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Off Topic Seven Up - not606

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Evil Jimmy Krankie, Jun 28, 2024 at 11:23 AM.

  1. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I saw this thread on the SMB a few years back and thought it would be a good idea for this forum.
    For those not aware Seven Up is a long running tv series that documents the lives of a group of children from the age of seven. The first series was shown in 1964 and has kept going every seven years since then. Some of the participants have died, others dropped out but most seem to have stayed the course. Anyway, here’s the wiki link


    So, as I’ve started the thread it should be up to me to get the ball rolling.

    1973 - I’m seven years old and living in Middle Herrington with my grandparents. I can remember watching the cup final on a black and white telly. No brothers or sisters and just started East Herrington Primary School. Ian Porterfield turned up at our school to talk about his goal and winning the cup. Life was good.

    1980 - At 14 years old I’m still an only child. I was receiving my education at a private school in Sunderland (the one with the green blazers), although that was about to change. I was desperately unhappy there. I was living with my mum and dad in Carrville in a house that would have overlooked the Ramside had it not been for the railway line and I was about to move to Belmont Comp for my last two years. I’d discovered Heavy Metal/rock music and dressed accordingly. Hated school but most other things were good. Durham Ice Rink and RMSS at Newton Hall on a Saturday were awesome.

    1987 - At this point I’m 21 years old and had been serving in the army for three years. I was stationed at Bulford Camp about 10 miles out of Salisbury. I was a Craftsman in REME getting a trade as a vehicle mechanic. At the risk of sounding crude I was shagging anything female that had a pulse. My alcohol tolerance had increased fairly dramatically. I’d been arrested and charged by Salisbury Police. In short I was an arsehole but enjoying my life.

    1994 - 28 years old. I’m still in the army, a fully qualified vehicle mechanic but career wise going absolutely nowhere. Most of my contemporaries were getting promoted. I wasn’t having reached the dizzy heights of Lance Corporal in 1989. I was at my third operational unit, based in Abingdon in Oxfordshire. I detested every day I was there and made it clear. The bright side was that I had been married for a year to Mrs K and in that respect life was brilliant. Our baby ‘girl’, Emily, a 10 month old black moggie had come into our lives and we doted on her.

    2001 - Still married but out of the army. Jumped before I was pushed. I’m 35 and had been a cop for six years. I was happy in my career and doing well. I was a Detective Constable and well thought of in my force (a small county force in the East Midlands whose Chief Constable has just been sacked). More importantly I had become a dad for the first time with our son, Tom, who was born in the June. Life was just great. Mrs K has taken a career break from her job as airline cabin crew.

    2008 - Still married but no longer a cop in that East Midlands force. The year before I saw an advertisement in a police publication that said British cops were wanted in Australia so I applied and the Krankie clan moved to the other side of the world a month before Christmas the previous year. Career wise starting from the bottom again, but the weather more than made up for it. Living in a rented house and at times I wondered if I’d done the right thing. Tom was in primary school and oblivious to most things, but supporting the lads. Mrs K had got a job with the Department of Fisheries.

    2015 - By this point I’m 49. I’d left the police and then rejoined all in the space of seven months. I’d been promoted to sergeant on my birthday this year and was working as the Australian equivalent of a custody sergeant. I had got myself into triathlons a few years previously and had already done two Ironman distance races and was training for a Half Ironman. Tom is 14 and is following in my footsteps in that he couldn’t stand school. Mrs K is working for the Department of Health. So I’m still married. We have a Siberian Husky called Chaos, whilst not the brightest lad brings us lots of joy.

    2022 - Getting to the end now. I’m 56 and still married to Mrs K. Tom is 21 years old, like me an only child. He is an Able Seaman in the Royal Australian Navy where he has completed his trade training as an Avionics Technician. I’m still a sergeant but have transferred to a local police station as a shift sergeant. Mrs K is still at the Department of Health and in a middle management position. The only sad moment was that we had to say goodnight to Chaos this year. He was just over 12 years old and had a great life.

    Today - Life is still great and so far continues to be.

    That’s me. Don’t know if anyone else wants to add their Seven Up but if you do I reckon it’ll be interesting considering some of the personalities we have on here.
    ISOE II, Vincemac, RTB and 8 others like this.

