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New Head Coach

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by FellTop, Nov 26, 2023.

  1. Blond Bombshell

    Blond Bombshell Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2019
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  2. Blond Bombshell

    Blond Bombshell Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2019
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    Great to see and hear from RLB, great PR from the club. Welcome to the club Regis lad.
    Gil T Azell and Young Ted like this.
  3. vinkel

    vinkel Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    It was a huge mistake there was an apology. let’s move on.
  4. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Series of awful decisions require a series of excellent decisions before they should be laid to rest.

    Still in the red for me, but there's no reason why we can't be well into the black by the end of this season.
    ISOE II likes this.
  5. Essayyeffcee

    Essayyeffcee Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    No offence mate but what would cause the club to be in the black for you? Yes last season was a total **** show and no one had denied that - including the owner but off the pitch we've come in leaps and bounds from where we were and the previous season we played some of the best football I've ever seen us play. I'll support the club no matter what, whether I agree with what they do at times it's a different matter but there's no conditions I'll put on my support
    Yorkie, Jarca, SAFCDRUM and 7 others like this.
  6. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    A series of good decisions on and off the pitch. It's not difficult, and they've proven they can do it before.

    Remember the BCB came along at a time we had been making consistently poor decisions, all the way back to the summer window, and we continued all the way up to the end of the season. That's why people lost their rag.
  7. Culinary

    Culinary Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2021
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    Does it not work the other way too? Were they not already in the black (for completely transforming the playing squad, the Academy, getting promotion etc) before the last seven or so months that caused the most upset? Are they not now already evens or close to it?
  8. SourPatch2

    SourPatch2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2024
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    Had no idea where to put it but the lads are back in for pre season. Think we may hear from Le Bris at some point today.
  9. Essayyeffcee

    Essayyeffcee Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    So what would you consider "good decisions"? Do you include the home kit in that? Moving the club shop? Relaying the pitch for example for off the pitch. The head coach for me is a work in progress since we haven't seen how he'll set the team up and who goes and who stays. I can understand people still being pissed off with the BCB as it didn't sit right with me but saying that a series of good decisions will put the club back in your good books is a bit vague tbh.

    Then again I must be old fashioned in the way I support my team
  10. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Not 'being in credit' to people who don't go to support the club or ever have anything good to say might seem relevant to them ...

    ... thankfully we have thousands of decent people who follow the club, home and away, who more than balance the books.

    It's dreary seeing a few people endlessly picking fault when the club are doing so much to rebuild from the basket case we once were. Short, despite himself, then Donald and Methven destroyed so much trust, goodwill from the backroom staff, the academy, the stadium and our reputation.

    We're now in a position whereby the biggest clubs will happily send us their players, good ambitious players will sign/stay, the stadium and kit are being resurrected and the supporters are capable of taking the odd knock, and backward step, without becoming hysterical.

    I like SAFC at the moment ...

    ... so much so that, after 60 years of support I'm buying my first ever season ticket.

    As a permanent exile, since the age of eight, my support has been excellent :emoticon-0103-cool: but, despite often seeing virtually every home game, I either couldn't risk that amount up front, or was living/working in another country so never knew my availability.

    Looking back it's cost a fortune but, who cares, it's been brilliant ...

    ... so many memories, so many great people and so many great games.

    So, for any eight year olds reading this don't listen to these f***ing boring w**nkers whining on about f*ck all, the pack of miserable c*nts ...

    ... listen to yer Uncle Smug and get to every game you can, keep the faith and Ha'way the Lads!!!

    If you don't I know where you live <whistle>
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 3:15 PM

  11. LKToday

    LKToday Active Member

    Jun 21, 2024
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    Great post mate. There’s enough misery in the world, the least we can do is enjoy Sunderland.

    Ordered my bairn the home shirt yesterday, will be his second one as he’s only two. But there’s not a better feeling than seeing him wear it, makes me tear up when he does and that’s what it’s all about (my American wife doesn’t quite understand it but it’s not her fault ha!)
  12. alcoauth

    alcoauth Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Buzzing with that, honestly think we're going to have a good season, have a right go at getting into that top-6, plenty of twists and turns along the way. Haway the lads.
  13. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Three managers, a flirt with relegation, two disastrous transfer windows, the managerial search fiasco and numerous off pitch issues burn through the goodwill quickly.

    They've made a decent start on building it back up with the new strip but there's still a long way to go. Some good signings this window will continue the positivity, as will getting a look at how we're going to set up on the pitch. All perfectly possible if the will is there to make it happen.

    I'd like to consider last season to be an unfortunate 'relapse'. You don't trust immediately after the first day sober though.

    Pair of the new shorts bought today - where does that place me in the heirarchy of who's the best supporter? <laugh> who can I lord it over like it's something important and not just a sad ego trip?
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 3:25 PM
    ISOE II likes this.
  14. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Two managers, no chance of relegation, two transfer windows where we hung onto our best players, the careful managerial search and an apology for the only real off field issue keep the goodwill hence the huge SC sales.

    They've made a decent start on building it back up with the new strip, managerial/Bruce appointment, stadium plans, etc etc etc but that needs to keep going and will. Some good signings this window will continue the positivity.

    All clubs have difficult times.

    Birmingham had big new owners, money, plans and promises but completely failed.

    They had three managers, one we even gave them, and they were all disasters ...

    ... now they're in L1 while we have a chance of the PL.

    Things are looking good :emoticon-0103-cool:
  15. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    We didnt flirt with relegation. That's a significant exaggeration. At no time did it seem likely or even particularly possible we would go down.
    gillmackem, Young Ted and Yorkie like this.
  16. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Looks like I've got a special friend <laugh>
  17. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Absolute nonsense.

    'Are you a 90% full glass ...

    ... or a 10% down to the absolute dregs glass <laugh>

    Seriously, why are these people so constantly miserable, if 'supporting' SAFC makes them so unhappy why don't they just do everyone, including themselves, a favour and stop <doh>
  18. alcoauth

    alcoauth Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I think there is evidence that this is the case.

    If you look at the Ellis Short years, we were essentially bankrolled and the plan was very basic, hire and sign reputable people for whatever they cost in order to move up the table, we were never able to do that and eventually the bankrolling became too much for Ellis Short and it left us in a really bad situation.

    The way we are run now, with an aim to be self sufficient, if we can achieve that (well on our way) the club can go as far as our business practices allow us and I think we all agree 16th in the Championship isn't where we are in terms of fanbase, squad, recruitment model and business planning.

    The goal has to be the playoffs, this season, next season, however many seasons it takes us, the automatic slots are going to be reserved for those being bankrolled, those with premier league quality squads and after that, perhaps those who seem to get something very right, like Ipswich last season, we are only ever going to be in that latter category for the time being, actually getting into the Premiership is what will unlock the bigger financial rewards and thus spending capabilities.
  19. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I knew nothing about virtually any of the names mentioned but like yourself I think we will have a very good season.

    The new head coach/manager whatever he is called this week looked to try and play decent football until the club sold quite a few players from under him.

    Regardless of who we got in, who goes out its another season, another start and I for one cannot wait.
  20. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I'd agree with most of that.

    Anywhere north of 7th is an achievement imo ...

    ... I think most people would be pleased with that.

    Some good attacking football would help.

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