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Match Day Thread England v Scotland

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Chazz Rheinhold, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Come on England
    Hammer them
  2. SW3 Chelsea Tiger

    SW3 Chelsea Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    It is just before Scotland v England in the Euro’s Group game.
    Kane goes into the English changing room to find all his team mates looking a bit glum.
    "What's up?" he asks.
    "Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game. We know it's important but it's only Scotland. They're ****e and we can't be bothered".
    Kane looks at them and says "Well, I reckon I can beat these by myself, you lads go down the pub."
    So Kane goes out to play Scotland by himself and the rest of the English team go off for a few pints. After a few jars they wonder how the game is going, so they get the landlord to put the teletext on. A big cheer goes up as the screen reads "England 1 - Scotland 0 (Kane 10minutes)". He is beating Scotland all by himself!
    Anyway, a few more pints later and the game is forgotten until someone remembers "It must be full time now, let's see how he got on". They put the teletext on.
    "Result from the Stadium "England 1 (Kane 10 minutes) - Scotland 1"(Angus McShagnasty 89 minutes)".
    They can't believe it, he has single handedly got a draw against Scotland!!
    They rush back to the Stadium to congratulate him. They find him in the dressing room, still in his gear, sat with his head in his hands. He refuses to look at them.
    "I've let you down, I've let you down."
    "Don't be daft, you got a draw against Scotland , all by yourself. And they only scored at the very very end"
    "No, No, I have, I've let you down...
    I got sent off after 12 minutes"
  3. SW3 Chelsea Tiger

    SW3 Chelsea Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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  4. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    In 1872, the first ever official international football match was played In Glasgow, it was between Scotland v England.

    The world’s first international rugby match was played in Scotland.

    Scotland is home to the tallest waterfall in Britain, named Eas a’ Chual Aluinn. It is 658 feet, which is 3 times the height of Niagara Falls.

    The official animal of Scotland is the Unicorn.

    Scotland is home to the oldest tree in Europe. It is a twisted yew, and it has been around for 3,000 years.

    Edinburgh was the first city in the world to have its own fire brigade starting in 1824.

    1824 was also the year of The Great Fire of Edinburgh, a fire accident which went on for five days and burned the city to ashes.

    Aberdeen Harbour Board, founded in 1136, is Britain’s oldest running business.

    Scotland has the oldest working post office in the world – at Sanqurar, established in 1712.

    The Encyclopedia Britannica, which is the Wikipedia of the past, originated in Scotland. It was the idea of an Edinburgh bookseller, Colin Macfarquhar.

    Teviot Row House is a historic building inside the Edinburgh University. It is the oldest student’s union building in the world.

    The world’s first color photograph, that of a Tartan Ribbon, was taken in Scotland.

    James GoodFellow OBE was the person who invented the first CHIP and PIN (Personal Identification Number) system in Paisley in the year 1966. He also went on to invent the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), which are all currently used on a daily basis.

    The remains of St Valentine lay in Glasgow’s Blessed St John Duns Scotus.

    The only Knighted penguin in the world lives in the Edinburgh Zoo. He goes by the name of Sir Nils Olav. He has duties such as inspecting the Norwegian Guard when they visit. He was knighted in 2008 and has since been promoted to Brigadier.

    The Britannia Panopticon is the oldest surviving music hall in the world.

    The last time that a monarch of England ever refused to sign an Act that had passed through the House of Commons was in the early 18th century when Queen Anne refused to approve a bill regarding the legalization of Scottish militias as the Scots were seen as being untrustworthy.

    Shakespeare's 'Macbeth,' often known only as 'the Scottish play' is the most-produced play in the world.

    Winchester was the first capital of England, from 827 to 1066

    Queen Elizabeth II is distantly related to Vlad the Impaler (Dracula)

    England has been known by two other (non-official) names: Albion and Loegria.

    Sparkling wine was invented in England

    There was a lunch break for both sides during the Battle of Hastings.

    There are more chickens than people in England.

    Most people will know that the national animal of England is the lion. However, people might be surprised to know that this lion helped influence the national animal of Scotland, which is the unicorn. According to Scottish mythology, the unicorn was the natural enemy of the lion, and it was deemed the most suitable choice to represent Scotland.

    The sky above Suffolk was the inspiration for the song 'twinkle twinkle little star.'

    It is estimated that in England up to 6,000 people per year die as a result of their own trousers... whether that's tripping over the hem, or falling down the stairs while trying to pull them up.

    The earliest version of a metric system was invented by an Englishman.

    Created in 1386 and continuing today, the UK's alliance with Portugal is the longest in the world.

    Henry IV was the first King of England who actually spoke English fluently.

