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Hopes and Expectations

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Monkey69, Jul 2, 2024 at 6:28 AM.

  1. Monkey69

    Monkey69 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2020
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    I was wondering what everybody expects or hopes for in this season (I get that things will change during the transfer window). For me I would love to see us adopt a more aggressive approach to attacking football and away from this possession with no substance and 2 defensive midfielders style we seem to have adopted last season.
    I really feel that since last season a few of the signings may well have started to bed in and become more accustomed to the new surroundings, new language and hopefully their team mates. Having moved country myself I think I understand a little bit more how difficult this can be and I am not a 17 or 18 year old (at times I wish I was) young lad trying to learn a new language.
    I expect some changes in the first team and a few in the academy. I would love to see the academy teams improve from last season and fully expect them to. I expect to see academy products breaking into the first team, and fully expect the first team to improve.
    I think we can already see some improvements from the club regarding commercial plans and I fully believe that this is the tip of the iceberg and really hope that as we get better here the stadium improvements and facelift will start to be planned.
    I still expect a few mistakes and do not expect all to be rosy but you can't make a cake without breaking a few eggs.
    I am the same every year before pre season and I am generally an optimist when viewing these things but in my honest opinion I think this could be one of the most open championships in years and I hope we keep ourselves in the hunt as I think that if there is a sniff of automatics or play offs with 10 games remaining I would love the stadium packed to the rafters singing loud and proud to inspire the players.
    That's my hopes and expectations anyway!
  2. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Well, according to the five year plan, this is the year we should be going up.

    Realistically though, we've got zero momentum on the pitch and not much change in the playing staff right now. Top half should be the goal, but three or four shrewd signings could see us a lot higher.

    If we really do want promotion we've got to hit the ground running and hope to take advantage of a relegated team having a slow start.
  3. steesafc

    steesafc Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Better than the season just gone I hope.

    If we recruit well and don't lose too many assets I'd like to think we could be troubling the playoffs again. An experienced holding mid and a genuine striker that knows what a goal is are non negotiatiables.
  4. Yorkie

    Yorkie Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
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    I hope that we’re at least in contention for automatics and in a position where for most of the season there’s no doubt we’ll make the playoffs. Do I expect this as well? Actually why not? Just need a good window and the coach to click. Signs are there and new deals being struck already.
    I also hope that players are played in their best positions and they settle in to those. Hopefully some previous signings where the jury might be out become total quality! Potentials is there for the likes of Ba, Rusyn, AA, Pembele. I even think Jewison can still do a job for us in the right hands,
    I hope Rigg has an incredible season.
    A relatively injury free season would also be nice.
    Monkey69, gelders pie and TopCat_ like this.
  5. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Back to playing a good style of football and getting into the play offs, easier said than done with the parachute money coming down, Leeds West Brom Norwich etc already down here and will be up there again, no reason we can’t do it but nothings a given in this league
    Monkey69 and gelders pie like this.
  6. OldNewtown

    OldNewtown Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I would like a Club and Team that I can be proud of and that plays the game the right way.
    I do not want a win at any cost club or team.
    I'd rather lose a game by trying to win than try to park the bus and hold what we have.
    I'd like to see football with a smile on its face.
    Neil, Monkey69, gelders pie and 3 others like this.
  7. TopCat_

    TopCat_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Win more games, play in a style that is attractive. Challenge for the top 6 with a balanced squad.

    That will do me
  8. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I want the owner and board to stick to their guns and make a success of the way that they've decided to run the club. I think this is the most sensible plan we've had for years and the one that is most likely to achieve long term success.

    I'd like them to continue to win back hearts and minds, as they've been doing in the past week or so, and to prove the naysayers wrong.

    I'd like us to challenge for the playoffs but I don't see promotion as an absolute must. I would rather we spent more time developing the team and the overall operation so that when promotion is achieved, we have a better than usual chance of staying up.
  9. SourPatch2

    SourPatch2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2024
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    Better implementation of the model.

    A consistent style of play that suits the players and to not deviate from that if we have a few poor results to start the season.

    No expectations in terms of league position.
    Saf, Monkey69 and Hudson92 like this.
  10. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Plau a high press, aggressive style. Striker gets 15+ goals, Rigg gets a lot of gametime in his proper position. I'd have Dan Neil as captain, I think his time has come, with Luke being club captain.

    Would like to see Robson and Young have a good season of men's footy as well.

    I reckon we will be top 8
    Monkey69, gelders pie and Scout73 like this.

  11. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Oh and give regis the 3 years to put all of the above into place
    Saf, Monkey69, gelders pie and 3 others like this.
  12. Scout73

    Scout73 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    I want to be entertained this season, play good high tempo football and ill be happy

    I think a top 6 finish is realistic - obviously depending on how window goes n how Le Bris is.

    I want to see a few of the younger lads really kick on this season - hume neil ballard have all got better every yr so i would like to see more of them kick on this season
  13. Chunksafc

    Chunksafc Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2023
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    A team that play the quick attacking football that make it fun to watch.

    The continued success of the youth teams and their path to the first team

    To continue to develop the model on and off the pitch and continue building on the solid foundations they have put in place.

    As for league position, who knows, as long as the players give everything for the shirt and hopefully some quality entertainment that will look after itself
  14. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2019
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    We have a very good squad and with a couple of additions we could definitely be pushing for at least the playoffs. I'm not expecting instant success though with a new head coach. Hoping for comfortably top half for the whole season and pushing for a top 6 spot.

    Also expecting a huge improvement tactically. As for team selection, no forcing players into the team because of who they are. If they are out of form sub them or replace them for a bit to give someone else a chance.

    And we need to buy a couple of strikers and a CDM.
    gelders pie likes this.
  15. Flashman_Karl

    Flashman_Karl Active Member

    May 25, 2024
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    Clear style of play implemented.
    Challenge for top 6.
    More opportunities for academy lads like Watson.
    clockstander and Monkey69 like this.
  16. cumbrianmackem

    cumbrianmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Attractive attacking football would do me.
    Better news on the injury front and the new manager given a real chance to settle.
    Top 6 why not, just give it a bloody good go.
    Monkey69 and rooch 3 like this.
  17. Vaux92

    Vaux92 Active Member

    Jan 13, 2023
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    Hopes - Tactically, some version of the free-flowing football we saw under Mowbray. Married with the logic of our recruitment model in League One, i.e. mostly acquiring players who were seemingly a coup at our level.

    A breakout season for Rigg and a reliable striker signed permanently.

    An early Regis Le Bris masterclass that galvanises the fanbase and rekindles the promotion dream.

    Expectations - Without significant injuries... play-offs. Minimum.

    1 key sale. Any more would be a disaster. Any less should absolve Speakman and KLD of failures last season... in my opinion!

    My heart to be going like the clappers at least 13764324 times before next May.

    Ha'way the Lads!
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024 at 8:39 AM
  18. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    I'd like to see a few of the young lads developing quickly, both from those already around the team and those a little less so, a couple of signings who are ready to add something to the team would be nice, and for the fans to fall in love with the new manager.

    I would also like to see KLD enjoy the faith I have in him on a slightly broader scale than he currently does.

    And for our standing in the game to improve back to the exciting club that develops talented young players.

    I'm not desperate for promotion at all but I'd like to see us take a run at the play-offs.
    gelders pie and rooch 3 like this.
  19. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    What do you think we would need to add to get back into the top 6?
  20. Monkey69

    Monkey69 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2020
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    I have a hope that some of the younger lads signed last season click and start to show what they are capable of. Also get some players back from injury I think will give the whole club a boost.
    Scout73 likes this.

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