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Match Day Thread Germany v Scotland

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Chazz Rheinhold, Jun 14, 2024.



  1. Germany

  2. Scotland

  3. Draw

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  1. rovertiger

    rovertiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    What race was that B and who was the eventual winner?
  2. Ric Glasgow

    Ric Glasgow Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2014
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    I'm no fan of the Tartan Army either and most of my Scottish mates aren't .It's way over the top!!!I

    The father of my youngest grand-daughter(Celtic supporter,wannabe Scotland fan)turned up at my home in a Germany top some years ago when we were playing Germany in some or other tournament.I told him to get the **** out of my property and I'd maybe consider letting him back in if he arrived sensibly dressed in future.

    I've been to many of the places you mention,all stunning,all peaceful.I've never went as far along as the bridge you mention but I'll put it on my to do list.

    My circumstances...I was (unfortunately at the time) parachuted into life and High School up here from Driffield as a 13 year old,(due to my Fathers profession).And without exaggeration,I had a scrap(a square go as it's affectionately termed up here) most days for the first 6 months I was here....I was an English Bastard,I wore a Hull City top at P.E,I was fair game to the School gang culture,an easy target!!

    I had to fight to survive,no brothers to back me up,my father wasn't a fighting man...I could've buckled,succumbed, **** that,I sorted it myself,never ran away and left School as someone you didn't need tangle with(I'm not proud of that but it was forced on me).

    40 years ago I married a lass from one of the toughest housing estates in Glasgow(Easterhouse),we have much in common.She had a similar experience when her family moved to Corby back in the late 60's.She was a Jock Bastard,Scots out,you're stealing our jobs.She was the eldest of 4 siblings and had the unenviable task of protecting them from bouts of 'racism'...Roles in reverse.

    I firmly believe that the Scottish Politicians who have preached independence over the last 20 years have stoked the hatred even deeper than it's ever been?

    I'd love to move back to where I came from, I'd love to walk along Anlaby Road or Springbank on a Saturday morning with a season membership in my pocket but at the age of 63 my ties are too deep up here now,my grandchildren and children have become my priority in life but I'll never forget where I came from and I thrive on visiting Hull during the Football Season.I have Family,I have friends on here who I meet in Morleys...I miss it hugely but I make do with what I have here and it's as good as I make it.
  3. Heimdallr

    Heimdallr Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2019
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    It's London isn't it... Several million pound houses side by side with council blocks with the levels of poverty you mention. No point trying to make sense of it.
  4. Ric Glasgow

    Ric Glasgow Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Many do,you're not in an exclusive Club:emoticon-0102-bigsm

    Glasgow/Friday nights(or Saturday's for that matter)....No!!!
    rovertiger and TwoWrights like this.
  5. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    German royalty by marriage perhaps ? As in Kate Mittelstadt ?

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