Stephen Mulhern, Ant and Dec, Claudia Winkleman, Gary Lineker, Amanda Holden, Paul McCartney, Cheryl Cole/Tweedy or whatever her latest name is. Camilla Parker Bowles, Rod Stewart, Mr Bean (not Rowan Atkinson but Mr Bean) On a sidenote I don't mind Judy Dench even though I feel I should but apparently the youth of the country admire her and the saying "it's Dench" is used as a way of saying something is good.
Hate Russel Brand Frankie Boyle Bono That little gay lad who was a judge on dancing on ice There’s others I dislike but don’t hate. Mind you got to admit Bill Nighy gets on my tits, has to be one of the worst actors ever.
The first 3 you named should have been on my little list. I knew I'd forget some! I really dislike all 3 plus one I just remembered...Bob Geldoff! Also anything to do with Monty Python!