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Off Topic The Politics Thread

Discussion in 'Queens Park Rangers' started by Stroller, Jun 25, 2015.


Should the UK remain a part of the EU or leave?

Poll closed Jun 24, 2016.
  1. Stay in

    56 vote(s)
  2. Get out

    61 vote(s)
  1. Steelmonkey

    Steelmonkey Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    And police escorts as well it seems
    sb_73 likes this.
  2. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    if i knew the date in advance i wouldnt bet on it

    the wife would have though
  3. Stroller

    Stroller Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    **** me, a Labour candidate now suspended for betting on the Tories!
  4. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    Government writes off £1.4bn of PPE from Covid deal
    8 hours ago
    By Jon Ironmonger, BBC Investigations, Northamptonshire
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    A huge amount of Full Support Healthcare PPE was found in the New Forest last year
    About £1.4bn worth of personal protective equipment (PPE) has been destroyed or written off in what is understood to be the most wasteful government deal of the pandemic.

    Figures obtained by the BBC reveal that at least 1.57 billion items of PPE provided by the NHS supplier, Full Support Healthcare, will never be used, despite being manufactured to the proper standard.

    The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), which was responsible for purchasing and delivering Covid PPE, said: “We do not recognise the £1.4bn quoted. Our position on PPE stock is set out in the department’s annual accounts as audited by the National Audit Office."

    The Labour Party described the contract as a "staggering waste" while the Liberal Democrats said it was a "colossal misuse of public funds".

    Full Support Healthcare agreed a £1.78bn deal in April 2020 to deliver face masks, respirators, eye protection and aprons - the largest Covid PPE order from a single supplier, accounting for 13% of the government’s total spend.

    Before the pandemic, the Northamptonshire-based company, which was already a specialist manufacturer of PPE, had 25 employees and annual profits of £800,000.

    Any profits since the contract was fulfilled are not known because in 2021 the co-directors, Sarah Stoute, 50, and her husband Richard, 53, based the business offshore in Jersey for privacy reasons.

    They and the company continue to pay all UK tax. Neither Full Support Healthcare nor the Stoutes have done anything improper.

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    Full Support Healthcare
    Sarah Stoute worked as a nurse before setting up Full Support Healthcare

    BBC Investigations made a series of requests over a six-month period under the Freedom of Information Act to NHS Supply Chain, which manages the delivery of healthcare products.

    The responses reveal that about £1.4bn worth of Full Support Healthcare's PPE will not be used.

    The figure includes some 749 million items that have already been burned or destroyed, “including by energy from waste”, and a further 825 million that are classified as excess stock “where disposal and recycling are possible outcomes”.

    Full Support provided 2.02 billion items of PPE, however, only 232 million items have been dispatched to the NHS or other care settings.

    The deal is almost certain to be the most wasteful of the Covid pandemic. Data compiled by data firm Tussell, shows only one contract was more costly and it was awarded to a range of suppliers providing mixed services.

    The government previously estimated that £85m worth of PPE secured under the contract would not be used, which is approximately 6% of the true total.

    We have asked the DHSC to explain this disparity and why so much of the PPE was never used.

    The BBC understands that at least £100m of public money has additionally been spent on storing and incinerating the excess stock since its purchase.

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    Full Support Healthcare supplied PPE to the NHS during various previous pandemics
    'Staggering waste'
    Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, said the money lost "could have been used to pay the salaries of 37,000 nurses".

    "We all know that billions of pounds was wasted during the pandemic on corruption and incompetence, but what the BBC has uncovered is the worst example I have ever seen - £1.4bn on one contract, paying for PPE that was never used.

    "It is staggering waste and I think we need a full and frank account as to how so much public money was thrown down the toilet," he said.

    The BBC contacted the DHSC and the Conservative Party several times with no reply to set out our findings and ask a number of questions.

    In an earlier statement the government said it had "acted swiftly to procure PPE at the height of the pandemic, competing in an overheated global market where demand massively outstripped supply".

    The Liberal Democrats said it would "take steps to ensure such a colossal misuse of public funds never happened again".

    According to Peter Smith, a former government procurement adviser and author, the initial forecasts for how much PPE was going to be needed, "were far higher than they should have been... with enormous targets of tens of billions of items".

    "I think the procurement people did what many of us would have done and slightly panicked to get the stuff in, or at least get the contracts in and hope the stuff arrived later - it was almost as though price didn’t matter.

    "It meant opportunists and middlemen in entirely unrelated industries could make extortionate margins by organising supply from China or wherever, sometimes literally doubling their purchase price," he said.

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    The stockpile of medical aprons was considered to be a fire hazard
    Sarah Stoute, a former nurse, set up Full Support Healthcare in 2001 in Wellingborough and her husband became a director three years later.

    As experienced providers of PPE during previous pandemics, they moved quickly in late 2019 to boost supply as Coronavirus broke out.

    Under an existing arrangement with the NHS, their company won two DHSC purchase orders, including one for £1.78bn, for face masks and other items.

    Speaking at the time, Mrs Stoute said volumes of their product, shipped from China, increased from “eight sea freight containers every month to 800”.

    In a post on X, then known as Twitter, in October 2020 she wrote that her “team of 25 people” supplied “one fifth of the PPE national stockpile”.

    She added: “I’ve paid a few people’s mortgages off this last few weeks.”

