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Off Topic General Election

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Chazz Rheinhold, Jul 3, 2024 at 4:33 PM.



  1. Labour

  2. Tory

  3. Lib Dem

  4. Reform

  5. Green

  6. The rest

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  1. Ernie Shackleton

    Ernie Shackleton Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    For those still undecided, here are the main partys' final election statements (as demonstrated on TV, Radio, Print and Social Media over the last six weeks);

    Conservatives: We can't win but if you vote Labour then Kier Starmer will come round and rape your Grandmother (probably).

    Labour: We're not going to tell you. Nah, nah, na, na, nah.

    Liberal Democrats: Get active, get wacky and love the outdoor life.

    Green Party: Our ideas are the only hope for Humanity. Why won't anyone vote for us?

    Reform UK: We've loads of black friends and we're definitely not racist but...

    Scottish National Party: The English, Welsh and Irish are ****s and we hate the Union.

    Plaid Cymru: The English, Scotch and Irish are ****s and we hate the Union.

    Sinn Féin: The English, Welsh and Scotch are ****s and we hate the Union.

    Democratic Unionist Party: The English, Welsh and Scotch are ****s and we love the Union.
  2. Off The Line

    Off The Line Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2014
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    Surely the whole point of Brexit was to get rid of EU migrants so that we only have the black and brown ones to blame? Even Farage's big poster at the time only contained these kinds of faces.
  3. NaNaNa

    NaNaNa Active Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    All fair except the statements you made implied that all those policies and laws were already in place. Most of the contentious changes you/Reform suggest only really benefit white, heterosexual cis gendered people because societally we have been set up to favour people like that for so long. Now that the public at large are in favour of widening support to minority groups, those that have benefitted from these advantages for so long will inevitably perceive it to be an attack on their own privileges.

    I’m terms of a direction of travel. I think all parties have clearly laid out their plans. The Labour Party, Lib Dem’s and Tory’s all understand that you win an election from the Centre. Labour’s centre left policies might not appeal to you but they offer a fairer alternative to the 14 years of drivel we’ve had to endure from the Tories. Reform may well offer a lot of people a significant change to their day to lives but any party that actively seeks to marginalise groups of people should be observed very carefully. It’s a slippery slope to fascism.
  4. Plum

    Plum Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2013
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    The dead ones'll be along a bit later...
    dennisboothstash likes this.
  5. The B&S Fanclub

    The B&S Fanclub Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I'm NO expert, but I don't think it will be as bad for the Tories has some make out. Yes, they'll lose but not as badly as some predict.
    I base this on 1992 when the polls pointed to a Labour win, with many Tories saying they'd vote for someone else, but actually changed their mind and voted Tory. Tories got in in 1992, much against the what the polls predicted.
    Reform might do a lot better than some think. If I was a betting man, which I ain't, my prediction would be:
    Tories 110, Lib Dems 66, Reform 15, SNP 38, Green 2, Others 28, Labour 391....Giving Labour a 132 majority...Not as high as some are saying....
    Disclaimer.... DO NOT rush out and have a punt on what I predict.
    BTW..I voted at 8.30am and it wasn't for any of the big parties.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024 at 10:03 AM
    dennisboothstash likes this.
  6. ticktontiger

    ticktontiger Member

    Dec 28, 2012
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    My local Tory MP who has been in situ for 19 years placed an £8000 bet on himself to lose his seat at this election.

    The cynical may say that the leaking of this information only enhanced his chance of winning his own bet.

    His electioneering strap line
    Your interests not self interest.
  7. charon-the-ferryman

    charon-the-ferryman Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    but the really big question, is what kind of ****ing idiot thinks Ed Davey is the answer
  8. GlassHalfHull

    GlassHalfHull Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2014
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    I could not disagree with you more.
  9. Kalman

    Kalman Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    I’ll never back or vote for the Greens as an alternative left-wing party to Labour because of their ridiculous sixth form politics. Opposing nuclear energy and high speed rail is moronic. Being in favour of nuclear disarmament is noble in theory but also moronic given what has happened in the last two years.

    The options really are dog ****.
  10. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Votes for the Greens this election will largely be protest votes, rather than votes for their actual policies.
    GlassHalfHull likes this.

  11. Heimdallr

    Heimdallr Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2019
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    Any MP that has done this should be made to return their salary/pension and forbidden from working in the public sector ever again. That's an absolutely disgraceful and disrespectful thing to do.