    SAFCDRUM Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    This is a good one. May take some time so I'll be back.
  3. Comfy

    Comfy Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Enjoyed that, wished I could remember mine
  4. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    1959 sacriston pit village
    Oldest of four living with my parents in a small two bed flat did not much more than play in the streets and go down the woods
    Went to the local catholic school and attended mass every Sunday
    I was allowed to sneak up and watch late tv
    1966 sacriston
    Now oldest of eight living in a council house still with parents playing football every day and going to the matches on a Saturday and we won the World Cup
    Was at the catholic school Durham and still attended mass
    1973 sacriston
    Still in the same house the oldest of eight however there was nine unfortunately he died by then I was the local maintenance bricklayer for the council
    And had met my future wife and got engaged bought a terraced house we won the fa cup all was good still went to matches on a Saturday and still attending mass on a Sunday
    1980 sacriston
    Still in our first house Now married and first daughter Born very fit and played football and pool to a reasonable good standard we
    Managed to buy new cars
    I had a great social life drinking going to matches keeping fit and taking holidays abroad still working for the council
    Still attending mass on a Sunday
    1987 nettlesworth
    Still married Had Moved into a semi on a nice little estate left the council joined the prison service and played little football and a little pool
    Woking a lot of houses and little social life still managed our holidays abroad still managed to buy our new cars
    Still managed to get to the matches however Sunday mass stopped
    1994 Chester le street
    Still married just moved into a new detached house and. Have another daughter times were hard long hours working with rewards
    Still managed a few holidays abroad however spent a lot of time at work still managed a new car
    Still played a little pool and attended matches at home
    2001 Chester le street
    Still married and now a grand father living in the same house I play no pool now however still get to the matches at home
    Working long hours and still having a few holidays abroad and our new cars
    2008 Chester le street
    Still married semi retired and more social time more holidays abroad and new car’s fiancés are better and we are more comfortable working part time
    No morgage and still going to matches
    2015 chester le street
    Still married not much changes last day at work retired early through health issues back problems
    2022 still married not much changes health issues but manageable
    Today Chester le street
    Still married Moved into a bungalow to make it more comfortable for us with our back problems
    Note much change sill have many holidays and new cars go to all the home games and try and have a little social life

    long drawn out this and missed out loads however I can’t complain about my life
    There is a lot of people out there suffering
    Robertson, ISOE II, RTB and 7 others like this.
  5. Whittylad

    Whittylad Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Good one . Met my future wife who is from nettlesworth in 1977. Moved to Chester le street in 1990 and still there now. Small world. I'll get round to my post soon.

    SAFCDRUM Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    1973 - baking. Born 1974.

    1981 - mam and dad probably just divorced. Living in Washington. First lads game was 1983 and for some unknown reason to this day, I received a Man CIty football kit. My mate who lived nearby had a Tottenham kit and we used to play footy re enacting the FA Cup final (when that was a massive thing). Villa, still Ricky Villa.

    1988 - probably one of the seasons I was most active following the lads before we moved to Manchester in 1990. Went to handful of away games but all the home ones at the back of the Fulwell.
    Mam remarried and lived in very nice house in Washington.

    1995 - God, loved the 90s. This year was at Sheffield University. Learned nothing other than life skills. Saw a couple of bands at the Leadmill before they were massive. Back at home played Sunday league footy and out with mates all the time when places were busy and prices realistic. The best times.

    2002 - living in rented apartment (flat) with my girlfriend (soon to be fiance/wife), in West Disbury. Great place to live, cracking pubs and 15 bus ride into Manchester. Bought 1st house the following year and married in 2004. Working at the AA with great bunch of people all of similar age. Just about stopped playing footy as broke leg in 1996 and never really recovered back to spectacular best.

    2009 - Last 7 years a whirlwind where a paragraph won't do justice. Widowed in 2005. Chemo that wife had when she was 17 (before I knew her) came back to haunt and many complications followed. Left work and went to Australia for couple of months. Came back and got new job in 2006. Met new partner and had our first child (boy) in 2009. If younger we probably would have 'courted' longer before life changing decisions but hey ho. I have a grumpy 15 year old. Partner (now wife) had first symptom of numb right leg. Was comedy at the time.

