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S.A.F.C. - the future

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by alan reed, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. King Kareoke

    King Kareoke Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    You know those couple of posts have made me feel good - with all the bad news around that is great - we need positivity not negativity. (Now tell me we are being taken over :emoticon-0105-wink::emoticon-0105-wink:)
  2. SAFC2403

    SAFC2403 Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    I've been on RTG since around 2002 and recently its turned into a shouting fest but there is a core of people on there who have genuinely made me laugh out loud during some dark times - also it rallies around when needed - its a brilliant community once you get past the knackers(but then thats true of most places i would have thought). This place has a more chilled out vibe - i like it!
    Sandy Camel, BigPete, Dorset and 5 others like this.
  3. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    We're a canny area, decent club and fantastic supporters.

    Yes we've had two relegations but the people are the club from the old shipyards to the current day.

    We'll rise again, we always do.

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
  4. Snaggey

    Snaggey Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Excellent post that mate, and couldnt agree more.
    I work in a cancer care hospice in newcastle, and leading up to the checkatrade semi final we had an elderly patient in who was a MLF, a SC holder. Even had a picture of Bob Stokoe on his bedside cabinet. I posted on RTG about advice on Nowtv, and how to get it and set it up....i wanted him to be able to see it, but we didnt have the facility in the hospice for him to. I was prepared to buy a nowtv box, and buy a day pass, but the offers of help i got were unreal. Dunno if he remembers this, but @Smug in Boots (reiver) offered to buy a box, loads of others said they had a spare i could have, or would chip in to buy one, and one lad even offered me a week of free IPTV. As it turned out, the TV's in the rooms were smart TV's, so i was able to put a free trial of Nowtv on. He saw the semi final, and was absolutely made up.....he was buzzing when i went to see him the following morning. His wife was smiling from ear to ear to see him so happy. That, to me, was worth the world.
    It was the last match he ever saw.
    I will never forget it, and i will never forget the offers i got from fellow SAFC fans, total strangers on a message board, to help a fellow SAFC fan.
    MKmackem, RTB, old lads fan and 51 others like this.
  5. C19RK73

    C19RK73 Red & White army!

    Jul 26, 2012
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    I remember that <applause>
  6. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    "Dunno if he remembers this, but @Smug in Boots (reiver) offered to buy a box."

    I do mate and, I have to say, that's a great post.

    People are generally decent and you seem one of the best.
  7. The Redbaron

    The Redbaron Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2019
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    buy low,sell high...never been a better time to invest.
    Sunderpitt likes this.
  8. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    We're in a major football crisis, the club is being run by a couple of newcomers and we're desperate for promotion.

    It's probably the most critical time to have a Chairman and senior figures running the club. It's vital to have a presence from the owner of the club.

    The fact we don't points to the club being sold imo.

    Donald knows the club/his investment is in trouble and he's doing nothing. If he was looking for investment, and continued involvement, he'd surely be doing his utmost to keep things going.

    1. The fact he isn't means he's selling imo.
    1. I've been told Fuhrman wants a resolution.

    1+1=2 imo.
  9. RIC

    RIC Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    When is the big question now. Will `SD take a punt and not sell for a few more months too see if we are running away with the league and up the price fffs hope not.
  10. Southern A

    Southern A Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I can vouch for (and indeed am proof of) how amazing the fanbase of this great club is. I've never lived in the north east, and have always lived in prime Arsenal / Spurs territory and grew up at a time where everyone around supported them or Man Utd. I tried supporting Spurs, I tried supporting United. I "hated" Sunderland to rebel against my mother.

    Then she took me to Roker Park. We went to a pub before the game and chatted to fans. We walked around Durham, Seaburn, even the bloody Metrocentre. Sunderland shirts everywhere. It was all anyone cared about. It's not like this down here. The passion, the friendliness and the sense of camerarderie blew me away. I've been a Sunderland supporter ever since and continue to take my 2 daughters up to the north east as much as I can, even though unfortunately the number of family members I have up there are sadly dwindling.

    There's something about the north-east that makes you feel at home. It might be my bloodline, who knows. But I even like Newcastle the city. And the Great North Run, having done it twice, just has a remarkable feel about it in the starting pens that you don't get even at the London Marathon, which is one of the friendliest and uplifting places you can be.

    Basically I love the north east and I love Sunderland and I had every reason not to, indeed I tried not to. Bloody club. Sometimes I wish I didn't :D

  11. alan reed

    alan reed Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    we always have had a reputation for being good supporters, and long may it continue.
    Sunderlad likes this.
  12. Southern A

    Southern A Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    It's also why I believe stories that say Donald and Methven fell in love with the club. Same for Ellis Short. It's hard not to.

    Whatever any of their intentions were at the beginning, and whatever their intentions are now, whatever decisions they make are going to be influenced by this love.

    It may even be a reason Donald is finding it so hard to let go. It's easy to assume its just money, and it likely is a lot to do with that. I also think he loves the club and wants to be a part of making it great again. He just needs to have the reality check that its not going to be him.
    Random lad likes this.

    SAFC CLUD Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2019
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    Almost a carbon copy, however, never supported a club til about 7 when first went to a game, think it was SAFC that actually got me into football. All these years on still get the odd season ticket when possible although its a hell of a journey its in the blood. Grew up with armchair United/liverpool fans etc who have not got a clue
  14. dyd13

    dyd13 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    If ever I was close enough I would take that risk.
    Comfy and Smug in Boots like this.
  15. Pure River Slut

    Pure River Slut Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Things are going to get difficult for clubs. Some more than others. No idea where we sit. I would suggest we are better off than some but but our large infrastructure will mean no fans will cost us though I’d argue we would have had minimal anyway because of many fans voting with their feet. I’d say end of December/January things will get tough and we will lose some clubs and maybe even lose the matches an/or league at some point if the government and the selfish Premier League riches don’t filter down. Donald is not in a strong position here. The buyers are. If they hand on till midwinter they’ll get it cheap so it’s in his benefit to do a deal.
  16. murray out

    murray out Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    a few of us from rtg went to his funerel m8 (I'm horselover on there btw)
  17. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Good for you mate, nice to 'meet' you.
    murray out likes this.
  18. murray out

    murray out Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    lol.....I knew Steve very well he was a good mate of mine as is their lass Zina. Never forget that awful weekend my nephew was a mascot down Millwall and Steve never turned up. As you know he was a huge MLF very well educated too. Helped loads of people out with tickets etc he's a big miss
  19. 6inarow

    6inarow Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Talking now on TS about this - looks like its MSD holdings offering to bail out the EFL with the premier league picking up the interest payments
  20. Good post mate. I'm born and bred in the area,but 2 of my Grandkids aren't and it was the same the first time I took them. We walked along the front at Roker,went for a beer or two for me,a coke for them and then to the game. One of them said" I love this...everyone here is going to the match!. I'm going be a Sunderland supporter! I'll be the only one in my class,but I don't care!" Pre Covid they were constantly badgering me to take them to the game.
    We must never underestimate how great this club is,even though we're in really tough times at the minute.

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