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Off Topic The Royal Family ...

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Smug in Boots, Mar 8, 2021.

  1. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    ... my arse!

    I have very little interest usually but this is different and has made me quite angry on the most basic family level. This is how most familys behave, now and again, but you expect better from them.

    Harry looks like a real dummy who's being led around like a ginger pig with a ring through his nose. If he has to come back in a month, for his granddad's funeral, he's going to look a right knob and I doubt he'll dare bring his wife with him.

    The whole thing stinks from the racist accusations to the demands for a lifetime of 'security & protection' from British taxpayers. There's no way he'd have gone to live in California, or turn his back on his family, unless his lass had told him to.

    He looks a right royal prick tbh.
  2. safcfansofaraway

    safcfansofaraway Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Spoilt brats, not part of the royal family anymore, not interested.

    SAFCDRUM Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    The whole thing is a farce which I have little interest in. However it is dominating my morning tv. As an individual I quite like Harry but clearly he is being led by the wife. Saying that, if the Royal family have an inquiry into alleged bullying before any misdemeanors of Prince Andrew then that shows them where their priorities lie.
    Makemstine Roger and Saf like this.
  4. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Andrew is obviously an arse hole but he's not charged with anything tbf.
    Pirate and Guy Incognito like this.
  5. Brainman

    Brainman Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Not sure Harry’s actually got Royal blood.
    It would make the separation simpler for all.
    I wonder which Royal asked about the skin shade. :emoticon-0103-cool:
    The Doodler, DH4 and Smug in Boots like this.

    SAFCDRUM Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Prince Phillip just before he crashed his car.
  7. Erik

    Erik Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Apart from Philip's views on race and Charles' views on architecture, there's not much I hear from the Royal Family that makes me want to listen.
    Guy Incognito likes this.
  8. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    The fact that she didn't invite a single member of her family to the wedding, says a lot for her family values. He just seems like her lap dog.

    I had sympathy for him for not wanting his family to be subjected to the same sort of press **** that his mother had to put up with, and contributed in part to her demise, but he shouldn't be allowing his wife to air their dirty laundry in public.
  9. Disco down under

    Disco down under Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    They are getting a lot of coverage over here. They're a disgusting undignified soap opera.

    The world outgrew the monarchy in the late 20th century. It's positively medieval so we should have outgrown them far ****ing earlier. They are a ****ing swindle.

    Cue someone saying the vast numbers of tourists who come to London come to London to see the Queen. I assume given they don't see the queen they go home disappointed and never come back.

    Harry is a spoilt brat and he's full of ****ing ****. Tell me to save water when you live in a mansion with 11 bathrooms? Tell me you will only dedicate yourself to public service while dedicating yourself to accumulating contracts. **** right off.

    Charles is a **** knows what that wears a human suit.

    William and Kate are a PR experiment that went wrong.

    The Queen and Philip are obsolete.

    Saying sweet **** all about Markle because B list TV actresses don't really merit conversation.

    **** the lot of them. They are an embarrassment.
  10. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The skin shade thing makes me laugh tbh. If my son had married a black lass there'd be loads of joking about what colour the babies would be.

    In most families people are always ribbing each other about the new baby and the milkman both having ginger hair.

    Some people just decide that they're going to be offended and nothing will stop them.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2021

  11. MACKEMLAD1973

    MACKEMLAD1973 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Prince Charles is now running the household
    The only ones that will be princes or princesses are those in the direct line.
    So William bairns will be and Harry's won't
    Andrew is a spoilt dick who has freeloaded all his life. Making those two girls princesses is embarrassing.
    Princess Anne is an example that all the other royals should look at and admire.
    The royal titles should be taken away from the pair who have decided to turn their back on the family to live by their own means. Fair enough if that is what they want and I don't have a problem with that, but you can't have it both ways. Strip them of titles and any support they get from the monarchy.

