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Cultural Architects

Discussion in 'Southampton' started by SaintinNZ, Sep 20, 2023.

  1. shoot_spiderman

    shoot_spiderman Power to the People

    May 14, 2011
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    To add a little more to this ...
    I expected more going forward fom JWP & Pierre with Oriel covering them
    And I mean we had VVD at the back and should have had Jose alongside him (in Europe)
    n.b. Look how JWP is playing for Wet Spam now
    SaintinNZ likes this.
  2. JJinDevon

    JJinDevon Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    A Psychologist called Bruce Tuckman came up with a theory about the stages of team development, which he called Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing. Adjourning was added later. I reckon that our early wins came in the Forming stage and we're now well and truly in the Storming stage (which is where the team's results are at their worst). In this stage, to quote: Members of the team... still view themselves as individuals rather than part of the team and they resist control by group leaders and show hostility. IF (big if, but I'm very much an optimist!) RM or some Cultural Architects within the team can somehow get the players onto the next stage, then the season overall could turn out OK.
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  3. hotbovril

    hotbovril Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    I think we are in mourning. I know I am.
  4. ChilcoSaint

    ChilcoSaint What a disgrace
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 8, 2011
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    I think we’re in the mutating stage, where despite having the required component parts, we are rapidly changing into something that no longer resembles a football team.
  5. SaintinNZ

    SaintinNZ Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Interesting to see RMs presser this week. I wasn’t the only one wondering about our cultural architects. Don’t think I’m reading too much into it to say that we have Stephen’s and that’s your lot. RM seems pretty uncomfortable with the lack of leaders in the group. Too many introverts. It was a problem last season and It’s not been improved.
    shoot_spiderman and Osvaldorama like this.
  6. Che’s Godlike Thighs

    Che’s Godlike Thighs Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    It isn't something you can easily fix in one transfer window. Leader-types are probably harder to steal away from their current clubs, or the clubs are more reluctant to sell. Furthermore just because someone is a leader at one club, doesn't mean they will instantly become one at the next club. I doubt JWP is a leader yet at West Ham, or will be for a considerable while.

    Bednarek for me is just as much a leader as Stephens, and I think all that nonsense surrounding his loan move just needs to be forgotten. It was petty then, and it's just daft now. If we've learned anything from the last couple of seasons it is the value of leaders. So to hound them out of club like we almost did with him, would be suicidal yet again.
  7. SaintinNZ

    SaintinNZ Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    yeah, you can’t fix it in a window but you sure can **** it in 3.

    RM doesnt think JannyB is a leader, said that he could be, said Adarma and Che lead in their own way…. Its not good basically.
  8. Saintmagic

    Saintmagic Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2011
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    Yeah anyone who has watched Bednarek play a handful of times can tell he would be a **** to play with and definitely not a leader. He is the first to look for someone to blame after any goal even when it is his fault

    We don’t have any leaders, JWP wasn’t one on the field at least, maybe behind the scenes. Romeu possibly the last one we’ve had
    SaintinNZ and Osvaldorama like this.
  9. SaintinNZ

    SaintinNZ Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    So evident today that this side just doesn’t have a purpose. It is completely lacking in drive and focus, not one player on that pitch had control of the game at any point. Nobody was looking to seize the initiative and assert themselves, just a bunch of followers looking for a leader.

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