    2014 - had daughter 2012. Now have 2 grumpy kids. Stressful at home as wife's condition worsening. Lost partial eye sight. Diagnosed with MS in 2013. Trying to work full time (in office pre covid) whilst attending medical appointments and two young kids proving difficult. Surprised we made it through. Went to OT for semi final on free ticket in Utd end. Think mate thought it would be home banker. Watched final at home and just happy we scored first and had half time lead. First time I'd seen us score first at Wembley.

    2021 - had 3rd and final child in 2018. Wife's choice as felt she missed out on having another earlier due to the MS. To be fair she is a little star. Covid was awful for many but good for us as a family. Still on Furlough and managed to get 18 months. Therefore I am at home to be able to help out on 80% wage. Moved to bungalow in 2022. Wife not able to walk unaided.

    2028 - kids will be 19, 15 and 9. <laugh>

    Very therapeutic this. Could have written loads.
    Robertson, ISOE II, rooch 3 and 8 others like this.
  7. becs

    becs Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2019
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    1975 - Born in South Shields. First born child to my parents who were living in an upstairs flat in Hebburn. Moved to a house Washington when I was a baby as parents were planning more babies. My brother arrived when I was two.

    1982 - Living in Washington and just finishing the end of a very difficult year in the infants. We used to live in Albany and I'd completed my first two years of the infants there and loved school. When I moved to Blackfell, I ended up in a weird class which was half third year infants and half second year infants and everyone was mixed ability. The teacher would set different work for different tables. I was ahead of all the others with my learning and was sat on my own with my own work and I wasn't encouraged to mix with the rest of the class. Was looking forward to moving into the junior school and being in a proper class again.

    1989 - teenager and rebelling against my Mam. She wanted me to be all twin set and pearls, very elegant and ladylike. Those who know me, know I'm not ladylike! I was wearing jeans or trackie bottoms and footy tops and hanging round with the lads. She'd be wanting me to do gentile things like learning to play piano and embroidery. I'd be out with lads on my bike or playing footy or climbing trees. Dad had started taking me to the matches and I was hooked.

    1996 - I was married and expecting my first child. Had lived in Pelton for a couple of years but our house was burgled and I didn't feel safe there anymore, so we'd just moved to Ouston. I'd been working in laboratories since I left school starting with the Vaux lab which I absolutely loved but they couldn't keep me on. I was working in a microbiology lab testing routine samples from food manufacturers to make sure items in the food chain are safe.

    2003 - Had two sons by this point. My husband had gone off with someone else and left us. Still lived in Ouston. Was working part time in a morning office job as my Mam worked afternoons and she provided free childcare! I was doing mystery shopping work in the afternoons/evenings/weekends to bring extra money in as I could take my children along on those jobs. Had a good life and the boys were doing well.

    2010 - Married again and had a daughter who was three. It wasn't a happy marriage due to domestic violence. Had left the office job and was working as a merchandiser while also studying with the Open University. Managed to pass a BA degree, while juggling work, children and domestic life. Was busy plotting my escape from the marriage which happened in 2011.

    2017 - Single and living in Ouston. Still working full time as a merchandiser and also doing auditing work. Eldest son had left home to go to university. Quietly content with life. Got addicted to travelling once my children were at an age when they liked being out and about experiencing things rather than playing in the pool all day.

    2024 - Single and living in Ouston. Still doing the merchandising and auditing work. Now the proud owner of two graduate sons. My eldest is working and living with a lass and her daughter, so I became a Grandma! My younger son is also working, getting married to a Norwegian lass in December, moving to Norway and planning babies. Daughter is 17 and currently looking at her options for university. Immensely proud of my bairns and their achievements. Still quietly content with life and still addicted to travelling. Backpacked round Ecuador and the Galapagos last summer which was the best trip I've never been on. The wildlife was mind blowing.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 10:16 AM
  8. Whittylad

