about Farage, but I don't think they'll beat him at his own game. By choosing a right-wing populist leader, it opens up another electoral pact with Reform in the future, but elections are often won in the centre ground and the Conservatives would be abandoning it.
  7. Nuggets

    Nuggets Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2011
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    Leaving politics aside - I’m happy to continue conversation on another thread ristac - the new kits look … alright? Home kit looks okay, away kit seems better.
    ristac likes this.
  8. Roystonblue

    Roystonblue Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2012
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    Unfortunately, politics does bring out people’s worst sides. I am normally a conservative voter but for the 1st time, I was unable to do so - voted green. Dissapointed that Rishi is leaving as I think he is a decent human being but he surrounded himself with backstabbers. Although not a labour supporter, I will be delighted if Starmer is successful as it will be good for the country. Hopefully, he will have learned from previous leaders, not to overspend. He is our prime minister now so let’s give a chance to show what he can do
    Southcoastoldgaffer and ristac like this.
  9. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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    Cheers Ristac I most probably will
    ristac likes this.
  10. Southcoastoldgaffer

    Southcoastoldgaffer Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I guess I am just wary and weary of it all and no disrespect to you or Ristac, and Sunak inherited a real dogs dinner from Boris, Truss et al.

  11. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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    Fair play Gaffer. I thought both party leaders conducted themselves with all good grace yesterday and hit the right tone. Only in this country do you see the vanquished and the victor change their roles so quickly and with such magnanimity.
    The jury is very much out on Starmer and what he will deliver over the next few years and I for one wish him well for the good of the country as a whole. At the same time I want to see the Conservative Party get back to being a credible party of opposition with a credible new leader. We need a strong opposition to hold this government to account and the Tories are the only party that can do this in parliament. No time for bruised egos and wounded feelings the future of the country is at stake so I hope that the Tories take their time in choosing the right leader this time. My hope is that Kemi Bedanoch is chosen but we can only wait and see.
  12. Spanish

    Spanish Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Kemi ****ing bedanoch, OMG, she's worse than Boris ffs!! Dear oh dear oh dear!!
    She lies more than Boris and talks more **** than Boris!!
    Still that's it now for me, the adults are in charge, so nothing more to be said on politics from me, we're in safe hands at last!!
    King_of_Portman_Rd likes this.
  13. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Take what Rishi says at a podium in public with a pinch of salt. He’s full of ****. The lies finally caught up with the Tories. Starmer has been no better during the campaign, by the way. He’s said whatever he thinks the majority want to hear. I’m not sure he’d be Prime Minister at all without Farage’s intervention, but this is now where we are and at least there’ll be a bit of common sense now.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
  14. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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    you don’t even live here so I don’t give a flying fcuk what you think.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
    fieldmarshall likes this.
  15. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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  16. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    What was that about being dignified? You’ve shamed yourself with that one JWM.
    King_of_Portman_Rd and Spanish like this.
  17. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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  18. Johnnywarkstache

    Johnnywarkstache Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2024
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  19. Spanish

    Spanish Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    And you're a ****ing bellend who talks ****, don't cry Tory boy!!<cheers>
  20. Spanish

    Spanish Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    He shames himself every time he types something on here, very bitter and twisted individual!!

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