No guarantees well win it. We're coming from a pretty low base, but keep showing improvement and things will turn with added confidence.
New article regarding Acun’s alleged past… https://kibrisgazetesi-com.translat...uto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Apparently Acun has history with a cult leader called Adnan Oktar who has been convicted of very serious crimes, and an organisation called FETO which are classified as a terror organisation there due to their part in the attempted coup. The cult leader himself as come out and claimed Acun was one of his students. Since the takeover I’ve often seen the odd comment about how Acun got his money and some Turks believe it’s due to these links. Hopefully it’s all BS.
I'd like to think that if a prominent Turkish celebrity was a part of a terror cell, they wouldn't be allowed to fly around the world going to different countries, let alone buy a football club.
Why are certain people on here dragging **** up about our owner... IF he does read boards like this what message does that send out... your either with him or against him if its the latter then **** knows what youre looking for in an owner..
Just posting here what I saw on Twitter as it’s currently big news in Turkey due to the Fenerbahce presidential election.
An operational moderator can take care of that. The views expressed in my posts are not necessarily mine.
I'm sure it's okay to speculate about our Turkish winger who hasn't played that many games due to various injuries...