    The American National Anthem was created by an Englishman.
  5. Ric Glasgow

    Ric Glasgow Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Come on England!! Send the bigoted anti-English bastards back home with their tails firmly between their legs!!
  6. John Ex Aberdeen now E.R.

    John Ex Aberdeen now E.R. Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Well, just getting ready for bed, will get 4 hours sleep, then up at 1.30 am for the game. Come on England don't let us down.
  7. spesupersydera

    spesupersydera Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    If both teams turn up with their 'A' game England will win comfortably; personally, I think a good 'B' game should be enough. Looking forward to hearing lots of ''God save YOUR Queen'' and ''Are you Scotland in disguise'' chants.
    tigers1970 and Stockholm Tiger like this.
  8. What? A full dog?

    What? A full dog? Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    My England 11

    don’t bother with the last 2. Pickford expected to play a sweeper role to add some attacking threat.

    Result: England 12, Scotland 3
    tigers1970 likes this.
  9. The B&S Fanclub

    The B&S Fanclub Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Might be a tad tighter than some think. I'm going for 6-0 England..

    Tbh ....Narrow, scratchy, nervy England win 2-1
  10. Phinius T Bookbinder

    Phinius T Bookbinder Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2019
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    If this was an F A Cup match Southgate would be playing his under 21,s…

  11. Baldrick's Cunning Plan

    Baldrick's Cunning Plan Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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  12. originalminority

    originalminority Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Kingston upon Hull was given its Royal Charter in 1299 by Edward I, also known as Edward longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, who needed a Naval base to pursue his war with Scotland. The war lasted 32 years and the Proud Edwards Army referred to in the song Flower of Scotland is Edward I son Edward II. Come on England.
    Ric Glasgow and DMD like this.
  13. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Would like to see Scotland progress so a draw would be OK.

    Don't buy into this mutual loathing ****.

    We have a team with cheats such as Kane, Sterling and Grealish, and a turd of a manager, it's difficult to identify with them.

    The Scots taught the English the finer points of the game in the late 1800s and punched above their weight until 20 years ago.

    Unfortunately there is a noisy embedded SNP influence north of the border who aim to spread discord.

    In the SE of England (or in M25 land) on the other hand, there are a lot of people who actively loathe the north of England and northerners in general.

    Feel no affinity with these folk.

    England to win but the game north of the border needs a boost, so let em have a point or even a win.
    Kalman and Real ale tiger like this.
  14. Stockholm Tiger

    Stockholm Tiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    I don't care who England play I want us to win 100%

    Come on England lets channel the spirt of '96.

    3 Lions on our shirt......
    Ric Glasgow likes this.
  15. amberman8

    amberman8 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Got my flag up in the garden...wife won't talk to me while it's still up......how much are those permanent flagpoles?
  16. Kalman

    Kalman Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    The first post-Norman Conquest King of England to speak Middle English. The Anglo-Saxon kings spoke Old English, and Canute and his sons probably spoke Old English too as a second language.
  17. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Cracking Croatia goal but I’m not sure that was a free kick prior to it

    Does DD think he’s doing his property show??? Bosh! Been round too many builders
  18. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    At the moment, in the ground, the Scottish outnumber the English about ten to one.
    SW3 Chelsea Tiger likes this.
  19. balkan tiger

    balkan tiger Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    They were allocated 2000 tickets.
  20. Ron Burguvdy

    Ron Burguvdy Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2011
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    Rewind to 2006- it is just before Scotland v Brazil at the next World Cup group game. Ronaldo goes into the Brazilian changing room to find all his team-mates looking a bit glum.

    What's up he asks. "Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game" explains Ronaldinho. "We know it's important but it's only Scotland. They're shiite and we can't be bothered."

    Ronaldo looks at them and says:"OK, I reckon I can beat them by myself, you lads go down the pub." So Ronaldo goes out to play Scotland by himself and the rest of the team goes for a few jars.

    After a few beers they wonder how the game is going, so they get the landlord to put the teletext on. A big cheer goes up as the screen reads 'Brazil 1 Scotland 0 (Ronaldo 10 minutes)'. He is beating Scotland all by himself!

    Anyway, a few more pints and the game is forgotten until someone remembers: "It must be full-time now - let's see how he got on." They put the teletext on: 'Result: Brazil 1 (Ronaldo 10 minutes) Scotland 1 (Angus McShite 89 minutes).' They can't beleive it - he has singlehandedly drawn against Scotland!

    They rush back to the stadium to congratulate him. But they find him in the changing room, still in his gear, head in hands.

    Ronaldo can't look his team-mates in the eye." I've let you down, I've let you down." he sobs.

    "Don't be daft, you got a draw against Scotland all by yourself." says Roberto Carlos. "And they only scored at the very, very end!"

    No, no, I really have let you all down," insist Ronaldo...
    "I got sent off after 12 minutes!"

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