    Interesting proposition - you've damaged the environment, so we're going to punish you by dumping a load of Albanian and Eritrean men on your shores. Sometimes supposedly left wing ideas are more xenophobic and inflammatory than Farage's.

    Every country should be able to choose the number of immigrants they accept depending on whether the country can afford it, their need for workers and whether the infrastructure can cope. No international organisation should decide how many migrants a country can hold. Perhaps the international organisations making these decisions could get more involved to prevent the push factors which cause the migrants to depart. European countries are sick of being 'told' what to do, hence why voting patterns are changing.
  12. balkan tiger

    balkan tiger Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    It was a text book part of the school ciriculum, just like jack and Jill or Peter and Jane, except in the school provided text book it was jack and dave or Jill and gemima. Further to that some of the couples were of mixed race. Some of the parents objected to their children being taught that sort of thing and started a protest which was expanded by other adults from other areas joining in.
    Gone For A Walk likes this.
  13. Kalman

    Kalman Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    I find it funny that some people make the pro-immigration argument that having European countries accepting migrants is the price to pay for colonialism, as if having them is some sort of punishment imposed on Europeans lmao.
    Heimdallr likes this.
  14. Cityzen

    Cityzen Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    I could not disagree more with you disagreeing with him.
  15. rovertiger

    rovertiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    **** it, I disagree about everything that's been said. <cheers>
    GlassHalfHull likes this.
  16. rovertiger

    rovertiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Click on loading tweet and you'll get it.

  17. Ric Glasgow

    Ric Glasgow Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2014
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    The latest polls are predicting Labour on 431 seats,I think that's nearer the mark to be honest.Anyway,whatever it finally is,it's a huge reverse from the last general election and it speaks volumes about the British publics current perception of the Conservative party.

    For what it's worth,I voted Conservative in the last general election but I won't today.They've been weak in leadership,they've chopped and changed leaders due to incompetence and they've generally let us all down in terms of improvement on our Island,(though it's worth remembering that without their furlough scheme and support during covid,a lot of people who now decry them as useless would've sunk without trace).

    I don't envy any person charged with the task of bringing us back from the cliff edge we currently hover over,I see it as an almost impossible task and I don't see anything changing in a hurry.

    Starmer IMHO will punish the 'rich',whoever they may be and it's worth noting that he sees anyone with a couple of quid in the bank as above 'working people' (who don't have savings)?

    That in itself sends a huge shiver down my spine.I'm not a man of many means but I've been economically frugal and fairly hard on myself in trying to bank a few quid to make my retirement just that wee bit more comfortable,I now consider myself fair game to his style of levelling up!!I

    Anyway,it's a Labour landslide,I'm currently making space under my mattress in lieu of clearing out my savings and I'll proceed later to St Helens Primary School and place my tactical cross beside a Party who can challenge this morally corrupt SNP government.
  18. Off The Line

    Off The Line Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2014
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    Batshit, I know. But things are going to get extremely tetchy when millions upon millions of people become displaced in the years to come, and you already have Reform candidates wanting to mow them down upon reaching out shores.
    I never thought of it as being a punishment tbf, I'm just thinking about how we're actually going to help these people.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024 at 10:48 AM
  19. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I hear a lot of people saying things like "They're all the same" or "Labour won't be any better". I think these easy lines give the incumbent Tories undue credit.

    The depths they've plumbed in the last 14 years have been appalling. On a near constant basis they have committed scandalous and destructive acts. I'm not talking about their stupid parties or foolish decisions not to attend D-Day events - these were own goals in a PR sense but far from the worst things they've been involved in. I'm talking about specifically legislating to allow water companies to start dumping **** in our rivers, deliberately suppressing voters with this ID nonsense (and carefully selecting which forms of ID count and which don't to achieve maximum suppression of younger voters but minimal effect on older ones), systematically worsening the conditions of doctors, nurses and teachers until they're at breaking point, overseeing a fall in life expectancy and living standards, bending the rules to suit them at every possible opportunity, the constant lying, posing as an impartial "fact checker" during election debates on two separate occasions, the shameful handling of the covid pandemic wilfully costing many lives in the name of the economy - and failing to even protect that effectively anyway, stoking ridiculous culture wars over non-issues to whip up hatred. That's off the top of my head.

    To lazily say "they're all the same" with that record is insulting. This level of malice and incompetence in office isn't normal and never has been. We've had a truly, extraordinarily horrible government, and no opposition parties should be tarred with the same brush as them.
  20. Newland Tiger

    Newland Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I'm pretty sure Rishi didn't actually want to win , imagine having to clean up the mess this country is in
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