    They wouldn't know what hardship is if it bites them in the arse

    I will not be watching any interviews
  12. E.T. Fairfax

    E.T. Fairfax Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Royal Family in Racism Shocker!!??? Who'd have thunk it! Of course the older generation of royals are gonna have racist tendencies bubbling underneath their pomp and circumstance, its tradition. I'm surprised they let Harry anywhere near a black woman, never mind have a child with her. I bet they wished they nipped it in the bud instead of waiting for it to fizzle out as expected. I was flabbergasted that they were allowed to marry, although their relationship would never have been allowed to happen until Harry fell a few notches down the pecking order for being in line for the throne.
    However that doesnt stop me thinking that the pair are behaving like idiots. Dont want the royal family role, dont like the bad publicity, dont like the death threats, the racism etc etc. Then why do an interview slagging off the Royal Family? To say that somebody has said something racist, but to then not name names is tarring them all with the same brush and disgraceful. The fact that they seem to think that they are entitled to the best of both worlds, I have a vision of them sitting on a Californian beach, swimwear but wearing crowns, with bodyguards surrounding them. The fact that they feel shocked with the fact that they have been cut from the apron strings, they have to pay for their own 24 hour security? Best thing to do to guarantee their safety. Retire into private life. Do not do interviews slagging off the Royal Family, because if I was them I wouldn't be travelling by car through any tunnels for a while.
    Guy Incognito likes this.
  13. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    My favourite race are Corsicans ...

    ... my least favourite are white South Africans.

    That makes me judgemental but it doesn't make me racist.

    I've also noticed that different races often have different facial characteristics ...

    ... dunno what that makes me.
  14. TopClub

    TopClub Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    I always thought Ricky Tomlinson was a canny lad.
    RTB, Guy Incognito and Smug in Boots like this.
  15. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    At the last count, I heard it was 61p per year per person. That was how much they cost us.

    If you object to paying money from your taxes, I would suggest you turn your attention to convicts, who are a huge drain on society and cost us a lot more.
    Sunderlad and Makemstine Roger like this.
  16. Saf

    Saf Not606 Godfather+NOT606 Poster of the year 2023

    Jan 17, 2018
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    The Royal Family.

    Not much of an issue when one of them is a sex case and friendly with one of the worlds biggest paedophile.

    It's always been a big issue that Harry dared to date a mixed race girl. Then serious chats around how his unborn child's skin colour may present a problem.

    The Royals are outdated now. Bunch of Nazi saluting, racist, perverts.
    FTM Dave likes this.
  17. The Exile II

    The Exile II Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2020
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    Look at the difference in Harry's behaviour and demeanour in the two interviews he's done recently. Very telling.

    Markle is one of these girls for whom nothing will ever be enough. I don't doubt it was a bit awkward joining the Royals, but she never gave it a chance and sooner or later she'll be off, claiming it's still a problem, but making sure she doesn't leave a penny behind.

    A match made in heaven - a family and an individual used to leaving carnage in their wake and never looking back.
  18. Sunderpitt

    Sunderpitt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The Saxe Coburg Gotha, firm are and have been a bunch of unpleasant, self-serving hypocrites for centuries. Changing laws to protect their money, and covering up for a child molester.

    Megan was never going to fit in with that bunch of pricks, she was a self made woman who had built a career for herself, even to being a spokesperson for the UN etc.

    The Daily Heil is and continues to be a racist rag.

    Harry (if he is Charles's son) has been and is haunted by his mother's death. He blames 'the firm' and the tabloids/paparazzi, and probably Charles.

    Living in the UK was awful for his wife ( and at times him) with the papers and the firm... he probably wanted out and she helped him.. they are both tough in different ways and they were not going to take siht from anyone.

    Personally I do not like Megan, but I can understand her and him not wanting to buy into the firm... so they lose the titles and the money and make their own way in the states.

    SAFCDRUM Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    One of those girls??? All of those girls <laugh>
  20. Bigmackem

    Bigmackem Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    If they think the Royal household is racist someone should buy them a box set of Alf Garnett sketches which was one of the most popular programmes at the time .
    Makemstine Roger likes this.

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