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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Entertainment ((and I don't mean excrement. ))

    You will be aware that I didn’t go to Bradford …. Looks like I didn’t miss much (( including the loss of about the £90 it would have cost me.))…I have also stated very recently, that I don’t know if I’ll bother with the final two home games (( the time I’ll save will make the ‘waste’ of season ticket not seem so bad !))

    ….So, what did I do over weekend ? – well, obviously, I was very nice to Mrs. A (( and had plenty of change after a slap-up meal. ))

    …. I wondered if I might miss the ‘atmosphere ‘ of Matchday if (when) I won’t be renewing my ticket for next season – not a bit !

    I watched a fair bit of IPL – which might not be for the cricket purist – but – you cannot deny the ‘entertainment’ and often nail-biting finishes – including Jos Buttler needing to hit a 6 off the final ball to win the game and achieve 100 runs…He duly obliged.

    On Sunday, I watched a very unboring game Rangers v Celtic – with VAR nonsense – with the ref giving a penalty to Rangers after penalizing the Rangers player for diving – but – failing to see that quite clearly, the Celtic defender had ‘played’ the ball…. This provided me with plenty of opportunity to practice my swear words at the television (( the officials would have ignored me even if I had been at the game. ))… The match then went to a ridiculous finale – with Rangers having a goal ruled out for a foul – then scoring a goal for 2-2…– but - 71 seconds later Celtic make it 3-2, before Rangers salvage a 3-3 boredraw deep into added on time.

    I then had to endure Man Utd v Liverpool – of course there was no entertainment or drama in this game !!!!! ( how was Casemiro not sent off for his lunge in the 97th minute ? )

    Sunday was rounded off ( in the sporting sense ), with Spurs v Forest…. Probably the most boring game of the lot – which still had plenty of goals (thankfully not conceded by The Gills )

    I got all of the above ‘entertainment’ at a pro-rata cost of well under £1 (( that’s one )) – and I didn’t need to spend hours on the road – or look to find a parking space in the same time zone as the ground…..How much entertainment did I get from GFC at the weekend ?? Sweet F A !..(( that question should refer to every weekend for several years. ))… and I definitely spend more than £1 for the crap I get at Priestfield ( and all ports north. )

    .... So, perhaps I won’t have to worry that if I stop going to Priestfield, I won’t have any entertainment, drama or opportunity to shout and swear at the Officials ((( although I might risk being kicked out of the house by Mrs. A if I don’t show her as much passion as I do for my football. )))

    I have said many times that I have only ever wanted 100% commitment from the Gills…it appears that I actually want more! – or , at very least a little entertainment…. I do not consider it very entertaining to continually pass sideways, backwards, statue impressions, tap, tap sideways, backwards, more statue impressions, lump the ball ( hoofball ) – lose possession – then panic as the opposition scythe through our defence – and concede the inevitable goal ( or 5 ).

    I do not think that Clemence will be anything other than defensive – or as I describe it ‘Clemballbore’ – it certainly wont be entertaining. It will be crap – and after 60 years of crap, I’ve had enough……and if you’re still reading this drivel, don’t complain that my posts also are crap – at least you haven’t had to waste thousands of £££ and 60 years of your life trying to find me ‘entertaining.’ (( it’s not as if there’s many of you doing that for me ! ))…………of course, in the Summer I might suffer a brain fart and somehow be inspired to do it all over again next season – (( I might even go to Priestfield as well. ))
    brb likes this.
  2. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I agree that you probably need some time out from the Gills, for all the reasons you have stated, personally I think players are overpaid at all levels these days, but that's not likely to change in the near future.

    I did notice Amazon didn't buy into the new contracts for the start of the new season onwards, which is a bit of a shame, because I think they are the best streaming service, ahead of BT and SKY.

    Next season we may even lost Ifollow, which will really impact fans like me, as SKY have now bought all the rights, and I'm not sure what repalacement is going to be in place, if any!

    Maybe Brad and Shannon need this raising to them, so they can look at other options - some clubs have their own match streaming service, but I don't know how this all works contractually with the big (tv) boys and the EFL body. They would need to chat to clubs already doing it.

    I've got Now TV which gives me access to all the games you mention and the Old Firm Derby was a good watch, Now TV did me a monthly deal for £17.99, which I think is half-price.

    Hopefully you feel refreshed during preseason, we see some decent incomings, I'm not going to comment on SC, and hopefully next season we go again, and you see enough change that sorts out this seasons missed opportunities, but like you I won't be holding my breath and can only wish once again Brad and Shannon all the best in taking on this massive challenge, they must be mad lol.
    alwaysright likes this.
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    It's not been a bad couple of seasons.........................................

    .............. for Ipswich... L1 last season.. Playing in the EPL later this year.

    What I do wonder about (( no - not that Gills might be able to replicate the Ipswich success )) - why did one of their fans think it was appropriate to take a blow-up doll to the game - obviously, at Priestfield such 'mascots' might prove to be more entertaining.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The sun has 'got' to me...... Season ticket(s) renewed today.... My sons & I have 'upgraded' - to the Gold section - with a slightly elevated viewpoint...my friends in the 'cheap' seats will still be able to hear me!..................so - that little lot should help to pay for a bit more consultancy!!
    brb likes this.
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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  6. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Everyone ok, after the site update?
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    not a problem - just had to login again (with previous 'saved' password )
    brb likes this.
  8. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Cheers mate. I think everyone got signed out, so hopefully anyone who can't get in can get a message to me somehow.
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    What a load of rubbish !

