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New Head Coach

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by FellTop, Nov 26, 2023.

  1. alan reed

    alan reed Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Spot on, I can remember having a difference of opinion with you one time, when you posted a joke about epilepsy. Said I didn’t find it funny as my wife suffers from that. You stated your reasons for putting the joke up and like gentlemen we agreed to differ on that. No name calling or putting people on ignore just agreed to disagree and that was it.
  2. LKToday

    LKToday Active Member

    Jun 21, 2024
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    Yeah that’s how I see it, I’d like our loans to be used on players who would come straight into the team and improve us.
  3. The Professor

    The Professor Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2020
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    They are stupid beyond stupid, i know lad who im going to tell story about reads this forum but dont believe he posts so its likely to being a smirk to his face

    We were out one Saturday night for a drink, lad was talking to my mate about none league they played together/ against, not sure who he supported but that wasn't really relevant to the conversation....anyway i pop to the toilet & come back to the other lads mate singing full rendition top of his voice 'have you ever see a mackem in Milan':emoticon-0138-think.....& Im thinking wtf....mate cool as you like as was only couple of weeks after mags had played Milan away....

    did you go?
    Lad replies "course i went"
    Mate "show me your pictures then"
    Lad "eeeerrrrrr"
    Mate "you must have too pics? Everyone does on there phone, even just to laugh at us?"
    Lad "eeerrrr eeerrrr me phones flat"
    Mate "didnt go did you?"
    Lad getting irate & looking a tool "course i fooking went, show me you pics, your a mackem whos never been to milan" strong laughing

    Mate gets his phone out & shows pic of him in a Sunderland polo shirt in the san siro:emoticon-0160-movie

    Lad "fooks that like?" Looking a complete nugget as this is not going his way at all & his mates have begun laughing at him

    Mate points at the pic on his phone "well, thats me, im a mackem, thats the san siro & im in milan, shows your pics"
    Lad "but but but eeerrr eeerrr me phones flat....eeerrr eeerrrr anyay just fook off":emoticon-0102-bigsm
    Mate " didnt go did you?" & The lad toddles off

    They really are too he biggest set of nuggets on the planet, as with all they still have some decent ones who disagree how things & football has gone but simply wow at the rest.....you meet people from all over & im finding now more than ever when i say i follow the lads the reply is often "thank fook for that, thought you were going to say Newcastle, cant stand them"

    The mags think thats because they maybe about to compete......its not its because there are no other set of supporters go on & make themselves look as stupid<doh>
  4. David Moyes' Stupid Face

    David Moyes' Stupid Face Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I am absolutely certain that's because you make it so obvious that it bugs you so much (for some reason). If you just laughed along or didn't care they'd soon get bored. Be less precious about it, it really isn't a big deal.
  5. ISOE II

    ISOE II Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2019
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    Just office banter. But they usually start it with their “Ugh you’re a Mackem!” In a Condescending, down their nose, superior way.
    Which if they said ugh you’re black to a black person, would have them in HR within minutes.
    Guess I do let it show but I’ll never be mastered by them.
  6. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Let's say for the sake of argument tomorrow, July 1st, is the first announcement/press conference for our new man.

    What would be the first things you'd like to hear ...

    ... bearing in mind there'll be an immediate response, on social media, saying 'Actions wanted, not words'.

    No doubt this will be from many people who are always demanding statements and words from the club.

    My wishlist top three would be a clear statement that he's there for the duration however things start ...

    ... there will be a commitment to playing in a particular way with players in positions that suit them ...

    ... and that everyone at the club, new or existing, is valued and part of a real team.

    I'm not interested in bold promises about promotion or play-offs.

    That's a given imo and any predictions would quickly be taken as 'cast in stone' and thrown back at him if there's the slightest blip.
    ISOE II likes this.
  7. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Support takes many forms, including criticism where warranted. It's not a thought crime to have areas where you believe they can do better.

    I have relatives for whom Sunderland haven't done anything right since Clough got injured.
    WorkyTicketFTM and Porterfield73 like this.
  8. Flashman_Karl

    Flashman_Karl Active Member

    May 25, 2024
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    Happy to be here and a brief bit about how he's would like to get us playing. Any more than that and our lot will be twisting his words and misrepresenting anything he says as promises as soon as we have a disappointing performance.

    Unfortunately some people won't be happy with whatever he says unless he calls Speakman a ****er and promises to play 442.
  9. samwise_new

    samwise_new Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    got me thinking this and that is not a usual occurrence ;)

    my own opinion of course...i would actually like to see KDL or KS begin the conference 'introducing' reggie and telling us that they will be fully behind him and give him time to mould the squad regardless of results, league position because this should be a time of stability, i know this would not sit well with the '5 bad results and sack him' brigade but i feel a statement such as this would start the season off well.

    the owners have pretty much shown that they have listened as we can see by the rest of the work going on and the only other thing i would like would be a review of the plan/model/aims, circumstances change regular within a football club so even if it is just a simple 'we are still on course for the 5 year plan but we may adjust our vision of the playing staff' (or something along those lines) then let reggie have his say.

    there has been a bad season, the owners have moved to rectify it...i just need to know everyone is on the same page again.
  10. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    My brother spoke to him on Friday and said his English wasn't great. Mind my brother's isn't either ;)

    More than happy for him to play the no speaka de English with us and the pressuntil he gets himself established. As long as he can get his ideas and instructions over to the players, I can wait my turn to hear him say what every other manager says.
    Flashman_Karl likes this.

  11. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    IMG_4717.jpeg Shaking hands on a new deal
    sheepman, Robertson, ISOE II and 2 others like this.
  12. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Well you'd think the club have allowed the photo so who knows.
    Hudson92 likes this.
  13. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Imagine him and rigg sat either side of him tomorrow signing new deals, I’d combust
  14. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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  15. CR17

    CR17 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2023
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  16. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Using the fan song is superb, media side of things has improved ten fold since Bruce came in
  17. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    That's what I believe is called 'adorably naff' <laugh> all good fun.
  18. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    I’m so ****ing easily won over mind, nice new kit, using the socials properly and I’m convinced we’re winning the league

    This is before we even sign players I’ve never heard of
  19. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    This is exactly what I was talking about yesterday.

    The buzz from those at the club shop rubs off on you but also the club staff and anyone else there including Le Bris.

    The players will see all that and they feel a bit more excited.

    A good press conference, a signing/retention and the momentum gathers pace. By the time we get to Cardiff our support will be in good voice and that can also have an effect on the players.

    Every little helps.
  20. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Good first interview, started learning English 2 years ago and has a better grasp of it than me :emoticon-0102-bigsm

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