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Hull City fans planning protest 'to disrupt' Allam family business after relegation

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by BlindRat, Jul 23, 2020.

  1. Sir Cheshire Ben

    Sir Cheshire Ben Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
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    Sorry wrong thread
    Chazz Rheinhold likes this.
  2. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Sir Cheshire Ben likes this.
  3. Ullofaman

    Ullofaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2013
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    A peaceful protest is legal. Boycotting a manufacturer's goods is legal. Disrupting a working business is NOT legal and imo should not be condoned. Stick to football - ultimately, humans are social animals and crave company and recognition. Boycotting all games (home & away), purchasing no merchandise or replica kits, no interaction with the owners, no interaction with the management team, no interaction with the players, no interaction with sports talk shows, making no comments on social media would collectively send the club to Coventry. The club then holds no value financially or emotionally to the owners as there is no recognition, no one even to spar with. You see, as long as there are fans, the club exists. Fans giving out means that the club exists. When the fans collectively take action as described here, i.e. no interaction positive or negative, then the club doesn't exist - Ehab will impress no one driving the latest Range Rover when no one gives him recognition; Assem will not receive any more honorary doctorates or recognition. Target what makes humans tick - recognition, ovations, applause, slaps-on-the back - when these run adrift all that is left is an all pervading sense of the squalid and the ludicrous emptiness of life and the inevitable descent towards death. Disrupting a working business is a cheap temporary and illegal thrill. Fans making a collective effort to shut down fandom completely goes to the soul. That includes this forum. Venting frustration is a temporary form of relief but cold calculated removal of all recognition will result in the desired change. It requires a major sacrifice by ALL FANS OVER A SUSTAINED PERIOD OF TIME, and therein lies the crux of the problem.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
    MartinofHull and Asterix like this.
  4. Asterix

    Asterix Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I wanna smoke the same **** as Ullofaman. Fook me, that is deep. Though I am more inclined to concur with Chazz. Brick through the window. No, no, I am not advocating violence. It just takes less time to type out.

    The NHS and Hull University have both been grateful recipients of his philanthropy. Then again, hookers, if you give them enough money, will smile sweetly while being brutally butt ****ed. (So a friend tells me). The reward for his political donations, to both major parties (I believe that is called hedging your bets) the numerous buildings bearing the Allam name, is an honorary doctorate, a Queens Award for Exports and, oh yes that's the lot. Not even a hint, a whiff, of some minor honour. When Her Majesty opened the medical centre it is not as if she did not who he was, the picture of him in the lobby is more than life size. Perhaps smiling sweetly does not equate to enjoying it.

    Though I will admit, he has fared better than number one son. His reward, his accolade, came in the form of a resounding booing at Wembley.

    He tried the same with Hull City. A gift. And when told to drop ya pants and brace yaself here it comes, the fans told him to do one. And did not smile sweetly while telling him so. When the prem riches flowed, we were deemed irrelevant. If at that time he meant our opinion, fair enough, nobody, you know how the rest goes. If he meant as paying customers, prem riches far far outweighed money received from paying fans. The money has gone, the last of it will trickle into the club as transfer fees are received. Now the fans are financially anything but irrelevant. Ullofaman is correct, shutting down the fandom, stopping interaction, will work for as much as the reasons he outlines,but also remove the cash that is going to be so vital in the seasons to come.

    (****, after all that typing I wish i had just liked Chazz's post and left it at that. And waits for the "yea i wish you had too reply")
    Ullofaman and Evington like this.
  5. Baldrick's Cunning Plan

    Baldrick's Cunning Plan Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2012
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    At least it's a mild night. I hope you get it fixed quickly. Do you think it was a hitman from Melton?
  6. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    Charitable giving does lead to tax relief in addition to "recogition" for the donor. Tax benefits are often the "trigger" for donors.
    MartinofHull and BlindRat like this.
  7. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Can we not pretend that it's as simple as them being good for the community but bad for football.

    They booted all them kids out of the community-purpose airco arena.