    This happens in my area - the bin men empty the food caddy into the general waste bin - which they hook onto the back of their vehicle etc.

    Yesterday, I went to the local 'tip'..Among my rubbish, I had two plastic garden table and plastic chairs and old plastic hosepipes...I asked an 'official': '' Where do you want these''?... He replied '' In the bulk household bin. ''.... and yet - the centre has large signs proudly displaying their current recycling percentage !!.................. makes you wonder what happens to the plastic that gets collected in the ' recycling ' bins every two weeks.
    brb likes this.
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    PROPER football !
    I have particularly enjoyed watching Turkey in the Euros....Last night's game v Austria was what I call 'proper football.'....It might not be for 'purists' of the game - and may be too adventurous to win the competition - but - it was entertaining - and capped by a breath-taking save at the end of the game.
    I congratulate Austria for also being entertaining in the tournament......... now as for England --- I might just want to grab my arse as an expression that Bellingham might understand.
    brb likes this.

  11. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    What a save at the end of the Turkey game.
    alwaysright likes this.
  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The pencil at the end of the piece of string was missing! (( why I didn't vote for Labour. ))

    I struggled to find the right box into which I was to inscribe my X on my voting slip....Perhaps the lack of pencil in my 'booth' was telling me not to bother !....but I don't like apathy.

    When it comes to Politics, there's not much to choose between the Parties - they all excel at verbal diarrhoea..... and every 4 or 5 years they suddenly seem to think that there is £ Billions available to throw at us...........(( hoping that we won't work out that every penny is Tax that we pay. ))

    With yesterday's Election, I am confused at to what the public think they'll get from Labour - which won't further bankrupt the economy.... I suspect that many voters may have made their decision based on matters of finance...I understand that times have been difficult during and after Covid and the energy crisis.......... The expression of money doesn't buy happiness might be true - but it can make your 'misery' much more comfortable !

    If people are honest, despite the many mistakes that the Conservatives have made, they had little control over influences on the World's finances... 80% Furlough was far too much for us to afford - but - if the Tories didn't give enough (( of our tax money )), we'd all moan.... If the Tories didn't give any help with Energy prices - we'd moan louder etc etc --- NONE of that money came from a tree !... It has helped to create a National Debt that is almost 99% of Gross Domestic Product - but - it has got to be repaid (( and by generations to come. )).....

    Recent figures in the Nation's economy gave indications that a recovery was beginning... with inflation at its' lowest for 3 years....with interest rates starting to fall...with energy prices reducing to almost acceptable levels - there are signs that things were getting much better (( with a lot of room for improvement. ))...

    ... BUT - There is no magic wand... There is no pot of 'free' money... Any money that Sunak or Starmer promise to throw at you is TAX that YOU have to pay - it doesn't work any other way ----- unless, of course you enter the country by a rubber boat !

    The Tories haven't got everything right when it comes to the fundamental issue that influences our vote - finance - but - I genuinely fear that Labour will end up getting a lot more wrong - and it will cost us a huge lot more - and that is why, despite struggling to make my decision, or find a pencil, I didn't vote for Labour.
  13. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I voted Labour, just had to be sure we got that previous shower of crooks and spivs out.
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    .No.10 Downing Street need to have revolving doors !
    I was undecided - but opted for the Party which, imo, would cause me and the country least damage !
    66% didn't vote Labour..76% didn't vote Conservatives....These took most of the seats at Westminster - yet, around 80% of the 'possible' voters didn't vote for the new Government...
    I thought we lived in a democracy ! - Perhaps it would be 'fairer' for most if we had some sort of proportional representation...
    ....it might stop any ONE of the Parties having too much power to bulldoze laws and policies for which most of the population have not given consent.........

    .....otherwise, what we have every few years, is the revolving door fiasco - where one set of tenants leave a mess behind for the new tenants - who use and abuse the facilities before leaving behind an even bigger pile of excrement.

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024 at 7:17 AM
  15. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Goalkeeper saves England............................................ that's the Dutch goalkeeper !

    England, despite their incredibly boring style of football, might have a chance of beating The Netherlands - surely the Dutch keeper, and defenders, can't perform miracle saves again -- which prevented Turkey from a show-down with the most boring team in the World next Wednesday..... and I'd bet that Southgate is relieved about the opposition - instead of having to face the Turks - who have been a joy to watch during the competition..

    Turkey may not have the most 'talented' team - but have actually used their collective abilities to score goals with free-flowing entertainment... Ultimately, they have been thwarted by some brilliant ( lucky ) defending by The Dutch........whereas, England's players have struggled to keep me awake.
  16. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Great perrformance by the Turks, some brilliant balls into the box, easy on the eyes and mind but not boring enough to ever win a trophy. <whistle>
    alwaysright likes this.

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