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Transfer Rumours Summer 2024 Transfer Window

Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by Oldsparkey, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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  2. FrankfurterBlue

    FrankfurterBlue Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2011
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    All in all its a paper exercise or simply papering over the cracks.......Where's Masky when one needs him!
  3. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Strong rumours about Ori Garmi joining after his current club folded.
  4. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Couple of names on the rumour mill - one of them an "old boy".

    Cody Drameh definitely exiting Leeds and is seen either as a replacement for the "disgraced" Romeo, or maybe even a departing Ng.

    Centre back Michal Helik wants out of Udders now they're in League One and a much cheaper option than Nat Phillips.
  5. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I was wondering if Romeo might be moved on.
    Ng has been a rock for us, but if the price is right.......
    BluefromBridgend likes this.
  6. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Ng must stay. If the club wants to demonstrate ambition, it has to be about who we keep as well as who we recruit.
    The ambition has to be about building and maintaining a competitive team and not just becoming a buy to sell club. It's fine if we have a suitable replacement in the wings but otherwise it means spending to replace.
    The club needs to show the likes of Ng that we have ambition. Yes we could probably get two or three players for what we would get for him but of what quality?
  7. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    In general I agree cling.
    However, If we move Ng on and get a replacement who is 80% as good AND we can upgrade 2 or 3 other positions, then it's a net gain for the team.
    Then we're back to the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. Ng is stand out because of his individual ability. An 80% of Ng in a well oiled machine could be as good as Ng in a rust bucket.
    I feel that in the bigger picture freeing up cash from Ng would benefit the club.
    And I know, Ng in a well oiled machine would be outstanding.
    1 step back, 2 steps forward.
    The same could be said for McGuinness.

    The question is, can Erol produce a well oiled machine, or does he just drive the rust bucket slightly faster?
    BluefromBridgend likes this.
  8. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Sorry but I really don't see it and it smacks if Toshack syndrome to me..
    After two dire seasons, the last campaign while still awful in many respects, showed that we at least had something to build on and the main part of that foundation is Ng. Apologies for overstretching the building analogy, but if you reduce the capability of the foundation by even 20% then you're trying to build on dodgy ground.
    One step back and two forwards makes sense in theory but in reality what is the cost of letting go of what you have?
    The club needs a starting point to build on and Ng is it.
    Don't sell the crown jewels for costume jewellery.
    I can't imagine the flack Bulut will get if we couldn't find a replacement for Ng especially with so many looking for the slightest hint of a shortcoming from him.
    It's time Cardiff City showed it's true potential and real ambition.
  9. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Just looking at our current squad. It looks a bit unbalanced.
    Also too many jacks of all trades.

    I've said before, and keeping it simple, two players for each position, a 3rd 'keeper, a couple that give you something a bit different, a couple that can play in multiple positions gives 27 players. Throw in a few youngsters gives 30.

    We've currently got 27 in the 1st team squad.

    3 'keepers, tick.
    At the back we're we're a CB short, assuming Tsunoda actually arrives, else 2.

    The centre of midfield is a bit crowded and we're light out wide. It's all bit muddled. Ransey is a 10, then Colwill a 10 or wide right. Robinson a 10, out wide or up front? Turnbull a 10 or an 8? Meite, who knows?
    It feels as if one of Robinson and Meite need to go, possibly Wintle given Ralls has just signed a new contract.
    Adams and Rinomhota don't seem to fit. If we could move them on it might allow us to balance things a bit better and give youth a chance. We need two wide men.

    (Interesting that we've got Tanner down as an attacker and O'Dowda down as a midfielder.)

    Etete is probably our back-up stiker so we need a first choice.

    I suppose part of it will come down to our identity, our game plan. What players do we actually need?

    After that, it's upgrades, one out, one in.

    A lot of work to do.
  10. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    We don't often disagree Cling, but it looks like we're going to on this one. I would love to take your approach, but in the current financial climate I don't see it working.
    After taking a look at the current squad, there looks to be a lot of work to be done. Certainly more than one window's worth.
    The post I made a few minutes ago has shown me how disjointed our squad is and where clarity and direction is needed to move us forwards. Its a real hodge podge.
    BluefromBridgend and clingo like this.

  11. ninian opinion

    ninian opinion Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    For me and it’s always been so, a team needs pass and movement at pace with emphasis on first time passing. Too many City players especially in midfield trap it, take a few touches and then pass (invariably sideways or backwards) which slows the whole process down, and enables the opposition to regroup.

    City were incapable last season of getting the ball through transition to the forwards and wide men enough or at all.

    Wing backs who have pace are essential to a modern football team. Midfielders with the ability to pass and move likewise. Plus obviously a striker but a couple of scoring midfielders and wing backs are just as effective.

    City’s squad at present needs an injection of these type of players.

    Ipswich should be the blueprint for a successful championship team. We can’t rely on another series of last gasp wins to ensure mid table security.
  12. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Far too much thinking going on on here <applause>.............<laugh><laugh>
    BluefromBridgend and clingo like this.
  13. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    You're right, we rarely disagree but when we do, it's respectful <ok>

    The financial aspect is not lost on me at all and while I have strong feelings on how got here, we are where we are. However, I can't think of a single club that advanced itself by selling the only foundation it has when in the process of rebuilding other than clubs with bazillions..
  14. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Some of the 'lesser teams' in the Euros have been a joy to eatch in that regard.
    OK, they are international players, but the opposition are higher standard as well. Turkey, Georgia, Slovakia could certainly move the ball. Slovenia effective, but a bit different in approach.
    Hopefully some of our tyros can inject a bit of one touch stuff.
  15. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Well on that one, I agree wholeheartedly.
  16. BluefromBridgend

    BluefromBridgend Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    All very good points guys and a disagreement (friendly of course) just to show jcktwat that we don't always agree.

    Great summary from Nin which really covers our position.

    Personally I would take Drameh as a replacement if we got good money for Ng. The only downside being Ng also provides centre back cover which Drameh doesn't.

    However Drameh can also play right midfield so keeping Ng and signing Drameh also works. I think Drameh can play left back as well.

    He would definitely be a good signing.
    ninian opinion and clingo like this.
  17. BluefromBridgend

    BluefromBridgend Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    As well as moving the ball their players are not afraid to get around the pitch to press, defend and pass the ball forwards. The Austria/Turkey game was a prime example of that. Both sides gave it everything.
    ninian opinion and clingo like this.
  18. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    How dare you
  19. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    You're right. The seemingly inherent lack of fear when on the ball or receiving it was remarkable.
    BluefromBridgend likes this.
  20. william5551

    william5551 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    Clingo i think if Tan did not want to invest in players our manager would not have returned.:emoticon-0148-yes:

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