Having a CT Coronary Angiogram tomorrow ( inject the blue dye ) to gauge how much the heart arties have closed. Stop smoking nearly 13 years ago, so hoping for a 'satisfactory' report. Apart from the crippling arthritis throughout, the dodgy hip, the shattered eye, the never-ending nerve piecing shoulder pain, the broken foot, the IBS, false teeth and a low bank balance, I've never felt so good. Fingers crossed!
Good luck Didley. Giving up smoking was the best thing you could have done. All the money saved on ciggies would more than pay for a trip to Martrade Loftus Road. Apparently also good for your mental health.
Had a chat with someone a while back who said that when asked how he's going healthy wise, replies that he's like a vintage car.....looks great on the outside but a wreck on the inside..... Keep positive Diddles....