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Prince Bone Saw’s Toon thread

Discussion in 'The Premier League' started by cini65, Apr 1, 2020.


How long until they’re calling Staveley a useless old slag?

Poll closed Oct 16, 2021.
  1. 4 months

    0 vote(s)
  2. 12 months

    0 vote(s)
  3. 18 months

    1 vote(s)
  4. Protests outside her house after 2 windows

    9 vote(s)
  1. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I think it is strange, but nothing shocks me when it comes to Moshiri.
    Prince Knut likes this.
  2. Welshie

    Welshie Chavcunt fanboy dickhead

    Jan 25, 2011
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    He is thick as **** like.

    Bit like Jermaine Jenas, man thinks he was one of the all time greatest to grace the premier league
    Prince Knut likes this.
  3. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    He’s also as bitter as ****, as his career ended before the real mega money came into the game, and his Mrs rinsed him in a divorce a few years back.
    Peej likes this.
  4. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    I bet she would have left that boring **** for free!
  5. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Hmm. When we're talking bitter and biased, Tim Cahill, and his "Van Dijk going off injured and Pickford not being sent off has made this a much more even and better game" takes some beating. As to Murphy, he saw his arse when Benitez took one look at him when he took over and said "no thanks" , and has supported every major player leaving the club from Gerrard, through to Suarez, and up to Coutinho. Not many Liverpool fans can stand him either.
  6. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    It was VvD day the other day mate, nice shoe horning in of a completely irrelevant reference though mate <laugh>
    Prince Knut and Peej like this.
  7. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Can you keep this to the VVD day thread please.
  8. Jammy 07

    Jammy 07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2014
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    In principal I agree with what your saying, but for example Saudi (the airline) would benefit massively by sponsoring Newcastle, why should they a) be not allowed to, and b) get it on the cheap ?

    Newcastle are not the club they were a week ago, everything has changed and they are now a club of note instead of an afterthought.

    What's the solution as this ban won't stick ?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2021
  9. PleaseNotPoll

    PleaseNotPoll Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 31, 2011
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    Isn't it just for FFP? People can pay them whatever they like, but it won't be counted for that.
    haslam likes this.
  10. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    12+ years of giving our sponsorship away to the benefit of the owner but detriment of the club (boardings we got nothing for, shirt deals we didn't get full value as Ashley also gave priority to availability and profit margin for Sports Direct instead of just best value for NUFC, merchandising funnelled through SD without the money coming to the club) and despite the fans complaints about being short-changed we are told "he runs the club so suck it up". No issues with the owner having their own advertising all over the stadium then! Heck he even changed the name to the Sportsdirect Arena (for not one penny) and the EPL ignored protests from the Newcastle fans to stand in the way.

    In terms of fairness it's obvious that this needs to be regulated and it's good the clubs are doing so but there's no moral reasoning here, the league have made their stance on this very clear in the past. Newcastle fans have got good reason to begrudge this being made into an issue now, over a decade of money being syphoned out of the club was ok apparently (even lauded).

    As for what the market rate is, it's hard to say. Iirc prior to Ashley we had around the 7-8th highest overall sponsorship in the league (Cards on the table I'm struggling to back that up, figures seem to be hard to find so that is from recollection - not reliable and will retract if shown to be incorrect), now we're at 15-16th (I'm amazed we're not 20th given the amount we actually give away for free or at a reduced rate). Either way, we haven't been getting market value for a decade so it should go up significantly from last year, just not ridiculously.

  11. Roy!

    Roy! Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    It's just the next desperate attempt from that bald **** levy because he's potentially ruined a great club getting into silly debt.

    They'll fail
    Welshie and Prince Knut like this.
  12. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    a) Objectively it's a good measure. I don't know exactly how you work out market value for NUFC (there's a handful of options with last seasons figures being on the low side for reasons I outlined above) so the fair thing is to bar the owners from effectively sponsoring themselves.

    b) This is one of a number of measures that should have come in 20 years ago when the billionaire investors first started circling. This very much comes across as people with their snouts in the trough complaining others are about to join them. There's a level of hypocrisy here which is hard to ignore - that doesn't make the initiative the wrong one though.

    c) I don't see how this is going to be enforceable and I suspect the clubs know that. It's a delaying tactic, and i suspect they'll be happy if they can just stop extra investment coming in before January and attempt to protect the integrity of this season.

    d) There's a lot of talk about the owners putting in massive money to make NUFC a club at the top of the league. I don't see it myself, I don't demand it either. I'd be happy if we were run normally, as other clubs have been for years, and get to spend the money we generate without the money being reduced by tens of millions each year. We can and should be able to sustain ourselves as a 8-10th placed team, for me that would be "getting my club back". I'm not convinced hundreds of millions of players would feel like that.
  13. Peej

    Peej Fabio Borini Lover

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Fair market value has already been used and will be used for Everton’s stadium naming.

    open it up and we will be laughing all the way to the bank with Usmanov’s cash.
  14. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Lol. Murphy's not the worst ex Liverpool pundit though - Redknapp takes some beating for his sheer, staggering ignorance re the rules of the game, and McManaman actually said after the Watford game on Saturday "This could have been 5 or 6 nil". Michael Owen is the most unashamedly biased, and, like Neville and Keane, he wears his heart on his sleeve. Unlike them though, he seems to criticise his main playing club very rarely. Ian Wright is my favourite, by a long, long way. Henry is good too.
  15. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Much good that has done you so far.... :emoticon-0112-wonde
  16. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    How did they work it out?

    With pretty much ever other club I can see that you could look at their previous deals - that really doesn't work for us though...

    I'm not even sure who we're comparable to any more, we've slid down the pecking order since we were last on the market for such things in a fair manner.
  17. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    I think it's normal for ex-players and especially local ones to talk more critically about their former team (we get that with Shearer, Jenas, etc.) but what grates the fans of other clubs is that it's often ALL they talk about. It's often a 5 minute commentary about how their former team performed followed by a 30 second pat-on-the-back for whoever their plucky opponent was, often accompanied by some incorrectly pronounced player names or #facts that they've just read on twitter after the game.
    Prince Knut likes this.
  18. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    Can't see the Saudis settling for that. They want you to be a top four club, and with your fanbase being infinitely bigger than City's when they were taken over, and probably Chelsea's, once you get there you'll stay there. Yes, the rules of finance in the game have changed since Abramovich and Mansour, and they'll be keen to pull up the ladder on you, along with the other teams in the so=called Big Six, but the rules of bunging the authorities and courts who make those rules hasn't. If all you have to eventually fear is the CAS, I wouldn't worry too much.
    haslam likes this.
  19. Roy!

    Roy! Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    FFP isn't fair at all.

    It's as unfair as it gets

    **** FFP I hope our new owners break every rule in the book now
    Prince Knut likes this.
  20. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    It's quite simple, you're a lower table club from a provincial town, with a tiny external fanbase, that's had 0 success for over 50 years. You should be getting about the same as Leeds, although they've always had decent support, whereas yours only materialised post-John Hall.
    Spurlock and PleaseNotPoll like this.

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