WTF? I guess that was just meant as a bit of tongue in cheek humour, if not then you really don't understand me and those comments certainly don't represent my earlier thoughts/comments in anyway
I think we may have seen him back under another name already! I hope that we can get on with life without the irritant level that was JA or any other name he cares to use. Like the rest I have seriously cut down on my particpation because of having to trawl through his mindless drivel. He may well come back or have come back already under another name, but the mindless drivel will give him away quite quickly we just need to invoke the mods as soon as we suspect.
No they will not, I left because of it. You come to read sensible threads about Charlton not attention seeking ones which clutter up the board. Also the posts attacking other teams are unsavoury. I'm not sure what the rules are on multiple user names on one site but the moderating was too slow in dealing with it, the board will get better without the self promotion exercise.
I was going to join this board ages ago but JA aka Jonathon Ackland aka idiot is a pain. In the end I joined to lampoon him since as many have noted this thread had become the JA show. I sat near him in the 90's with my daughters and he is now worse than then. He appears armless but he is not as he ruins it all for anyone near him. I think he lived in or near Bromley with his mother. When my dad decided to go back to The Valley we all moved to the East Stand, and I should have done that years before He seems to suffer from Taurets ? syndrome by keyboard. I would be surprised if he had kids as I can't imagine anyone sane could live with a perpetual poster who ignored his family. You all had a near miss here and yes, by Xmas this board would have attracted every loon in cyber space and made us a laughing stock. By his own admission he never goes now yet he wants to get new players and add McLaren and others to the coaching staff. PRATTTTTT. My mate is on Charlton Life and we spoke before the game about JA. He wanted to commit Cyber murder because of him. He nearly ruined that board DON'T LET HIM BACK EITHER because he never ever changes, he just gets worse and his apologies mean nowt. HU bloddy RRAH he is gone
I would like to, but your post only has one line. Are you suggesting Acworth worked for MI6? Was it he who reported the WMDs on which we acted? Is charltonnutnut his brother?
hey im back.............the ban was only about my cappello comments -i will state i will only post 2 threads a day like agreed i will try and talk sence best behaviour promise
Please go away. I had forgotten you existed until this forum. Incidentally, and I know you won't know this, ironically Capello is the Italian for Hair. Per favore JA perche non vai. Penso che Basta basta. Non scriva pui qui al questa forum.
The word is sense of which you make none. I will count your threads and see how long it takes to exceed 2 a day and wheter they are Charlton related. Let's all bet on how long before Taurets of the keyboard strikes again.
This is crap. If he's banned for this, but other things are overlooked then I'm going to throw my toys out of my pram and say I'm "finished" here. I've condoned some serious **** on here, but JA has never been apart of it. It's bullshit.
Sorry I wasn't aware of any of this, things have meant that unless I am at work I have not been able to get on here (I wasn't even at the Valley yesterday). I think it is time I gave up the moderators role. AllHell
All Hell it is we who all have to moderate ourselves now with regard to JA. To evrybody out there JA is just an attention seeker. IF WE ALL IGNORE ANY POST HE MAKES he will go away. IT is the sensorship of the majority. The fact that some of us try and have a reasonable response with a madman is like pouring fuel onto the fire that is his ego. PLEASE EVERYONE JUST IGNORE EVERY POST BY JA AND IN PARTICULAR, EVERY THREAD STARTED BY HIM. IF we can have the discipline to do that he WILL go away.
I think your doing a fine job as moderator! It's a shame that it's perhaps requiring more of your attention then we all thought necessary. Just remind people how to block, and how to ignore.. Then no problems. All of this "the board is going down", seems like an over reaction. Every forum will contain members we won't like, it's not exclusive to not606.
Superchrissy/Kish enough is enough. During the working week when time is tight I do not have the time to trawl through the reams of verbal diarrhoea that emanate from the priapic poster that is JA and his alter egos. This weekend, in the aftermath of the Tranmere match (which I notice the devoted fan that is JA failed to attend yet again by going on an imaginary scouting mission) I sae this thread started by DVDDD which suggested that JA was banned. I and many others breathed a sigh of relief only for the thread to be interrupted like a bad Jack Nicholson movie with the “I’m back thread”. This is the straw that breaks camels back for me. There appears to be sufficient tolerant posters who are willing to live with the idiot under “care in the Forum”. I am not one of them. All Hell needs the support of the supermoderators and all the sensible posters on here to deal with this person who may well need professional support. I and I suspect most of the rest of you are not trained to cope or deal with this. With people responding to his bizarre threads his ego is fed, we mostly have a bad experience. I am not going to contribute to a forum, however dear to my heart CAFC may be, that pains me – I have had enough of football pain over the last four years. Therefore unless the supermoderators give assistance to All Hell, I am afraid that I will have posted my last on here. FHB thank you for your support in this, but it immediately is obvious that there are some on here that believe it is there duty to respond and prolong our pain. I will keep a watching brief over the next few days but this is my last post. I fear that the sun has gone down on this particular Charlton Forum.
Buuuuut, where is the line between what is deemed acceptable on a forum? In my opinion, there have been questionable threads created (not by JA), and at times some very suspect comments left from posters that I've found highly offensive. But due to lack of reactions from other posters, the majority saw nothing wrong with it/or chose to ignore it. JA, whilst a bit annoying, is a genuine individual. There are many times when I see a thread he's created, if the subject doesn't interest me, I ignore it. This "traipsing" through threads isn't something i understand... It's not exactly a chore. This integrity of the forum isn't something I welcome either- do we ban any individual who happens to annoy? nick gray would annoy and antagonise me, whilst others would welcome him. What do we do in those instances? Do the 50% threaten walk outs in protest until action is taken? I personally wouldn't, but that then becomes the individuals prerogative. We aren't feeding an ego- ultimatum posts would feed it if anything were to.
JA irks me and I completely understand other posters staying away, I have been somewhat. The board was a lot more pleasant before him and there seemed to be a more diverse group of posters as well as more interesting threads being posted.
"I fear that the sun has gone down on this particular Charlton Forum. " Ilike this line, as sadly poetic as it may be. Cafcroom101 is on the money, diverse and intruiging threads were the order of the day. Now they are going exctinct. Enough respected, thought provoking, knowledgeable members have quipped they are just about ready to shut up shop to prove our saviour forum has/is becoming a future 'ghost-town' (i enjoyed being able to add to the ghost theme for the first time, cheers)
But rather bemoan the lack of thought provoking threads- why aren't more being started? Can't all be down to JA?