    Whittylad Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    1959 Born Bishop Auckland 2nd child of eventual 3. Lived in small terraced house with mam and dad and eldest sister for a couple of years before sister number 2 arrived. Dad was a dairy foreman at the coop dairy mam worked in the office. Attended infant school and sport was my main interest at that early age. Attended Sunday school every week .
    Still in same house parents same work played footy up the recreation ground just about every day great group of friends and family. Still attended church and by now was in the church choir. What a little cherub. Still at school although even then I was never keen on school.
    I'd moved to senior school and hated that even more and started to play truant every now and then. Would often go away for day with wagon drivers who worked at the mill across the road. I'd found safc by then also and attended games home and away with a couple of mates on a bus of owld fellas that looked after us very well one of which is still alive and attending games and spoke to him at an away game last season. Great times. Went to all the cup games including the final. Happy happy days football wise. Sadly dad had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and in the space of a couple of years was in a wheel chair and unable to walk. A crippling disease and was heartbreaking watching him go from a big strong man to a person who needed constant care. It finally took him in August 1976 shortly before my 17th birthday. I was devastated and still miss him now. I was also border line going off the rails and close to getting into bother.
    A month after dad died I'd decided to do something with my life and joined the police cadets in Durham. What a good move that was a fantastic experience and made great friends for life. By 1980 I was a cop working at Darlington I'd met Mrs W been married and living in a police house in Darlington slap bang in the middle of a council estate. Fantastic time great neighbours and friends and very happy. A great community spirit existed between everyone on that estate cops and non cops. Wife worked at a bank . All was great. Better was to follow.
    By now I was a proud dad of 2 a daughter and a son had bought our first house still a cop working Darlington but the Mrs was struggling health wise and she wanted to move closer to her home at nettlesworth so we upped sticks and moved to Durham and I moved north with my job. Kids settled at school and Mrs W,s health improved. Great times again. By now my son was red and white also and he's never stopped thanking me for introducing him to a life time of of following the lads.:emoticon-0136-giggl
    Mrs W suddenly dropped a Bombshell that she wanted a change of career and quit the bank job to train as a nurse and 3 yrs of training started with a big pay cut going from salary to a yearly bursary.
    Mrs W fully qualified and working in occupational health in the private sector and I'd moved into the driving school teaching everything from standard driving to advanced , Hgv , buses and other specialist courses. I was happy but becoming disillusioned with the job and the way standards were dropping and times were changing but I was to far in to quit. Kids were great. We had also moved into our current house in Chester-le-Street. Lovely.
    Mrs W had changed jobs still occupational health but in at another company. She was flying and I was very proud of her as I still am. Kids had left school daughter was very academically minded and was working full time. Son was like me hated school but was training as a apprentice mechanic at a VW garage. I was still in the driving school but my 30 years service was in sight head down and crack on. I had also started playing golf at the local golf club . Really enjoyed it as I still do and still a member now.
    If anyone is still awake I'm now a grandad to a little girl and soon to to be blessed with a grandson both from my daughter. Apologies to my grandson as with my son he's now committed to a lifetime of following the lads but loves it and thinks things are great. The year I retired from the police. I was ready to leave as the job that had served me well was almost unrecognisable to the job I'd started. To much political correctness and spiralling drop in standards. Oh well there's a big world out there. I left and was happy to do so but missed the daily crack to begin with. Started doing bits and bobs of part time work to tick over. Mrs W had moved on again to another company but was loving her work and wanted to continue. Handicap tumbled as I played more golf. Plus more time to follow the lads home and away. However trouble was not far away.
    In 2013 I was losing weight although training hard also so no red flags for me but Mrs W encouraged me to get some checks which I did and I was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukaemia. Total shock to us all but 6 months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed and I was in complete remission by the end of 2013. Sadly in 2016 I relapsed and in 2017 I underwent a full stem cell transplant with cells donated by my son. He's a good lad. Times were difficult but the strength Mrs W showed during that time was unbelievable working and visiting everyday looking after the 2 German Shepherd dogs and keeping the family updated all the time. A real gem I was lucky to find all those years ago. Health touch wood is good and I also must thank our magnificent NHS staff for looking after me and getting me back to where I am today. Absolute angels and still good friends with them now.
    Lost my mam very suddenly which was devastating for the family as she was such a whirlwind. Love and miss you mam.
    Health still good Mrs W has now retired and we have another grandchild this time from my son. Life is good . Golf is OK footy could and will be better. Kids all fine. Grandson is 18 today and we are off to the races at Newcastle to celebrate. Thanks for reading.
  9. Evil Jimmy Krankie

    Evil Jimmy Krankie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Fantastic. To coin an an acronym, TJF!!
    Robertson and Whittylad like this.
  10. Whittylad

    Whittylad Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Absolutely 100%
    Evil Jimmy Krankie likes this.

  11. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Bit like the prisons
    Evil Jimmy Krankie and Whittylad like this.

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