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Off Topic The "Discuss Anything Else" Thread

Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by OddDog, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    What a perverse and disgusting lot Trump and his wretched lawyers and hangers-on are. The USA, and the rest of the world, will be well rid of them. Quotes from recent news reports:


    Monday, Trump lawyer Joe DiGenova drew swift condemnation after he called for violence against Mr Krebs.

    "Anybody who thinks the election went well," he told The Howie Carr Show podcast, "like that idiot Krebs who used to be the head of cybersecurity, that guy is a class A moron.

    "He should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot."


    Really, Mr. Joe DiGenova, but even Trump appointee US Attorney General, William Barr, now agrees with the courageous and honest Mr. Krebs:

    "US Attorney General William Barr says his justice department has found no proof to back President Donald Trump's claims of fraud in the 2020 election."
    Toby and Cyclonic like this.
  2. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    Great news that the vaccine has been approved and the UK will start mass vaccinations from next week. <cracker>
    Amazing achievement from the scientists.
    Today marks the beginning of the end to the pandemic.
    SwanHills and Cyclonic like this.
  3. Janabelle13

    Janabelle13 Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Hear hear
    SwanHills and Cyclonic like this.
  4. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    1. SAGE have been largely correct all the way through this.
    Because I have been following what they and other scientists/medical experts have been saying I have not been surprised at any developments this year.
    A lot of the estimated death tolls were worse case scenarios in case we did not lock down. What you fail to recognise is that a large proportion of the population have been partially locked down since March (i for example have been working from home since March 16th.)

    2. the recent estimate that they came up with was 1000-4000 each day - but this was on the assumption that there was not a nationwide lockdown.
    we have just had one of those for a month. even with this we recorded over 800 dead on one of these days, so I suggest that there figures were fairly accurate about what could have happened otherwise

    3. why is the protecting the NHS a lie? Yes there are over 16.000 COVID patients in hospitals but there are also many other people being treated with other illnesses which you appear to have forgotten about. Show me any hospital that is half empty and not busy at the moment. You are talking nonsense.

    4. you are correct that the Nightingale hospitals were a publicity stunt - they are unusable because there are not the staff to work in them.
    Will we hear criticism of the government from you about this ? No of course we won't. For you it is all the fault of the left wing opposition.

    5. You do probably have more idea of what is going on regarding testing in Hull but from what you have said it sounds like more failure by the government.

    6. I have been saying all year that it is a good thing the country was more organised 80 years ago.
    We finally agree on something.
  5. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    LG likes this.
  6. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Finally, someone as the guts to say something, in spite of personal threats from a few of the loud-mouthed, sometimes heavily-armed, white trash who support Trump. A very brave man:

  7. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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  8. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    Bookmarking this post for the future, just in case it does not turn out to be anything close to true.

    The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been approved by the MHRA, so at least that will still be factually accurate.

    Ten years of science done in ten months. So should we start questioning why they took so long in the past?

    The vaccine has to be transported around at a balmy -70 degrees. How many people will get an ineffective shot because somebody left a vial out of the freezer too long?

    The vaccine uses a form of biological science that has never previously been successfully used to produce a vaccine. So in ten months they have figured out that there are no possible side effects that could appear in five years time? No chance of another Thalidomide controversy then.

    The woman from the MHRA says that ‘no corners’ have been cut. If she is also on SAGE then that is a hollow promise.

    Can anybody remember reading for how long this vaccine gave immunity? Do they know? Do they know if this vaccine prevents those inoculated from being asymptomatic carriers? If it does not then the ‘end’ is a long way away.

    As the vaccine has to be given in two doses three weeks apart, nobody will have had the full course before Christmas.

    From an economic point of view, the prioritisation of inoculations makes no logical sense. Vaccinating the medical workers and care home workers makes sense as they are most likely to come into contact with the plague. Vaccinating the over 75s simply because they are a high-risk category does not, as they are unlikely spreaders, which people of working age most certainly are and they need to be getting back to work as there is a colossal deficit to pay.

    You will have to go back to moaning about Boris Johnson for some other reason and soon Sir Keir Starmer will be revealed to be the latest non leader of the Opposition. Starmer keeps sitting on the fence rather than making any decisions because he wants to please all of the people all the time. Amazed that our North Wales correspondent has not pointed out that the “two-to-three week circuit breaker” lockdown that Starmer advocated back in October has proven to be a total failure in Labour-run Wales. Was the circuit breaker not one of those SAGE ideas?

    Did you manage to get your Christmas party frock from Debenhams before the website crashed? <laugh>
  9. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    Obviously, the slow moving EU will still be arguing amongst themselves about approving it
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  10. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    You really are a brain dead nutter.

    1. SAGE have been consistently wrong. Originally they said do not lockdown as that will cause a second wave. Then they changed their minds and we had a lockdown followed by a second wave. The guesswork that they have been supplying as science was not worth the paper it was written on, nor are the wildly inaccurate charts that they show at every press conference. Only morons like you have been partially locked down since March: more than 60 per cent of the country cannot work from home.

