Just a regular from the Northern Ireland board dave. He has very strong views but his posts are always worthwhile reading.
how do you copy people posts on here,on 606 you copy and paste and put it on your own post, is it the same on here or not
I think maltesemick started the not606 thing. Good on ya. I think each board will get their own mods. So hopefully we won't get a nazi who goes crazy after a tiny bit of power. Need to get a few more over and then this will become home, only problem I have is that there isn't the bbc sport link in the top right now. Good to see you all, looking forward to more unmoderated and lively debates
Jeez,it's like going to the Isle of Man on your holidays......great to see a good few heading this direction.Hope the likes of Artur,earl,Yeboah,shoeglaze,POEB and not forgeting the beautiful Darthy follow suit. Think once everything gets up and running this could be jusr as goodas the old 606. Bearing in mind my lack of computer skills anyone got an ejits guide to getting an avatar. millwallniall..logged on this morning and yours scared the bejasus outa me.
Fatlad, go to settings at the top right of the page. Then go to my settings on the left, click edit avatar Then copy the "url" which is the address bar of the image that you want to be your avatar, and tick the "use custom avatar" option and save changes. I just wanted someone recognisable to norn iron that wasnt grisly adams or paisley lol
Talking of Grisly Adams........anyone else catch him on the telly during the week??!! Whether he's yer persuasion or nae, its always humourous to see a politician totally stuck for an answer. Mind you considering all the questions and accusations thats been fired at him over the years, ye'd think he'd be happy with a random question about the RoIs VAT rate!!!
Didn't see it no. Did you hear oul Sheila on the Nolan Show? My mate posted it on facebook. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
evening all thought id lose my pants as it were! fatlad how much do i owe ye now? btw can we swear on this forum and no one will shout? yip heading down on the 9th myself
Yeah you can swear if you want. There's a swear filter on but you can turn it off by going to the bottom left of the screen. Before you do that though, have a look at the Championship teams and the filtering. Classic.
Why is it so quiet on here? Get all the good members from the NI 606 page over here. And that doesn't include sparkle and his merry band of muppets.