    They **** the council over at every opportunity, particularly the saga around the aforementioned airco arena situation.

    They installed a gate to stop people getting through the park which was **** all to do with them and purely just a way of having a dig at the local community.

    They've gone after key individuals involved with protesting against them in their personal life, trying to use their influence to get people sacked.

    They liquidated their previous company and kept all the assets but made the entire workforce redundant.

    They are not good people. They are not community people. They are wealthy people who unlike most of us can afford to throw money at charities to boost their image and help them get away with being ruthless bullies.
  8. Newland Tiger

    Newland Tiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I wonder if they'll actually protest , lots of people like to tell everybody how upset and angry they are
    but never actually get round to doing anything other then posting on here or twitter
    MartinofHull likes this.
  9. dazzar86

    dazzar86 Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Billboards around the city would be a great idea - in the form of the way Led By Donkeys do theirs against the Government.

    Ehab Allam: "We're the best run club in the football league" - image of all the millions of pounds worth of players who have chosen to leave the club for free instead of signing a new deal

    Ehab Allam: "This is the Hull City way, we have a style" - image of the league table showing our relegation

    Assem Allam: "A gift to the city" - image of the interest and debt owed by the club

    Assem Allam: "I will leave after 24 hours" - image of the Allam family at the KCOM this season (with the date)

    Assem Allam: "I will sell it for £1" - image of all the millions the club has so far paid him back for his "gift"

    This and away games only. Sell out every away game, empty home games - that should be the protest too.
    Visually impactful and proves a point.
    New grounds to visit/grounds we haven't been to in years is a good incentive to do it now as well.
  10. GLP

    GLP Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I like these suggestions a lot. Particularly as they don’t seem the type that like being embarrassed in public.


    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    A brick through a window or protests outside Allam Marine will have THEM crying to the Yorkshire Post or the Daily Mail (not the HDM) and the supporters will be castigated instead of applauded... if the press announced that Hull City supporters had 'sent the club to coventry' that would make a huge statement, but as Ullofaman said getting people onside would be another thing entirely. I look at it this way, if you want to get fit, you have to make sacrifices and go through the pain barrier, if you want to lose 10 stone, you have to give up the things you like the most...
    Ullofaman and Gone For A Walk like this.

    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    That and the fact his one ambition in life is probably to get down on one knee...
  13. Gone For A Walk

    Gone For A Walk Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    This. 100%.
  14. Evington

    Evington Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    Sounds like a plan
    SW3 Chelsea Tiger likes this.
  15. NaNaNa

    NaNaNa Active Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Billboards are an excellent idea.

    Separately, I started a couple of threads in the last few days about next seasons kit and our old badge. The underlying reason for this being that I think we should have a fans kit. I've been looking at a few sites that create kits for sunday league teams using sublimation printing. They usually come in around 25quid per shirt. If HCST were to create a shirt that basically mirrors the design of next seasons kit but had "AllamOut" as the sponsor using the same font as "SportPesa" and 1904 in a diamond in place of the umbro. As the club still own the old badge it would need a different crest. If they were sold at 35quid a go +PP,
    HCST could pocket 10quid per shirt towards the billboards
    Citygirl, LeftSaidFred and hullborn like this.
  16. NaNaNa

    NaNaNa Active Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Oh and the Allams would get **** all from shirt sales too. Obvs
    hullborn likes this.
  17. hullborn

    hullborn Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Another good idea above.
  18. hullborn

    hullborn Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Maybe we should step up this billboard idea.

    A few questions... What's legal and what's not?

    Are we allowed to show a photo of them or even say the name Allam? Or does it have to be subliminal.

    Cost.. would a crowdfunding sort of thing work?

    Locations... As close to the kcom as possible would be fantastic and maybe near their offices? Working out the route Ehab takes and putting it somewhere he'll see everyday would be amazing <laugh>
    askewshair likes this.
  19. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Before you get too far down the line with the logo, Sportpesa won’t be our sponsor next season.

    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Another 3.3 million lost.... I think I read that somewhere, maybe I dreamt it...

    Theres always Flamingoland...

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