    2. When they used that chart predicting 4,000 deaths it was torn to shreds by the media the following day because the data used was more than two weeks out of date. Whitty and Vallance have been lying to the public on TV for months by deliberately using scaremongering as they know that most of the public are idiots incapable of challenging what the so-called ‘experts’ tell them. The “800 dead on one of these days” is nothing of the sort but you are too stupid to question the rubbish that the ONS is peddling – 800 people died within 28 days of a positive plague test NOT 800 died of the plague. Scaremongering for dummies like you.

    3. Fact: millions of surgeries, scans, tests and other clinical appointments cancelled – on the orders of the head of the NHS – will see thousands of victims of the NHS in years to come. The media will not be in a frenzy about them because the slow drip of cases is hard to sensationalise. The doctors and nurses are busy on the plague wards so they have emptied all the other wards because there is no-one to work on them. You conveniently ignore the fact that there are over 100,000 beds in the NHS in England and only 16,000 plague victims – basic maths a total waste of time with left-wing nutters.

    4. If I go back and look, I will find that when the Nightingale hospitals were being set up you will have been front of the queue to grumble that they would not be needed if the Tories had spent more money on the NHS for the last decade. Now for political expediency they were a publicity stunt. I never commented on the Nightingale hospitals but the fact is that they are there and have not been used, so the continual “protect the NHS” mantra is total bollocks. It is nothing to do with the left-wing opposition but given that the NHS has not been fit for purpose for decades, governments of all political persuasions are responsible and we know that the NHS is the untouchable Holy Grail of the Labour Party; a system that no other country has adopted for good reason.

    5. Pointless testing of less than 4 per cent of the population will tell us nothing. It is just a publicity stunt: seen to be doing something. The dozy pillocks at Hull City Council (Labour) not getting started because they did not tell the government health agency where to send the kits is no surprise. They were bragging this morning that the infection rate in Hull has fallen 58 per cent in the last three weeks to 327 per 100k – obviously nothing to do with pointless testing, just the same as Liverpool.

  11. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    how embarrassing.
    On a truly historic day you come up with this rubbish.
    And what medical qualifications have you got to back your argument up?
  12. stick

    stick Bumper King

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Totally agree. One year on from the start of vaccinations 100,000 of them will have died in the host.
  13. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    FFS, why the doom and gloom all the time? Why not just say: "God that's good news, I certainly hope it all goes well."
    SwanHills, Steveo and rudebwoy like this.
  14. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    There was nothing ‘truly historic’ about it at all, other than the MHRA setting a record for a public body actually getting its job done in a time efficient manner. Thousands of drugs are put forward for regulatory approval every year but the 80 per cent that get rejected never make the headlines. Tunnel vision in the covid cave combined with hyperbole. I am surprised that you responded to my post as you usually do not when confronted with facts.

    Who needs a medical qualification to ask perfectly legitimate questions? None of my questions have been answered by any of the scientists or authorities involved, possibly because they are known unknowns. I offered my opinion about the prioritisation of inoculations, which does not require any medical qualifications and might be shared by people who are more capable of reasoning and independent thought than you.

    You have been spouting all year like you are some sort of medical oracle with your information seemingly coming from a bunch of alleged NHS senior doctors on Facebook. My five absolute facts in the first five paragraphs would be ‘rubbish’ to you in your fantasy world where whatever comes from SAGE is fact not conjecture, no matter how often they change it. Clearly you are a chronic case of lockdown lunacy – for which there is no vaccine imminent.

    I asked eight questions in my post. I note that you avoided my question about your party frock – nothing medical about that one.
  15. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    I do not consider that my response was “doom and gloom” at all. I stated a bunch of facts, my opinion about the prioritisation of inoculations and some legitimate questions (except perhaps the last one as none of us really care about Steveo’s party frock). If you want to be one of the unquestioning sheep who just accept everything that they are fed by the Establishment, then that is your choice in our free society.

    If it turns out in a year from now that everyone is going to have to have inoculations every year at an initial £20 a go because the vaccine is as ineffective as the influenza one, I will not get any credit for questioning its possible short term efficacy on a forum with a few hundred contributors.
  16. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Germany continues to struggle and the lockdown is being tightened and extended.

    All and any other contributions welcome as the Steveo - QMII debate has deteriorated to a level where it is about as enjoyable and useful as eating your own vomit.

    Surely we are better than this as a collective?
    SwanHills and smokethedeadbadger like this.
  17. Joe_z

    Joe_z Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2016
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    Credit where credit is due in my opinion, I totally agree with you regarding your concerns on the vaccine, and will not be taking it.
  18. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I'll go what my excellent GP advises. Very sensible guy. One has to have faith in someone on this serious matter?

    ........and digressing with a far less serious theme:

    (Oh, he's a first class guitarist too (electric type) and is the proud owner of about three extremely valuable guitars. :emoticon-0100-smile Gives a lot of his time, free of charge, at rock concerts in Munich during the Summer months, in the emergency medical tent
    Favourite band - "Muse". This sort of stuff not my cup of tea but I understand this band is very good?)
    smokethedeadbadger and rudebwoy like this.
  19. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    One of the best i've ever seen live and i've been to a **** load of gigs
    SwanHills likes this.
  20. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    why not?
    Look science is the only way out of all this.
    Science has created a vaccine - and vaccines are only approved if they follow the safest possible guidelines.
    It is vital that enough people take this vaccine for it to work successfully.
    Do not become one of the conspiracy theory nut jobs.

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