I have to make the ****ing dinner tonight again. "Theres a chicken in the fridge" the Mrs says on her way out the door this morning. "oh is there,wit do you expect me to do with that" says me "Stick it in the oven with something" bang,door shut,Mrs gone. Wit ? Any ideas lads wit that "something" should be ? Wheres pope when you need him.
1. get some carrots, onions, leeks, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes - whatever you like and put them in the bottom of the roasting pan 2. rub some oil and salt all over the skin of the chicken 3. optional: stuff the cavity of the bird with unpeeled garlic cloves and/or half a lemon and or sage/onion stuffing mix and/or sausage meat 4. Turn the oven to 180 degrees centigrade 5. Stick the chicken on top of the veggies in the roasting pan and when the oven is hot slam it in the oven for about 20 mins per pound + 20 mins best of luck
stuff it with a smaller bird. repeat until ur down to a sparrow u know they actually do that in france. think its france anyway
DC7 Smother the chuck with butter, sprinkle over fresh thyme, salt and black pepper. Serve it up with roasted parsnips and carrots glazed with honey and boiled potatoes.
Theres a name for that Nev,no sure wit it is.Old Hugh ferny whittlestool done it last xmas and it looked magic.I was slevering like a starving african when i seen it.
**** the chicken where can i pick up a camel ? Imagine the Mrs face when i presented her with that at 6 bells tonight.