    Afterwards, Mrs Stoute and her husband bought a £30m seafront villa in Barbados; a yacht; a £6m house in the south of England and an international equestrian centre in Bedfordshire.

    Giving evidence to the Public Accounts Committee in 2021, she said they "risked everything as a company and went into mass production with no security at all".

    There is no suggestion the Stoutes or their company did anything wrong.

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    The Stoutes based their business offshore in Jersey for privacy reasons
    'Repeated press intrusion'
    Lawyers representing the Stoutes said: “Full Support Healthcare stock arrived quickly by summer 2020, much earlier than most and in larger quantities.

    “It had either a two- or three-year shelf life. This means the PPE products are more likely to have passed their use-by date.”

    On the issue of the couple offshoring their business, their lawyers said: “The choice to have the group company resident in Jersey was solely to maintain privacy for our clients and their family, especially given the repeated press intrusion.”

    The couple and their company remain registered in the UK for tax.

    The Stoutes unsuccessfully brought legal action against News Group Newspapers in 2023 after the Sun on Sunday published images of them on a beach in Barbados.

    A judge ruled the couple, who were photographed after taking jet skis from their boat to a nearby restaurant, did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

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    The Full Support PPE that was dumped was purchased from the government by a third party private company
    Last summer the Environment Agency took enforcement action to clear a stockpile of thousands of boxes of waste plastic medical aprons supplied by Full Support Healthcare.

    Documents obtained by the BBC in April show the dump on a farm near Calmore, Hampshire, ran to some 1,550 pallets and was considered to present a fire risk.

    The government had sold the pallets to a third-party private company while in the process of auctioning off excess PPE.

    Full Support was in no way responsible for the stockpile.

    The company's lawyers said the Stoutes were only made aware of the volume of unused stock when the BBC told them.

    They said it was a matter for the government who had not contacted them at any stage about it.

    Four years since the first national lockdown in England and Wales, the DHSC continues to store and dispose of billions of items of excess PPE at a cost of millions of pounds a week.

    At a press conference on Tuesday morning, the Health Secretary Victoria Atkins said the £1.4bn figure was "not accepted" but the DHSC has not specified a different one.

    Ms Atkins said on the wider point "the whole country wanted us to get the PPE that our front-line staff needed both in healthcare and in social care, and we managed to procure billions of pieces of PPE equipment".

    "That was absolutely the right thing to do at the time," she added.

    A DHSC spokesperson said: “We do not recognise the £1.4 billion quoted. Our position on PPE stock is set out in the department’s annual accounts as audited by the National Audit Office.

    “PPE was secured at the height of the pandemic, competing in an overheated global market where demand massively outstripped supply.

    “Nearly half of all the remaining stock was sold, recycled, or donated by the department. In line with our reduction of storage and disposal strategy unused items will be turned into energy from waste which will see the department recoup further costs.”
  5. Horny 4 Hamas

    Horny 4 Hamas 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Quite fun that a Corbyn fanatic and propagandist conned idiots into donating £7k to buy a poll in North Islington that would show Corbo ahead in Islington and it shows he’s a distant second.
  6. Horny 4 Hamas

    Horny 4 Hamas 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Unbelievably dumb and frustrating and give the “they’re all the same” morons something to cling onto. On the bright side it was punished quickly.
  7. Horny 4 Hamas

    Horny 4 Hamas 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    You’ll never sing thaaat
    kiwiqpr likes this.
  8. Didley Squat

    Didley Squat Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    It seems like the level of candidate for public office is equally high around the world, not just in Oz.
    How we all yearn for the days gone by, for a educated politician who was a smart honest cheating bastard.
    It brings a tear to one's eye............they just don't make em' like they use to.
    Hoop-Leif and Uber_Hoop like this.
  9. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    Not in tune anyway
  10. Goldhawk-Road

    Goldhawk-Road Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The only reason more Labour candidates aren't caught up in this, is they didn't know the election date :emoticon-0100-smile
    Didley Squat likes this.

  11. Horny 4 Hamas

    Horny 4 Hamas 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Maybe. I guess that’s the difference between having insider info and a long record of getting away with spivving and not.
  12. Stroller

    Stroller Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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  13. Horny 4 Hamas

    Horny 4 Hamas 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Feels pretty likely he’s done something dodgy. Stacey and Tracey on Facebook still shouldn’t be posting their post-Aperol and Netflix crime binge theories but the kid doesn’t sound like a good one.
    kiwiqpr likes this.
  14. Goldhawk-Road

    Goldhawk-Road Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    That's right. There doesn't seem to be any dispute that he was convicted of his part in a gang attack on a 17 year old who nearly died from his head injuries. Everything shouts drug dealer. Those facts distinguish him from Nicola Bulley, when there was just pure, baseless speculation
  15. Uber_Hoop

    Uber_Hoop Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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  16. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    Steelmonkey likes this.
  17. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    BobbyD and Didley Squat like this.
  18. Goldhawk-Road

    Goldhawk-Road Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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  19. Stroller

    Stroller Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Didn't watch last night's debate live, but have seen a lot of it today. Sunak came across like one of those really annoying yappy little dogs, snapping away while the bigger dog just looks on disdainfully. Starmer should have just told him to just shut the **** up for a minute and try listening.
  20. Goldhawk-Road

    Goldhawk-Road Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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