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The #LUFC Breakfast Debate (Tuesday 2nd July)

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by ellandback, Jul 2, 2024 at 9:01 AM.

  1. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Good Morning. It's Tuesday 2nd July, and here are the latest headlines from Elland Road

    Steinsson's master stroke

    It's looking ever so likely that Leeds Utd Director of Football Gretar Steinsson may have pulled off a masterstroke that even Houdini would have been proud of!

    Negotiations have never been Leeds Utd strong point; in-fact, the bumbling buffoons at Elland Road have long been a laughing stock when it comes down to business transactions. This had led to clubs like Bournemouth and Everton taking advantage of Leeds poor management, and bullying them into submission.

    Brushing sentiment aside, raising £40m for an 18yo with one good season behind his belt is astronomical, especially with the £10m capture of Joe Rodon (NETT gain of £30m). The Welsh International was the stalwart of the Leeds defence last season, and played beyond the pain barrier to finish the season, albeit agonisingly close to winning promotion.

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    Did PSR force Archie sale

    Leeds NEEDED to sell Archie Gray to stay the right side of Profitability and Sustainability rules, according to the Yorkshire Evening Post this morning.

    This goes against EVERY report we've heard over the past few months, claiming that the sales of Luis Sinisterra and Tyler Adams have allowed Leeds to balance their books! Respected football journalist Ben Jacobs yesterday took to twitter insisting that "Leeds believe they will comply with PSR. Never true they needed £100m in sales before July 1"

    He went on to say that the Archie Gray fee (expected to be on the 2023/24 books), plus Luis Sinisterra and Tyler Adams sales to Bournemouth, and recent Red Bull investment, mean the club expect to comply with financial rules for the cycle ending 30 June, 2024.

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    Just when we thought loyalty was dead...

    Just when you thought loyalty in football was dead and buried, the actions of Joe Rodon can give us hope that the sentimentalism in football is alive and kicking, after Fabrizio Romano confirmed the £10m capture from Spurs.

    About a week ago, rumours started to surface that the 26yo wanted to stay at Leeds Utd next season. In truth, none of us believed the Welsh International would pass up the opportunity for Premier League football (especially with three separate offers on the table) in favour of another term in the Championship - but that's where we are!

    Whilst few of us would begrudge Archie the opportunity to progress at a bigger club, we did not expect it to happen so quickly. One minute he was kissing the sacred badge, with tears running down his cheeks, the next, making a hasty retreat to one of Europe's elite.

    It's funny how the Leeds Utd PR machine made a massive deal of Archie's contract extension, yet deliberately hid the fact that he had an exit clause in his terms! Relationships are built on trust, and for a long time now, it just seems like one way traffic...

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  2. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Spurs... Europe's elite...come on ell, they're not even London's elite ...;)
    Archie gone,move on :emoticon-0148-yes:
  3. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I don't think we'll ever know the full truth behind the Gray saga, even to the extent of the supposed release clause, did he or the club insist on it? Are the Gray dynasty as pissed off as we're led to believe? Did Archie go kicking and screaming, or did he see it as a chance to progress his career?
    It's done now and £40m is a very decent fee, KDH to Chelsea£30m , Cole Palmer £42.5m as comparisons.
    Not on here but elsewhere it's amazing how many fans are happy to blame the club on this without knowing any facts, some supposed itk posts something that in reality they can't possibly know but it's believed and used to beat the club, let's see where we are come August the 10th, Farke said players will be in place ready for the kick off, if they're not, then you can start bemoaning the hierarchy, I think I'll wait until then.
  4. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Absolutely sick and tired of the Archie stories and spin. Time to sit back and relax till the new season begins and our mercenaries will have left and new ones arrived
  5. bucks_is_leeds

    bucks_is_leeds Jonny big spuds
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Morning all

    Of course I'm gutted to see archie go, but getting rodon back and building for a championship winning team this season is a must.

    I think we are ok in Archies natural position of CM

    So, if the money goes back into building and strengthening for that push I'm all for it.
  6. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Financially we certainly have to go up this season, not that the club are skint but we'll have to have a firesale to comply with psr, not sure how much of the £40m we can use but it seems we will still have to sell one more to finance any more purchases. Gnonto for £30m , what the club are supposedly asking, should do it.
  7. DJMarl

    DJMarl Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2020
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    Morning all. Which ever way you look at it, to get that fee for Archie and to also get Rodon included as part of the deal is great business.

    I wish Archie well, and who knows he may come back on loan? Chance would be a fine thing!
  8. bucks_is_leeds

    bucks_is_leeds Jonny big spuds
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Gnontos sell on clause might be a reason to hang onto him.

    I'd like to see a bit more of Dan James anyway, he's looked decent at this level so I expect another winger to leave if there's another big sale to go
    Whitejock and Irishshako like this.
  9. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I think the club were hoping to move Summerville out, only 2 years left on his contract, last thing they need a £30-35m player doing, is running down his contract. He seems to have turned down the clubs that are interested in him, if he stays, they need to try and get him to sign an extension.
  10. Leedsoflondon

    Leedsoflondon Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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    Morning everyone. I’m hoping in this transfer window we address the full back situation. Still light at RB, only Byram who can’t last a whole season, sold Archie who played there for most of the time and Firpo at LB who may well be on the way out. Can’t think of who else can cover these positions.
    Norwayleedsforever likes this.

  11. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    I've been thinking the same way, but if Summerville is the difference between us getting promoted or not, its well worth keeping him as the cost of promotion is a lot higher.
  12. foolee

    foolee Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2020
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    I’m hoping selling Archie means we can keep Summerville as we have Byram as a backup RB and decent CMs in Ampadu, Kamara & Gruev. Would like to get shot of Gnoto too as he just doesn’t want to be here and is such a cry baby. 30m for him and 40 for Archie and keep Summerville I’d say that’s great business all around.

    Great that we’ve signed Rodon too, especially considering PL teams were after him. Great bit of business.
  13. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    It is but I think Farke will need to switch it around more this season, Jimmy got found out those last half dozen games and DF didn't have an answer to it
    Norwayleedsforever likes this.
  14. Wakey

    Wakey Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    So we wave goodbye to Archie the yid as he departs to win as much as harry kane did. If spurs play him at full back he will get skinned at prem level.
    Norwayleedsforever likes this.
  15. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Im of a vintage when I remember us being as big or bigger than Spurs arsenal scum etc and we kept our quality. that's the Leeds I still love and support. But this bshit of fans celebrating getting 40m for our top talent, I will never support or agree with. We've been a second rate club for 20 years and will continue to be at this rate. Not my cup of tea at all
    Infidel likes this.
  16. 2 pennth

    2 pennth Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2016
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    Bet the 49s are rubbing their hands at the thought of getting 40/50 mil for Harry in a few years time selling your home grown talent is not for me but it is what it is
  17. Wakey

    Wakey Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Archie and his agent will be crying at the bank tears of joy.
  18. Leedsoflondon

    Leedsoflondon Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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    I remember when he went away for one of the international fixtures a team mate said that Rodon finally felt at home at Leeds United. Thought it was the usual bollocks players spout but it would seem not. Nice to have a player that really wants to play for the club.
  19. 2 pennth

    2 pennth Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2016
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    Anyway how much did we get for Archie was it 40mil 30mil or 20mil
    Just wonder who talked Archie into this move I’m not convinced it was his idea
  20. Wakey

    Wakey Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    More than rads & orta would have got for him. I have lost interest in him now he is ex Leeds United.

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